Sep 27, 2024  
2020/2021 University Catalog 
2020/2021 University Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Course Descriptions

General Education Courses  

Courses offered at the SDSU Imperial Valley campus.  

Detailed information about course offerings can be found on the Class Schedule website.


Public Administration

  • P A 525 - The U.S. City Planning Process

    Units: 3

    Prerequisite(s): P A 320  or graduate standing.

    Description and critique of traditional city planning process; styles and roles of city planner; city planning values and ethics.

  • P A 530 - Negotiation and Bargaining in the Public Service

    Units: 3

    Offered at: SDSU Main Campus and SDSU Imperial Valley

    Prerequisite(s): P A 301 .

    Specific issues such as strategies, the effects of threat, the physical setting, use of a third-party observer and theories of advocacy. Emphasis on analyzing simulations of the bargaining process and developing effective negotiation skills.

  • P A 531 - Governmental Employer-Employee Relations

    Units: 3

    Prerequisite(s): P A 330 .

    Historical development, legal basis, and organizational implications of governmental employer-employee relations; emphasis on California local government.

  • P A 540 - Community Mapping: Geographic Information Systems

    Units: 3

    Prerequisite(s): P A 301  with a grade of C (2.0) or better.

    GIS principles for purposes of community mapping and relevant policy decision-making.

  • P A 571 - Managing Water and Energy Resources

    Units: 3

    Only offered at: SDSU Global Campus and at SDSU Imperial Valley

    Prerequisite(s): P A 301 .

    Management and economics of water and energy resources, delivery systems, regulatory framework, and renewable resources. Contemporary water and energy management issues.

  • P A 580 - Comparative Public Administration

    Units: 3

    Prerequisite(s): P A 301 .

    Administrative organization and process of selected foreign and American governments. Analysis of the cultural basis of administrative systems.

  • P A 581 - War, the State, and Governance: Global Perspectives

    Units: 3

    Prerequisite(s): Upper division or graduate standing. Recommended: P A 301  with a grade of C (2.0) or better.

    Defense and security challenges through global perspectives. Budgetary, intelligence, leadership, logistical, military, organizational, policy, political, and strategic challenges and opportunities confronted by government via case studies.

  • P A 582 - War, the State, and Governance: U.S. Perspectives

    Units: 3

    Prerequisite(s): Upper division or graduate standing. Recommended: P A 301  with a grade of C (2.0) or better.

    Defense and security challenges through U.S. perspectives. Budgetary, intelligence, leadership, logistical, military, organizational, policy, political, and strategic factors confronted by government via case studies.

  • P A 596 - Experimental Topics

    Units: 1-4

    Selected current topics in public administration. May be repeated with new content. Maximum Credits: six units of 596 applicable to a bachelor’s degree Credit for 596 and 696 applicable to a master’s degree with approval of the graduate adviser.

    Note: See Class Schedule for specific content. Limit of nine units of any combination of 296, 496, 596 courses applicable to a bachelor’s degree.

  • P A 600 - Scope of Public Administration

    Units: 3

    The development of public administration as an academic discipline; a systematic evaluation of the rise and operations of largescale public bureaucracies.

  • P A 604 - Methods of Analysis in Public and Urban Affairs

    Units: 3

    Prerequisite(s): Credit or concurrent registration in P A 600 .

    Research design for problems and cases in public affairs; summarizing and organizing data; methods of projection; sampling theory and application; using census and other secondary data sources.

  • P A 605 - Seminar in Research Methods in Public Administration

    Units: 3

    Prerequisite(s): P A 604 

    Examination of basic research approaches, i.e., legal, historical, and small-group, etc.

  • P A 606 - Seminar in Quantitative Approaches to Public Administration

    Units: 3

    Prerequisite(s): P A 604 .

    Advanced techniques for analyzing problems in public and urban affairs; emphasis on computer applications.

  • P A 620 - Seminar in Management of Urban Governments

    Units: 3

    Selected problems in the management of urban governments. Maximum Credits: six units applicable to a master’s degree.

  • P A 630 - Seminar in Public Personnel Administration

    Units: 3

    Prerequisite(s): P A 600 .

    Analysis of selected problems in personnel administration; special emphasis on organizational development and consultation skills as emerging personnel functions. Maximum Credits: six units applicable to a master’s degree.

  • P A 632 - Seminar of Organization Development in the Public Sector

    Units: 3

    Prerequisite(s): P A 600 .

    Organization development theory and practice. Emphasis on organizational diagnosis, intervention theory, team building and process consultation skills as they apply to public sector organizations.

  • P A 640 - Seminar in Public Administration

    Units: 3

    Selected topics. May be repeated with new content. Maximum Credits: six units applicable to a master’s degree.

    Note: See Class Schedule for specific content.

  • P A 642 - Seminar in Administrative Theory

    Units: 3

    Prerequisite(s): P A 600 .

    Organization and management; the executive role, decision making; bureaucracy; authority and power; communication and control and organizational system; tactics and strategies in effective management.

  • P A 643 - Seminar in Administrative Behavior

    Units: 3

    Prerequisite(s): P A 340 .

    Intrapersonal, interpersonal and group development knowledge which enhances the administrator’s effectiveness. Simulations and structured experiential designs examine behaviors encountered in public bureaucracies.

  • P A 650 - Seminar in Public Financial Management

    Units: 3

    Prerequisite(s): P A 450 .

    Economics and politics of the public sector. Theories of public expenditure analysis and revenue generation. Issues of ethics and efficiency in government financial policy.

  • P A 660 - Administration and Public Policy Development

    Units: 3

    Prerequisite(s): P A 600 .

    Social, political and administrative problems involved in governmental program development and change.

  • P A 791 - Readings in Public Administration

    Units: 3

    Grading Method: Cr/NC

    Prerequisite(s): P A 600  and advancement to candidacy.

    Selected readings in the literature of public administration.

  • P A 792 - Problem Analysis

    Units: 3

    Analytical treatment of selected problems in Public Administration. Review of methods for investigation and reporting of data. Consideration of problems in preparation of projects or thesis.

  • P A 795 - Capstone Seminar in Public Affairs

    Units: 3

    Prerequisite(s): Advancement to candidacy for the Master of City Planning, Master of Public Administration, or Master of Science in criminal justice and criminology.

    Needs assessment and program/policy design, development, or evaluation for public service problems and opportunities. Group projects and reports with community stakeholders. Knowledge integration attained throughout city planning, criminal justice, and public administration graduate programs.

  • P A 796 - Internship in Public Administration

    Units: 3-12

    Grading Method: Cr/NC

    Prerequisite(s): Consent of instructor.

    The 12 units of 796 will be exempt from the university’s requirement that courses graded Cr/NC be limited to 30 percent of units for the master’s degree.

  • P A 797 - Research in Public Administration

    Units: 3

    Grading Method: Cr/NC/RP

    Prerequisite(s): Consent of director of public affairs.

    Research in one of the areas of public administration. Maximum Credits: six units applicable to a master’s degree.

  • P A 798 - Special Study

    Units: 1-3

    Grading Method: Cr/NC/RP

    Prerequisite(s): Consent of staff, to be arranged with the director and instructor.

    Individual study. Maximum Credits: six units applicable to a master’s degree.

  • P A 799A - Thesis

    Units: 3

    Grading Method: Cr/NC/RP

    Prerequisite(s): An officially appointed thesis committee and advancement to candidacy.

    Preparation of a project or thesis for the master’s degree.

  • P A 799B - Thesis Extension

    Units: 0

    Grading Method: Cr/NC

    Prerequisite(s): Prior registration in Thesis 799A with an assigned grade symbol of RP.

    Registration required in any semester or term following assignment of RP in Course 799A in which the student expects to use the facilities and resources of the university; also student must be registered in the course when the completed thesis is granted final approval.

  • P A 799C - Comprehensive Examination Extension

    Units: 0

    Grading Method: Cr/NC

    Prerequisite(s): Completion or concurrent enrollment in degree program courses.

    Registration required of students whose only requirement is completion of the comprehensive examination for the master’s degree. Registration in 799C limited to two semesters.

Public Health

  • P H 101 - Introduction to Public Health

    Units: 3

    Epidemics, environment, and community health challenges, including educational, political, environmental, regulatory, and organizational factors that support health of population groups and communities.

  • P H 250 - Infections and Epidemics

    Units: 3 GE

    Concepts and impacts of infectious diseases on human populations. Quantitative reasoning to solve epidemiologic mysteries. Case studies and outbreak investigations.

  • P H 292 - History of Public Health

    Units: 3

    Prerequisite(s): P H 101  with a grade of B (3.0) or better. Open only to public health majors.

    Historical and contemporary issues surrounding population health. Public health responses, outcomes of those responses, and concerns over time.

  • P H 296 - Experimental Topics

    Units: 1-4

    Selected topics. May be repeated with new content.

    Note: See Class Schedule for specific content. Limit of nine units of any combination of 296, 496, 596 courses applicable to a bachelor’s degree.

  • P H 300 - Professionalism and Public Health

    Units: 3

    Prerequisite(s): P H 101  with a grade of B (3.0) or better. Open only to public health majors.

    Best practices for healthcare working professionals. Job searches, résumés, statements of purpose, written communications. Organizational behaviors, culture, and structure.

  • P H 302 - Communicable and Chronic Disease

    Units: 3

    Prerequisite(s): Open to public health majors and minors.

    Impact of infectious and chronic diseases on health of the population. Epidemiologic methods, behavioral and biologic determinants, modes of transmission, and risk factors.

  • P H 303 - Health Behavior in Community Settings

    Units: 3

    Prerequisite(s):  P H 302 .

    Behavior change theory, principles, predictive models, and their application to health behavior change programs. Review of research methods related to individuals and communities. Analysis of major health behavior change programs.

  • P H 304 - Environment and Public Health

    Units: 3

    Prerequisite(s):  P H 302 . Open to public health majors and minors.

    Environmental hazards of living and working in both industrialized and lesser developed societies. Chemical, biological, and physical agents in food, air, water, and soil.

  • P H 305 - Medical Care Organization and Delivery

    Units: 3

    Prerequisite(s):  P H 302 .

    Organizational, economic, financial, political, and cultural factors affecting finance and delivery of health and medical services in the U.S. Topics include insurance, managed care, reimbursement, private and public programs, and regulation.

  • P H 306 - Public Health Research

    Units: 3

    Prerequisite(s): P H 101 . Open only to public health majors.

    Methodological, ethical, topical issues in current public health research. Basic principles and different approaches to research designs and methods applicable to writing proposals and other documents in academic and professional settings. Formerly Numbered Public Health 295.

  • P H 307 - Applied Biostatistics in Public Health

    Units: 3

    Prerequisite(s): P H 101 P H 302 PSY 280  or SOC 201 . Open only to public health majors.

    Data analysis and statistical inference in medical and health sciences to include data description and exploratory analysis, screening tests for disease, and statistical methods for evaluating association of factors with health outcomes.

  • P H 330 - Plagues Through the Ages

    Units: 3 GE

    Political, economic, religious, and cultural effects of disease. Significant role epidemics and disease have played in development of civilizations from beginning of recorded history to present. Formerly Numbered General Studies 330.

  • P H 331 - Emergency Preparedness and Disaster Response

    Units: 3

    Prerequisite(s): P H 302 .

    Roles and responsibilities of public health in disaster preparation, mitigation, planning, and response to epidemics, pandemics, natural disasters and bioterrorism, includes disaster assessment, surveillance, risk management, and principles of disaster planning.

  • P H 332 - Public Health Nutrition

    Units: 3

    Prerequisite(s): P H 101 .

    Importance of nutrition to the health of populations throughout the life-course.

  • P H 353 - Human Sexuality and Disease

    Units: 3 GE

    Development of sexual values, attitudes, and behaviors across ages, including evolution and occurrence of sexually transmitted infections worldwide. Focus on biological, medical, psychological, sociocultural, and political factors.

  • P H 362 - International Health

    Units: 3 GE

    Offered at: SDSU Main Campus and SDSU Imperial Valley

    Population dynamics, vital statistics, global disease patterns, and analysis of variations among nations and cultures with respect to health problems and health care services.

    Note: This course satisfies the general education cultural diversity requirement.

  • P H 395 - Emerging Topics in Public Health

    Units: 3

    Prerequisite(s): Open only to public health majors.

    Emergent topics that may include global warming, gun violence, health disparities, LGBTQ+ health, and the penal system.

  • P H 401 - Biological Basis of Disease

    Units: 3

    Prerequisite(s): P H 304 .

