Mar 10, 2025  
2023/2024 University Catalog 
2023/2024 University Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Elementary Education, Multiple Subject (SB 2042) Credential

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Also Offered at SDSU Imperial Valley: SDSU Imperial Valley - Elementary Education, Multiple Subject (SB 2042) Credential  

Information Applicable to Multiple Subject and Single Subject (SB 2042/Bilingual) Credentials

Departmental admission to Multiple Subject or Single Subject (SB 2042) credential program does not constitute admission to the university. Candidates who are entering the university for the first time, or who have graduated or who are graduating, and are planning to re-enroll for the credential program must file a separate application for admission to the university during the regular university application period.

Students Who Seek to Complete a Credential

Teachers with Preliminary RYAN Multiple Subject or Single Subject credentials who are working toward Professional Clear certification may have individual programs designed to meet their needs and interest areas. Arrangements for evaluation of college credit and program design can be made through the College of Education, Office for Student Success, 619-594-6320.

A student transferring into San Diego State University to complete requirements for either the Preliminary Multiple Subject or Single Subject credential must complete a minimum of six units of professional education coursework in residence at SDSU in order to be recommended for certification regardless of the extent of education work completed at other institutions. The student will also be held responsible for successful completion of a California Teacher Credentialing approved Teacher Performance Assessment (edTPA).

Evaluation of Credits

After an interval of five years, courses in education are reevaluated and subject to reduction in credit in light of new requirements and changes in educational procedures. All courses taken either at this university or elsewhere must be approved by an official adviser in order to be credited toward meeting credential requirements or pattern requirements for a degree.

GPA Requirements For Continuation in Multiple Subject/Single Subject Credential Programs

A grade point average of 3.0 must be maintained each semester to permit a student to continue any Multiple Subject or Single Subject credential program.

Supplementary Authorizations

With completion of additional units in certain curriculum areas, both Single and Multiple Subject teachers can be granted supplementary authorizations to teach in generalized areas in middle and junior high schools (e.g., Introductory English). Single subject teaching credential candidates can also be granted supplementary authorizations to teach in specialized areas K-12 (e.g., psychology). Information on requirements for these supplementary authorizations is available through the College of Education, Office for Student Success.

General Information

The College of Education offers programs which lead to teaching, specialist, and services credentials. The School of Teacher Education (STE) offers programs for the SB 2042 preliminary credential. The Department of Dual Language and English Learner Education (DLE) offers programs for the SB 2042 preliminary bilingual credential. Students who desire to seek a credential should consult with departmental advisers in order to determine their status and needed requirements. Information on these credentials is available in the College of Education, Office of Student Services.

The College of Education has obtained approval for programs leading to the following credentials:

Approved Credential Program School Service Authorized  
1. Multiple Subject* (SB 2042) Teach in self-contained classrooms and provide Specially Designed Academic Instruction in English (SDAIE) and English Language Development (ELD), kindergarten through twelfth grade.  
2. Multiple Subject (2042)
Bilingual: Spanish**, Arabic,
Filipino, Japanese, or Mandarin
Teach in self-contained classrooms in primary language and English, English Language Development (ELD), and Specially Designed Academic Instruction in English (SDAIE).  
3. Single Subject* (SB 2042) Teach single subject area in grades K-12 and provide Specially Designed Academic Instruction in English (SDAIE) and English Language Development (ELD).  
4. Single Subject Bilingual (2042)** Teach single subject area in primary language and English in grades K-12 and provide Specially Designed Academic Instruction in English (SDAIE) and English Language Development (ELD).  
5. Special Education:
Education Specialist Credential
Early Childhood
Special Education
Mild/Moderate Disabilities
Moderate/Severe Disabilities
Teach special education students in the programs designated by each education specialist credential.  

* See School of Teacher Education, 619-594-6320 for more information.
** See Department of Dual Language and English Learner Education, 619-594-6320 for more information.

Education Specialist Credentials*

Specialist Credentials

Reading and Literacy Leadership

Service Credentials

  • Administrative Services
  • Clinical - Rehabilitative Services (School of Speech, Language and Hearing Sciences)
  • Health - School Nurse Services (School of Nursing)
  • Pupil Personnel Services:
    • Child Welfare and Attendance (School Social Work)
    • School Counseling (see M.S. in Counseling, concentration in School Counseling)
    • School Psychology (see Ed.S. in School Psychology)
    • School Social Work (School of Social Work)

Specialist Certificates

  • Cross-Cultural Language and Academic Development (CLAD)
  • Developing Gifted Potential
  • Early Childhood Special Education
  • Resource Specialist of Competence
  • Supported Employment and Transition Specialist
  • Teaching the Emotionally Disturbed/Behaviorally Disoriented

* See Department of Special Education, NE-70, 619-594-6665 for more information.

Multiple Subject-Preliminary Credential

Persons interested in teaching in the traditional elementary school will typically pursue the Multiple Subject (SB 2042) credential which authorizes teaching service in self-contained classrooms in preschools, grades K-12, and in classes organized primarily for adults (classrooms in which one teacher is responsible for all the subjects commonly taught). Recommendation for this credential requires:

  1. A baccalaureate or higher degree.
  2. Completion of an approved program of professional education, including student teaching and coursework in reading methods with a grade point average of 3.0 or better.
  3. Basic skills competency as demonstrated through passing scores on the California Basic Educational Skills Test (CBEST).
  4. Demonstrated subject matter competency by passing the Multiple Subjects examination of the California Subject Examinations for Teachers (CSET). Must have scores taken within 10 years prior to recommendation.
  5. Successful completion of a California Teacher Credentialing approved Teacher Performance Assessment (edTPA).
  6. Passing scores on the Reading Instruction Competence Assessment (RICA).
  7. Demonstrated knowledge of the principles and provisions of the United States Constitution through successful completion of a three-unit collegiate-level course or examination. Courses are listed in General Catalog section on “Graduation Requirements,” IV. American Institutions Requirement.
  8. Knowledge of health education, including sub-stance abuse and nutrition: P H 101  or TE 280  or approved equivalent.
  9. Demonstrated knowledge of the needs of and methods of providing educational opportunities to individuals with exceptional needs: SPED 450 .
  10. Demonstrated knowledge of computer hardware, software, and applications to educational/classroom use (computer literacy).
  11. Verify current training and certification in cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR).

NOTE: According to SB 2042 legislation, teachers will be able to earn Professional Clear Credentials upon successful completion of a clear credential program or an induction program approved by the California Commission on Teacher Credentialing. For information about the SDSU clear and induction programs; visit the website at

Undergraduate students in the Multiple Subject credential program may register for concurrent post-baccalaureate credit in their final semester prior to obtaining a baccalaureate degree as explained in the section of the SDSU General Catalog on “Admission and Registration .”

Admission Standards and Qualifications for the Multiple Subject Credential Program

Candidates for the Multiple Subject Credential Program must satisfy the standards and qualifications listed below and submit an online departmental application to the School of Teacher Education. Contact the School of Teacher Education for application dates or find them at how-to-apply/apply-credential-program.

Applications must verify the following:

  1. CBEST Examination. Students must pass the California Basic Educational Skills Test (CBEST) prior to admission to the Multiple Subject credential program. Registration information and materials for the CBEST are available at Candidates are urged to take this examination as early as possible. Candidates are required to submit a copy of the individual score reports; uploaded to the online application.
  2. Subject Matter Competency. Students must submit passing scores on the California Subject Examination for Teachers-Multiple Subjects (CSET-MS) in order to verify subject matter competency in diversified subjects commonly taught in self-contained classrooms. For the traditional, post-baccalaureate program (see below), test scores must be submitted prior to admission to the program. Test scores submitted for verification of subject matter competency are valid for 10 years from the date the first subtest was passed and must be valid at the time of recommendation for the credential. Registration information and registration materials are available at
  3. Prerequisite Courses. These courses or approved equivalents must be completed with grades of C, Cr, or better no more than seven years prior to admission to the Multiple Subject Credential Program. The courses may be in progress at the time of program application. Proof of registration is required to be considered for admission.
    1. ED 451 - Introduction to Multicultural Education  (3)
    2. TE 280 - Health Education for Teachers  (1)
    3. MATH 210 - Number Systems in Elementary Mathematics  (3) In lieu of MATH 210 , candidates may substitute any calculus course taken at the college or university with a grade of credit, “C,” or better.
    4. SPED 450 - Classroom Adaptations for Special Populations  (3)
      Candidates are required to submit unofficial transcripts from SDSU and official transcripts from all other colleges and universities attended including any current coursework-in-progress to verify completion of or enrollment in these courses.
  4. Grade Point Average. Candidates must have attained a grade point average of at least 2.67 in all baccalaureate and post-baccalaureate coursework or a minimum 2.67 overall or 2.75 in the last 60 semester (or 90 quarter) units attempted. Candidates are required to submit official transcripts from all colleges and universities attended (with exception of SDSU) to the SDSU Graduate Admissions office for GPA calculations. Official SDSU transcripts are not required as they can be accessed via the SDSU WebPortal at
  5. Letters of Recommendation. Candidates must submit two letters of recommendation from individuals who know the candidate in different capacities (i.e. employer/supervisor, university professor, classroom teacher) and who can comment directly on factors such as the candidate’s qualifications for a teaching career in a multicultural setting, work or educational experiences, experience teaching or supervising students or other groups of individuals, personal character, and/or potential for success as a teacher. Letters from family or friends will not be considered. These letters will be collected through our online application system. Students will need the name and e-mail address for those who will be providing a recommendation for them.
  6. TB Clearance. Evidence of a negative tuberculosis test (these tests are valid for four years and must be in effect during the time that candidates are enrolled in the credential program). Clearance statements may be secured from Health Services, private physicians or HMOs, or public health agencies.
  7. California Certificate of Clearance. This certificate represents a background clearance and check conducted by the State Department of Justice and Federal Bureau of Investigation. Turnaround time for the clearance can take as long as eight months or as quick as two weeks depending on one’s background. Candidates must be fingerprinted through LiveScan and then submit the application directly to the California Commission on Teacher Credentialing (CCTC). The clearance must be granted on the CCTC website prior to admission to the credential program. Possessors of K-12 California credentials or Emergency Teaching Permits may satisfy this requirement with these valid credentials and will need to be kept current throughout the credential program.
  8. Early Field Experience. Candidate must successfully complete an approved course with fieldwork experience OR a minimum of 45 hours of independent observation and participation in a “regular” classroom in public elementary schools. This is documented through the early field experience verification page available for downloading from the School of Teacher Education website at apply-credential-program/early-field-experience.
  9. Personal Narrative. See department website for current prompts at how- to-apply/apply-credent ial -program/ prelim-credential-application.
  10. Appeals Process. Candidates who do not meet all the admission requirements may petition the Multiple Subject Admissions and Retention Committee for individual consideration; petition forms must be submitted concurrently with the application.

