Oct 17, 2024  
2023/2024 University Catalog 
2023/2024 University Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

SDSU Imperial Valley - Secondary Education Grades 6 through 12, Single Subject Bilingual 2042: Spanish Emphasis Credential

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General Information

Accredited by the California Commission on Teacher Credentialing and the National Council for Accreditation of Teacher Education.

The Credential

Current growth in student enrollment and the need to replace teachers who retire combine to forecast a significant increase in new teacher hiring during the next decade. Students in California’s public schools reflect a wide variety of ethnic, linguistic, and cultural backgrounds. Teacher education faculty at SDSU Imperial Valley are committed to preparing teachers to ensure the academic success of all students. Candidates from underrepresented groups are strongly encouraged to apply.

The Single Subject (SB 2042) Credential qualifies graduates to teach in a single subject area in grades K-12 and provide Specially Designed Academic Instruction in English (SDAIE) and English Language Development (ELD). Most candidates prepare to teach in grades 7-12 (usually junior or senior high school) or in a middle school setting (usually grades 6-8). Students in the program follow a sequence of courses which normally takes two semesters to complete. The program requires a daytime commitment. Examinations and/or coursework prerequisite to program admission, if not completed within the undergraduate degree program, may extend the total time commitment for credential issuance by one or more semesters.

Information Applicable to Both Multiple Subject and Single Subject Credentials

Departmental admission to either the Multiple Subject or Single Subject (SB 2042) credential program does not constitute admission to the university. Candidates who are entering the university for the first time, or who have graduated or who are graduating, and are planning to re-enroll for the credential program must file a separate application for admission to the university during the regular university application period.

Advanced Standing in Teacher Education

A student transferring into SDSU Imperial Valley to complete requirements for a Multiple Subject or Single Subject credential must complete a minimum of six units of professional education coursework in residence at SDSU Imperial Valley in order to be recommended for certification, regardless of the extent of education work completed at other institutions.

Evaluation of Credits

After an interval of five years, courses in education are reevaluated and subject to reduction in credit, in light of new requirements and changes in educational procedures. All courses taken either at this university or elsewhere must be approved by a designated faculty member in order to be credited toward meeting credential requirements or pattern requirements for a degree.

GPA Requirements For Continuation in Multiple Subject/Single Subject Credential Programs

A grade point average of 3.0 or better must be maintained each semester to permit a student to continue in the Multiple Subject and Single Subject credential programs.

Supplementary Authorizations

With completion of additional units in certain curriculum areas, both Single and Multiple Subject teachers can be granted supplementary authorizations to teach in generalized areas in middle and junior high schools (e.g., Introductory English). Single subject teaching credential candidates can also be granted supplementary authorizations to teach in specialized areas K12 (e.g., psychology). Information on requirements for these supplementary authorizations is available through the Division of Education.

Admission Standards and Qualifications for the Division of Education Credential Programs

Candidates must satisfy the standards and qualifications listed below and submit complete application packets to the Division of Education. There are three points of screening and an ongoing monitoring of progress in the teacher education program. These are:

  1. Admission to the teacher education program.
  2. Monitoring of student progress in the teacher education program.
  3. Admission to student teaching.

Generally, students will apply and be admitted to the teacher education program prior to beginning the coursework of the basic credential program. These include the early field experience of 60 hours.

Application Process for the Division of Education Credential Programs

  1. Obtain and submit a completed application along with required materials.
  2. Letters of Recommendation. Candidates must submit two letters of recommendation. One letter must be from a faculty member in the candidate’s major, and one from an individual who knows the candidate well (but is not related by blood or marriage) and who can comment directly on factors such as the candidate’s qualifications for a teaching career in a multicultural setting, work or educational experiences, experience teaching or supervising students or other groups of individuals, personal character, and/or potential for success as a teacher. The signed letters may be hand carried and do not need to be confidential or in sealed envelopes, but must be on letterhead stationery (name, address, telephone number of sender included). If the letters are not on letterhead, the name, address, and telephone number of the sender must be typed on the letter.
  3. Professional Goals Essay. This essay should address the following items:
    1. The candidate’s interest in and motivation for a teaching career in a multicultural setting;
    2. The candidate’s personal background and experience working with children in multicultural settings;
    3. Other experiences personally considered important in the teacher preparation process;
    4. Any abilities, knowledge, skills, or experiences that will enhance the candidate’s effectiveness as a teacher (e.g., ability to speak another language, play a musical instrument, use technologies, or experience working with individuals with disabilities or special needs). Further information on the professional goals essay is available in the Division of Education.
  4. Analytical Essay. On demand essay regarding some aspect of the field of education with the purpose of assessing candidates’ writing and critical thinking skills.
  5. Oral Interview. An oral interview with a panel of Division of Education faculty with the purpose of assessing candidates’ proficiency in communication skills, and disposition related to diversity and the overall skills of the teaching and learning process.
  6. Appeals Process. Candidates who do not meet all the admission requirements may petition the Admissions and Retention Committee for individual consideration; petition forms must be submitted concurrently with the application packets.
  7. Grade Point Average. Candidates must have attained a grade point average of at least 2.67 in all baccalaureate and post-baccalaureate coursework or 2.75 or better in the last 60 semester units attempted. Candidates are required to submit official transcripts from all colleges and universities attended and unofficial transcripts for SDSU coursework for GPA calculations.