    Prevalent health issues, problems, and social consequences surrounding conditions such as alcoholism, cancer, heart disease, HIV/ AIDS, and stroke. Disease protective factors, risks, and screening processes.

  • P H 402 - Public Health Communications

    Units: 3

    Prerequisite(s): P H 304 . Open only to public health majors.

    Effective communication techniques used in public health campaigns, social marketing, and risk communication. Use of technology to design and conduct public health campaigns which focus on recognizing and overcoming communication barriers, including cross-cultural issues.

  • P H 450 - Public Health Policy

    Units: 3

    Prerequisite(s): P H 302 . Recommended: P H 305 .

    Political, economic, cultural, institutional, and social factors influencing development and implementation of policy. U.S. and international private and public health organizations and their roles in shaping health policy. Public health advocacy by organizations.

  • P H 451 - Public Health and Food Safety

    Units: 3

    Prerequisite(s): Upper division standing.

    Risk factors for foodborne illness, to include case studies of domestic and international outbreaks. Food safety, foodborne illness, food safety measures and prevention, management and regulation, sustainability.

  • P H 452 - Health Impacts of Climate Change

    Units: 3

    Prerequisite(s): P H 304 .

    Biological, chemical, physical, and social factors contributing to climate change and human health. Greenhouse effect, health impacts and adaptation, climate change projections, and climate mitigation.

  • P H 480 - Peer Health Education

    Units: 2-3

    Communicating health information to peers. Health issues relevant to university population. Health promotion strategies and tactics.

  • P H 490A - Health Data Analysis

    Units: 3

    Prerequisite(s): P H 302 .

    Identifying, retrieving, and using health data, with emphasis on statistical applications and interpretation of results for changing policy and health programs.

  • P H 490B - Planning Public Health Programs

    Units: 3

    Prerequisite(s): P H 304  and P H 490A .

    Public health programming models, including community needs assessment, goals, objectives, and strategies for effective public health interventions. Preparation of grant proposals.

  • P H 490C - Public Health Program Evaluation

    Units: 3

    Prerequisite(s): P H 490B .

    Quantitative and qualitative evaluation methods in public health programs.

  • P H 496 - Experimental Topics

    Units: 1-4

    Selected topics. May be repeated with new content.

    Note: See Class Schedule for specific content. Limit of nine units of any combination of 296, 496, 596 courses applicable to a bachelor’s degree.

  • P H 497 - Supervised Specialization in Public Health

    Units: 1-6

    Prerequisite(s): Senior standing in public health and P H 304 , P H 305 , P H 402 , P H 490B , and credit or concurrent registration in P H 490C .

    Placement in a public health environment. Maximum Credits: six units.

  • P H 499 - Special Study

    Units: 1-3

    Prerequisite(s): Consent of special study adviser.

    Individual study. Maximum Credits: six units.

  • P H 550 - Applied International Public Health

    Units: 3

    Prerequisite(s): P H 101  or graduate standing.

    Global cultural, economic, health, political, and social challenges of different countries. Application of public health concepts in a particular country.

  • P H 601 - Epidemiology

    Units: 3

    Prerequisite(s): Consent of instructor.

    Distribution and determinants of diseases; role of epidemiology in public health. Descriptive, analytic, and experimental epidemiology.

  • P H 602 - Biostatistics

    Units: 3

    Prerequisite(s): Consent of instructor.

    Statistical reasoning applied to public health; probability, hypothesis testing, regression and correlation, analysis of variance, measurement theory and modeling.

  • P H 603 - Behavioral and Social Science in Public Health

    Units: 3

    Prerequisite(s): PSY 316 PSY 340 , and SOC 436 .

    Role of psychological, social and environmental variables in health and illness. Multifactorial psychosocial model of disease susceptibility.

  • P H 604 - Environmental Determinants of Human Health

    Units: 3

    Environmental determinants and their influence on human health. Biological, physical, and chemical factors which affect the health of a community.

  • P H 605 - Health Services Administration

    Units: 3

    Overview of health services administration and delivery in U.S. Characteristics of utilization of health care, financing and system structure, types of providers, nonfinancial resources, and assessment and regulation.

  • P H 607 - Research Methods

    Units: 3

    Two lectures and three hours of laboratory.

