In addition to meeting the requirements for classified graduate standing and the basic requirements for the master’s degree, as described in Part Four of this bulletin, the student must complete an officially approved 37-58 unit course of study. The program includes:
- Thirteen units of core courses to include NURS 604A , NURS 604B , NURS 608 , NURS 622 , and NURS 684 .
- A minimum of 18-45 units of graduate courses in the area of concentration or specialization.
- Zero to six units of electives.
- NURS 799A , Thesis, OR Plan B Option, Comprehensive Examination, NURS 798 (see below).
Students in all concentrations may choose between Plan A, Thesis or Project, or Plan B, Comprehensive Examination or Comprehensive Evidence-based change project. The choice of Plan A or Plan B should be made early in the program. Students should consult with the concentration chair for current policies. Up to 12 semester units may be accepted in transfer from an accredited School of Nursing.
Specialization in School Nursing
(SIMS Code: 554633)
Admission currently suspended for the Specialization in School Nursing.
Students admitted to the school nursing specialization within the community health nursing concentration will pursue a program of studies leading to a Master of Science in nursing degree and a school nurse services credential. In addition to the Master of Science degree curriculum, to receive the school nurse services credential, students must complete a three unit audiometry course selected with approval of adviser. Required courses are as follows: