2022/2023 University Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]
Military Science
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OFFICE: Exercise and Nutritional Sciences 451
TELEPHONE: 619-594-4943 / FAX: 619-594-7084
Chair and Professor of Military Science: Parlette, LTC Michelle L., (B.A., University of Portland; M.S., University of Kansas)
Senior Military Science Instructor: Carter, SFC Nathan A., (credits earned at American Military University)
Operations Officer: Heath, MAJ Kevin J., (B.A., Park University; M.B.A., Purdue University Global)
Executive Officer: Touw, MAJ Thomas, (B.S., San Diego State University; M.S., Central Michigan University)
Tenured and Tenure-Track Faculty:
Escamilla, David M., Assistant Professor (B.A., San Diego State University)
Laxamana, CPT John, Assistant Professor (B.A., University of Guam)
Additional Faculty:
Brantley, Michael, Recruiting Operations Officer (B.A., Brandman University; M.S., Excelsior College; M.A., National University; M.S., National University; Ed. S., Liberty University; Ed.D. Candidate, Liberty University)
The Department of Military Science offers a two, three, and four-year Army Reserve Officers Training Corps (ROTC) program designed to develop future Army officers in the areas of leadership, management, foreign policy, national security, military history, and military skills. The Army ROTC program also offers a series of adventure training and on/off-campus activities during the school year and summer months. These include land navigation, water survival, rappelling, color guards, sports programs, optional military training (such as Airborne School) and social activities. Enrollment in the Army ROTC program is not a requirement to take lower level military science courses. The Military Science Department offers a varied class schedule to meet students’ requirements.
The Army ROTC program consists of one course per semester along with scheduled leadership laboratories, physical fitness and field training. The four-year program is divided into two parts: the basic course and the advanced course. The basic course is usually taken during the freshman and sophomore years. No military commitment is incurred during this time, and students may withdraw at any time through the end of the second year. The first year consists of three-unit introductory courses each semester. The second year consists of three-unit courses with instruction on organizational leadership theories. Necessary military science textbooks and materials are furnished without cost.
After completing the basic course, students who have demonstrated officer potential, have met physical and scholastic standards and agree to contract with ROTC are eligible to enroll in the advanced course. This course is normally taken in the final two years of college and consists of outlined military science and designated enrichment courses that include communication skills, military history, and advanced leadership development. In addition, the advanced course consists of a paid five-week Cadet Summer Training (CST) held during the summer between the junior and senior years. This Cadet Summer Training permits students to put into practice the leadership principles and theories acquired in the classroom. All students in the advanced course receive uniforms, necessary military science resources, pay for Cadet Summer Training, and a stipend of $420 per month (for the months that school is in session, up to 10 months per year).
Upon completion of the advanced course, students are commissioned as Second Lieutenants in the US Army. Second Lieutenants may commission into Active Duty, the United States Army Reserves or the Army National Guard.
Several special programs are available for students who have previous ROTC training or active military service. These programs allow for part- or full-placement credit for the basic course. In addition, a program is available for simultaneous participation in both Army ROTC and the Army Reserve or Army National Guard.
Two-Year Commissioning Program
This program offers students the opportunity to commission as officers after two years of Army ROTC instead of four years. The two-year program is designed for community and junior college graduates and students who did not take Army ROTC during their first two years, or those or who have prior military experience. The five-week Cadet Basic Camp provides the military skills and leadership training normally taught during the freshman and sophomore on-campus courses. Basic Camp is conducted at Fort Knox, Kentucky, and includes a paid salary, transportation, meals, and lodging. Basic Camp graduates enroll in Military Science 301 to enter the advanced course.
Applying for the Program
SDSU students enroll in military science courses by signing up during registration in the same manner as for other university classes. There is no advance application or pre-requisites needed to enroll in the freshman or sophomore classes. Students need to contact the Department of Military Science to enroll in the Army ROTC program and to receive information on lab schedules and activities.
Students enrolled at other area colleges and universities should contact the SDSU Department of Military Science at 619-594-4943 for curriculum requirements and application procedures.
Financial Assistance
All students have the opportunity to compete for two, three, and four-year scholarships. These scholarships cover tuition and fees OR room and board, a $420 monthly stipend and a book stipend each semester during the school year. Scholarship applications are processed by the Department of Military Science. Contact the department chair or recruiting operations officer for details. More information and points of contact can be found at https://armyrotc.sdsu.edu.
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