Impacted Program
To complete the major, students must fulfill the degree requirements for the major described in the catalog in effect at the time they are accepted into the premajor at SDSU (assuming continuous enrollment).
The major in English is designated as an impacted program and specific criteria are used to admit students. To be admitted to the major in English, students must meet the following criteria:
Complete with a Minimum GPA of 2.50
These courses cannot be taken for credit/no credit (Cr/NC);
Complete with a minimum GPA of 2.50 and a grade of C (2.0) or better:
Three Units Selected from
Cumulative GPA
Have a cumulative GPA of 2.40 or better.
Preparation for the Major
(15 units)
NOTE: The Applied Arts and Sciences degree is open only to students who have completed the California Community College Associate in Arts in English for Transfer (AA-T) degree completing the Transfer Model Curriculum (TMC) for English.
Any grade requirements and GPA requirements listed above for admission to the major in English will also be enforced in Preparation for the Major requirements.
Three Units Selected from
Language Requirement
Competency (successfully completing the third college semester or fifth college quarter) is required in one language other than English to fulfill the graduation requirement. Refer to section of catalog on “Graduation Requirements .”
Language Competency Requirement (Applied Arts and Sciences)
Students who have completed the California Community College Associate in Arts in English for Transfer (AA-T) degree are required to successfully complete a second college semester or third college quarter in one language other than English. Students will also meet this requirement by successfully completing the third-year level of a high school language other than English.
Graduation Writing Assessment Requirement
Students must have fulfilled the Writing Placement Assessment with a score of 8 or above before taking ENGL 508W and earn a grade of C (2.0) or better. See “Graduation Requirements ” section for a complete listing of requirements.
A minimum of 33 upper division units to include 12 units from module A, 12 units from module B, six units from module C, and three units of electives.
Courses in module A are oriented towards exploring aspects of the development of the English and American literary traditions over time. Courses in module B are oriented towards using literary and cultural studies to engage with a diversity of human societies, viewpoints, and experiences. Courses in module C develop student capacity in scholarly writing, creative writing, editing, publishing, and digital literary content.
Twelve Units Selected from the Following
Twelve Units Selected from the Following
Must include at least three units of comparative literature.
Six Units Selected from the Following
Three Units of
Three units of upper division English or comparative literature courses.
English Honors Variation
(39 units)
Three additional units of upper division English or comparative literature electives, with consent of the undergraduate adviser; and
Selection of Courses
Prospective majors of sophomore standing may, with the consent of the course instructor and subject to general university regulations (see “Credit for Upper Division Courses ” in the section of this catalog on General Regulations), substitute six units of upper division electives for six units of lower division work. These courses must be in the same field as those which they replace, and must be approved by the departmental adviser.
Students of junior or senior standing may substitute for any deficiencies in lower division requirements in English (except RWS 100 and RWS 200 ) an equivalent number of units of upper division courses selected with the approval of the departmental adviser.