Required Clearances

  1. California Certificate of Clearance. This certificate represents a background clearance and check conducted by the State Department of Justice and Federal Bureau of Investigation. Application is available in the Teacher Education office and must be submitted PRIOR to conducting Early Field Experience and/or enrollment in Teacher Education 303 and prior to all other courses requiring field experiences. Legal documentation which meets all current California state law, school district requirements, and university policy on fingerprint clearance must be submitted PRIOR to placement in Early Field Experience and/or participating in Teacher Education 303. In the event that the State Department of Justice and/or the Federal Bureau of Investigation notifies the university of a “HOLD” on any pending application, the student will NOT be able to continue in any Early Field Experience placement and/ or Teacher Education 303 course activities. Turnaround time for the clearance is usually about four to six weeks, unless additional information is requested by the California Commission on Teacher Credentialing (CTC). Possessors of K-12 California credentials, emergency permits, or substitute permits may satisfy this requirement by submitting copies of those certificates. Candidates must submit the application directly to the California Commission on Teacher Credentialing through the online application process. The CTC website, http://ctc.ca.gov, is the official record of any clearance, credential, or permit issued.
  2. TB Clearance. Evidence of a negative tuberculosis test (these tests are valid for four years and must be in effect during the time that candidates are enrolled in the credential program). Clearance statements may be secured from Student Health Services, private physicians or HMOs, or public health agencies.


1. Education Course

This course provides an introduction to ethnicity, language, and culture in education, particularly the ways in which those factors differentially affect educational outcomes for children. The course assists in preparing teacher applicants to work with students from diverse backgrounds by examining both societal and personal belief systems and the ways that those beliefs are expressed in public school classrooms.

2. Early Field Experience

All candidates are required to participate in an early field experience in the public schools prior to admission to the program. The National Council for Accreditation of Teacher Education (NCATE), the California Commission on Teacher Credentialing (CTC), the Committee on Accreditation (COA) standards, CSU Executive Order 547, and Title 5 of the California Code of Regulations require a set of directed experiences designed to help students learn about the functions and activities of California schools, agencies, programs, and institutions. Candidates must complete TE 303 . The clinical field experience will acquaint students with effective practices in teaching diversely populated enrollments, classroom management and discipline, teaching styles and models, assessments, and learning and behavioral patterns as they relate to teacher performance expectations. Clinical observation and practica address field experiences required by the California Commission on Teacher Credentialing, Committee on Accreditation, the National Council of the Association of Teacher Education, and university teacher education program requirements. Early field experience is a 45-hour field placement at an elementary or secondary credential emphasis site assigned by the early field experience faculty designee and approved by the site administrator. Each intern student will complete an early field experience comparability program, approved by his or her school administrator, as a normal part of his or her school responsibilities. All students and interns who participate in early field experience must be enrolled at the university during the timeframe of their placement. All students and interns are advised that school districts reserve the option to require professional liability insurance as a prerequisite to placement in their schools.

Recommended Requirements

  1. A baccalaureate or higher degree.
  2. Completion of an approved program of professional education, including student teaching with a grade point average of 3.0 or better and coursework in reading methods.
  3. Basic Skills Examination. Students must take the California Basic Educational Skills Test (CBEST), or CSETMS plus Writing prior to admission to the Single Subject credential program, or provide appropriate verification of passing an approved out-of-state basic skills examination. If students choose CBEST or CSET plus Writing, they must pass prior to admission to student teaching. Information may be obtained from the academic advisers. Candidates are urged to take this examination as early as possible. Candidates are required to submit a photocopy of the individual score reports. Effective January 1, 2009, individuals who achieve sufficient scores, as established by the California State University (CSU) system, on the following will satisfy the BSR for certification purposes.
    1. English and Mathematics sections CSU Early Assessment Program (EAP) or
    2. CSU English Placement Test (EPT) and the Entry Level Mathematics (ELM) test.
  4. Demonstrated subject matter competency through completion of an approved waiver program in one of the California Single Subject areas or through California Subject Examinations for Teachers (CSET) examinations. Candidates should check with the Division of Education office to clarify the appropriate means for satisfaction of the subject matter competency requirement in their subject matter area(s). Competency must be verified and assessed by a designated departmental adviser regardless of the means of establishing knowledge proficiency. Registration information and materials for the CSET are available at the Teacher Education office and at http://www.cset.nesinc.com.
  5. Demonstrated knowledge of the principles and provisions of the United States Constitution through successful completion of a three-unit collegiate-level course or examination. Courses are listed in the section of this bulletin on “Graduation Requirements,” IV. American Institutions Requirement.
  6. Knowledge of health education in California, including substance abuse and nutrition: TE 280 , “Health Education for Teachers,” or other CTC approved course in health taken at a regionally accredited college or university, and verification of CPR competency.
  7. Demonstrated knowledge of the Individuals with Disabilities Act. Needs of and methods of providing educational opportunities to individuals with exceptional needs (mainstreaming): SPED 450 
  8. Demonstrated knowledge of computer hardware, software, and applications to educational/classroom use (computer literacy).
  9. Courses completed for a credential program expire after seven years and must be retaken to meet program requirements. In those cases in which a student is required to repeat a course taken more than seven years earlier, only the last grade will be used in computation of grade point averages. Approved leaves of absence do not count toward these time limits.
  10. Successful completion of the Teacher Performance Assessment.


According to SB 2042 legislation, teachers will be able to earn Professional Clear Credentials upon successful completion of induction programs sponsored by their employers and approved by the California Commission on Teacher Credentialing.


The following courses must be completed with a grade of C-, Cr or better prior to admission to the program, but may be in progress at the time of application or taken in the term immediately prior to the program start date.


* DLE 416 (formerly numbered DLE 415) may be waived with passage of CSET LOTE subtests III and V.
** DLE 515 may be waived with passage of CSET LOTE subtest IV.

Appointments for discussion of individual concerns relative to the credential program may be made with the program adviser for the Division of Education. Call 760-768-5512 for an appointment.

Added Authorization

See Admission Standards section for prerequisites for this program.


* Prerequisites waived at SDSU Imperial Valley.

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