    Prerequisite(s): P H 601 P H 661 , and consent of instructor. Recommended: P H 602 .

    Direct observation measurement, group and intensive experimental designs. Laboratory exercises and proposal writing applicable to public health.

  • P H 620 - SAS for Biostatistics I

    Units: 3

    Prerequisite(s): Credit or concurrent registration in P H 602 .

    Programming in SAS. Analysis, processing, and reading of biomedical data.

  • P H 621 - Epidemiology of Infectious Diseases

    Units: 3

    Prerequisite(s): P H 601 .

    Utilizing selected infectious diseases and environmental settings, provides scientific background on which epidemiological investigations and control measures are based.

  • P H 622 - Epidemiology of Chronic Diseases

    Units: 3

    Prerequisite(s): P H 601 .

    Epidemiology of selected chronic diseases.

  • P H 623 - Epidemiological Methods

    Units: 3

    Prerequisite(s): P H 602 P H 621  or P H 622 .

    Topics include: analysis of descriptive data, design of studies, evaluation of data, development of biological models. Examples of both acute and chronic diseases.

  • P H 624A - Emergency Preparedness and Response I

    Units: 3

    Prerequisite(s): Classified graduate standing.

    Dynamics of natural and man-made disaster management to include planning, organization, management of relief services, and emergency service organizations. Prevention, mitigation, and response to emergency situations, both nationally and internationally.

  • P H 625 - Control of Infectious Diseases

    Units: 3

    Prerequisite(s): P H 621 

    Theoretical and practical experience in techniques available for control of infectious diseases.

  • P H 626 - International Health Epidemiology Practicum

    Units: 3

    One lecture and two hours of activity.

    Prerequisite(s): P H 601  and P H 602 .

    Integrated public health experience with US and Mexican graduate student and faculty teams, culminating with four days in Mexico. International public health projects in underserved indigenous populations.

  • P H 627 - Advanced Statistical Methods in Public Health

    Units: 3

    Prerequisite(s): P H 602 .

    Applications of advanced statistical methods for analysis of public health and biomedical data. Topics include multiple linear regression, analysis of variance, logistic regression, and introduction to survival analysis.

  • P H 628 - Applications of Multivariate Statistics in Public Health

    Units: 3

    Prerequisite(s): P H 627 .

    Statistical methods for multivariate problems in public health including regression diagnostics, cluster analysis, discriminant analysis, principal components, multivariate discrete analysis and Poisson regression. Computer applications included.

  • P H 629 - SAS for Biostatistics II

    Units: 3

    Prerequisite(s): P H 620  and credit or concurrent registration in P H 602 .

    Advanced programming in SAS. Higher-level analyses, processing, and readings of biomedical data. Formerly Numbered Public Health 700A.

  • P H 630 - Environmental Health Risk Assessment

    Units: 3

    Four major steps of risk assessment to include hazard identification, dose-response assessment, exposure assessment, and risk characterization. Will also include risk communication and risk management in environmental arena.

  • P H 632 - Air Quality

    Units: 3

    Properties of airborne gases, vapors, and particulate matter. Effects of air pollution on community. Mobile and stationary sources of air pollution. Meteorology and dispersion of air pollutants. Ambient air quality standards.

  • P H 634 - Environmental Protection

    Units: 3

    Rationale and mechanisms for control of environmental hazards in areas of food protection and vector control, solid waste, and community issues.

  • P H 635 - Environmental and Disaster Medicine

    Units: 3

    Etiology, diagnosis of disease, and stress in the modern global environment. Detection and control of intentional biological, chemical disasters, and nuclear threats.

  • P H 636 - Hazardous Waste Management

    Units: 3

    Rationale, methods, and regulations governing the proper management of hazardous and toxic wastes.

  • P H 638A - Principles of Toxicology

    Units: 3

    Dose-response and other principles for evaluating the effects of toxic chemicals on mammalian organ systems.

  • P H 639 - Water Quality Investigation

    Units: 3

    Two lectures and three hours of laboratory.

    Human health problems associated with water usage and with various aquatic environments.

  • P H 641 - Introduction to Health Services

    Units: 3

    Health care systems in the U.S. Underlying needs, insurance and uninsurance, public programs, reimbursement, managed care, resources, providers, regulation outcome measurement and evaluation, and health policy issues.

