Mar 02, 2025
2021/2022 University Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]
Liberal Studies, B.A. in Applied Arts and Sciences
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(Major Code: 49012)
All candidates for a degree in applied arts and sciences must complete the graduation requirements listed in the section of this catalog on “Graduation Requirements .”
Completion of the liberal studies major fulfills General Education requirements.
A minor is not required for this major.
International Experience Requirement
In recognition of the increasing globalization in all sectors of world society, the Liberal Studies International Experience has been established. Students participate in designated, pre-approved study abroad experiences in a different country. Options include a variety of short term and semester formats designed to meet the needs of different students, including those with family and work responsibilities. The purpose of the experience is to increase student awareness of cross-cultural and global issues - issues that are critical to their development as future teachers and citizens in a complex, rapidly changing world. All liberal studies majors are required to participate in an international experience approved by the program director. To meet the international experience requirement, majors must complete one of the following: - A CSU Study Abroad Program;
- An SDSU Exchange Program;
- An SDSU Study Abroad Program;
- An SDSU Study Travel Program;
OR Lower Division Core
(43 units) Students in the Elementary Education, Mathematics, Science, and Integrated Teacher Education Program (ITEP-MS) emphases must complete the following General Education and American Institutions requirements and ED 200 . Communication and Critical Thinking
9 units. See the General Education requirements in Communication and Critical Thinking. You may not use credit/no credit (Cr/NC) grades in this section. - Oral Communication (3 units). A grade of C- (1.7) or better is required.
- Written Communication (3 units). A grade of C- (1.7) or better is required.
- Critical Thinking (3 units). A grade of C- (1.7) or better is required.
Foundations of Learning
31 minimum units. Natural Sciences and Quantitative Reasoning
(10 units) Social and Behavioral Sciences
(6 minimum units) Three Units Selected from
(9 units) (ITEP-MS refer to emphasis) Visual and Performing Arts
Lifelong Learning and Self-Development
Students may substitute a transfer course equivalent to SDSU course CFD 270 in lieu of TE 170 [or CFD 170 ]. |
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