In addition to meeting the requirements for classified graduate standing and the basic requirements for the master’s degree as described in Requirements for Master’s Degrees , the students must meet the following program requirements:
The student should have completed before entering the program the following undergraduate coursework: three semesters of calculus, one semester of linear algebra, and two semesters of calculus-based probability theory courses. The student should also have working knowledge of a programming language before entering the program. Students lacking some of the above undergraduate coursework may be admitted conditionally and may make up this coursework during the first year of the program (these courses will not be counted toward the degree course requirements).
The student must complete a minimum of 31 units of course-work as described below. Upon entry to the program, the student will be assigned to a graduate adviser in statistics. Thereafter, the adviser will meet with the student each semester and discuss his or her academic program. A program of study must be approved by the graduate adviser in statistics.