In addition to the minimum admissions standards identified above, the Multiple Subject Admissions and Retention Committee may also consider qualifications such as previous teaching experience, relevant working experience with children, and second language ability. Due to the number of applicants, application to the program does not ensure admission. The chancellor’s office, Executive Order 1032, establishes standards for admission to teacher credential programs as follows: “The candidate shall have demonstrated personality and character traits that satisfy the standards of the teaching profession. The assessment of the candidates shall be made by the teacher education faculty of the campus, who may also consider information from public school personnel and others. The campus may use tests, observations, and interviews for this assessment.”

NOTE: Appointments for discussion of individual concerns relative to the credential program may be made with the Multiple Subject Credential Program Adviser during the academic year in the Office for Student Success, 619-594-6320. All candidates are urged to attend one of the regularly scheduled group advising sessions prior to making an individual appointment.

Program Description

Students who have already earned the baccalaureate or higher degree must apply to the traditional Multiple Subject Preparation Program. SDSU Liberal Studies majors may apply to the traditional Multiple Subject Preparation Program which is offered in a variety of formats called “cohorts” including the full-time cohorts over two semesters, and a three semester block.

Full-time student teaching is required of all candidates according to state law. Our programs combine coursework and student teaching to link theory and practice. The curriculum emphasizes the preparation of reflective practitioners to meet the needs of culturally and linguistically diverse children. Most cohorts are based at local elementary schools where we have established partnerships with schools and teachers. In these cohorts, student teachers take their university coursework on-site at the elementary school and student teach at that school or neighboring schools.

Requirements for the Post-Baccalaureate Multiple Subject Credential Program

To qualify for admission, candidates must have completed (1) a baccalaureate or higher degree and (2) the Admission Standards and Qualifications for the Multiple Subject Credential Program listed above. Each student completes student teaching in two different grade levels; one assignment is at the primary level (in grades K-3) and another is at the intermediate level (in grades 4-6). All students enrolled in the traditional Multiple Subject Teacher Preparation Program will take the following courses. The schedule and sequence of the courses vary with individual cohort offerings.

Total Units: 48

Variations on the Multiple Subject Credential Program Three Semester Block Option

To qualify for admission, candidates must have completed (1) a baccalaureate or higher degree and (2) the Admission Standards and Qualifications for the Multiple Subject Credential Program listed above, with two exceptions:

  1. The California Certificate of Clearance may still be pending at the time of admission to the Three Semester Block. This clearance must be granted by the State of California before the start of the second semester of this program.
  2. Students must have taken all of the CSET examination subtests for Multiple Subjects, but can be admitted to the Three Semester Block without completely passing this examination. Students must pass at least one subtest and be within 20 points (combined) of passing the other two subtests. The examination must be completely passed prior to starting student teaching in the second semester of the program. Candidates who have passed the CSET completely and who desire the Three Semester Block, will be given priority placement. Students in the Three Semester Block complete a field experience course in their first semester, and student teaching assignments in their second and third semesters. These student teaching assignments will be assigned at differing grade levels, one in K-3 and one in 4-6.

The following is the sequence of courses students will take in the Three Semester Block:

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