  • P H 642 - Health Insurance and Financing Systems

    Units: 3

    Prerequisite(s): P H 641 .

    U.S. healthcare financial systems at macro-level. Principles of public programs and private health insurance, types of reimbursement for healthcare organizations and providers, issues of cost containment, effects of uninsurance and underinsurance, and financial practices of other advanced nations. Formerly Numbered Public Health 742B.

  • P H 644A - Health Services Organization Management

    Units: 3

    Prerequisite(s): Credit or concurrent registration in P H 641 .

    Structure and functioning of organizations that provide and finance health services using a systems theory approach to visions/ goals, strategies, structure, and processes. Functions of managers in health care organizations, focusing on interpersonal, informational, decision, ethical, and conflict resolution roles. Formerly Numbered Public Health 644.

  • P H 644B - Managing High Performing Health Care Organization

    Units: 3

    Prerequisite(s): P H 641  and P H 644A .

    Applications of management theory to health care organizations. Organizational change for performance, behavior, quality management, law and ethics, human resource management, and information technology.

  • P H 645 - Health Economics

    Units: 3

    Prerequisite(s): P H 641 .

    Economics of health care, including supply and demand factors, efficiency, incentives facing physicians, hospitals, and health plans, economic evaluation of provider performance, health workforce issues, and cost-effectiveness analysis.

  • P H 646 - Health Services Research Methods

    Units: 2

    Prerequisite(s): Graduate standing.

    Effectiveness of interventions. Changes in delivery, financing, and organization of health care. Analysis of large data sets related to health care industry.

  • P H 647 - Quantitative Methods and Health Data Analysis

    Units: 3

    Prerequisite(s): P H 602  and P H 641 .

    Quantitative methods and data analyses in health services administration. Topics include decision analysis, forecasting and regression, project management techniques, data analysis, and data and information management applications.

  • P H 648 - Health Policy

    Units: 3

    Prerequisite(s): Credit or concurrent registration in P H 641 .

    History and future of health policy. Research on major health policy issues including economic, social, ethical, and political forces that influence priorities and decisions. Role of government and private sector in health care.

  • P H 649 - Border and Global Public Health Surveillance

    Units: 3

    Prerequisite(s): P H 601  and P H 602 .

    Data sources for border and global surveillance, including hospital system syndromic data. Methods of data quality control, data analysis, and alerting and communication of information.

  • P H 650 - Field Practice

    Units: 3-6

    Grading Method: Cr/NC

    Field instruction in public health settings. Application of public health principles and skills to practical problems. Maximum Credits: six units of Public Health 650 applicable to a master’s degree.

  • P H 650A - Field Practice: Epidemiology

    Units: 3-6

    Grading Method: Cr/NC

    Field instruction in public health settings. Application of public health principles and skills to practical problems. Maximum Credits: six units of Public Health 650 applicable to a master’s degree.

  • P H 650F - Field Practice: Health Promotion and Behavioral Science

    Units: 3-6

    Grading Method: Cr/NC

    Field instruction in public health settings. Application of public health principles and skills to practical problems. Maximum Credits: six units of Public Health 650 applicable to a master’s degree.

  • P H 650R - Field Practice: Required Community Practice

    Units: 3-6

    Grading Method: Cr/NC

    Field instruction in public health settings. Application of public health principles and skills to practical problems. Maximum Credits: six units of Public Health 650 applicable to a master’s degree.

  • P H 661 - Theoretical Foundations of Health Promotion

    Units: 3

    Prerequisite(s): Graduate standing in public health.

    Psychological, sociological, economic, and political theories relevant to the mission and processes of health promotion.

  • P H 662 - Motivating Health Behavior

    Units: 3

    Prerequisite(s): Graduate standing.

    Application of behavioral change techniques and health education methodology to health promotion targeting individuals and whole communities.

  • P H 663 - Health Promotion Communications Theory and Design

    Units: 3

    Prerequisite(s): P H 402 .

    Theory, design and implementation of health education communications in community contexts. Extensive use of student design, analysis, and projects.

  • P H 664 - Health, Society and Human Behavior

    Units: 3

    Prerequisite(s): PSY 101 , SOC 101 .

    Historical and contemporary examination of health problems of individuals and communities. Health needs, resources; impact of society on health and health on society.


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