2022/2023 University Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]
Division of Academic Affairs
Provost and Senior Vice President: Salvador Hector Ochoa, Ph.D.
Vice Provost (Interim): Bill Tong, Ph.D.
Associate Vice President for Curriculum, Assessment, and Accreditation (Interim): Madhavi M. McCall, Ph.D.
Associate Vice President for Enrollment Management: Stefan Hyman, Ph.D.
Associate Vice President for Faculty Advancement and Student Success: Joanna M. Brooks, Ph.D.
Associate Vice President for International Affairs: Cristina Alfaro, Ph.D.
Assistant Vice President for Analytic Studies and Institutional Research: Jeanne Stronach, M.A.
Assistant Vice President for Academic Labor Relations: Alexander W. Chizhik, Ph.D.
Subdivisions within Academic Affairs
Colleges and University Library
Analytic Studies and Institutional Research
Website: asir.sdsu.edu
Assistant Vice President: Jeanne Stronach, M.A.
Statistical Modeling Group Faculty Adviser: Richard Levine, Ph.D.
Director, Student Success Assessment: Reynaldo Monzon, Ph.D.
Senior Analyst for Reporting & Decision Support: Arthur Pasternak, M.B.A.
General Information
ASIR assists the broader SDSU community with the access and analysis of institutional data, including official statistics for applications, enrollment, degrees earned, and graduation rates as well as decision support to colleges, departments and administrative units. Operations are focused in four main areas of Reporting & Decision Support, Statistical Modeling Group, Student Success Program Assessment, and Data Infrastructure.
Curriculum, Assessment, and Accreditation
Website: caa.sdsu.edu
Associate Vice President (Interim): Madhavi M. McCall, Ph.D.
Director, Curriculum Services: Alysia Choi
Curriculum Services
Curriculum Services is responsible for the production of the SDSU University Catalog and Curriculum Guide; the coordination and facilitation of the shared governance processes surrounding new and modified curricular proposals; and articulation and transfer agreements with partner institutions. The unit is responsible for the accuracy and consistency of all aspects of the above items, as well as issuing major codes and updating the Articulation System Stimulating Interinstitutional Student Transfer (ASSIST) database (the official repository of articulation information) and carrying out articulation of courses requested by the California State University Chancellor’s Office that are stored on the Transfer Evaluation System (TES). Curriculum Services may be reached at curriculum@sdsu.edu.
Enrollment Services
Website: enrollment.sdsu.edu
Associate Vice President: Stefan Hyman, Ph.D.
Senior Director, Sandra Temores-Valdez, M.A.
General Information
Enrollment Services comprises Undergraduate and Graduate Admissions, the Office of the Registrar, Prospective Student Services, International Recruitment, Specialized Recruitment, and Enrollment Services Communications. Enrollment Services implements SDSU enrollment management policies and provides services to students from their initial point of interest in SDSU to their graduation. These services include providing coordinated information to prospective and current students; processing admission applications; assuring registration is convenient and consistent; articulation of transfer credit, degree evaluations, and reviewing eligibility for bachelor’s degree conferral; communicating to students; and publishing the university class schedule.
Sabrina Cortell, Director
The Office of Admissions oversees the processing of all undergraduate and graduate applications, data, and supporting documents; manages the Cal State Apply admission application website for SDSU; coordinates the admission review and decision process for applicants; and oversees the admission appeal process.
Enrollment Services Communications
Polly Sipper, Director
Enrollment Services Communications works with and supports the marketing and communication needs of Enrollment Services. Our innovative, creative, and quality marketing and communication supports the university’s strategic plan and enrollment goals and objectives.
International Recruitment
The International Recruitment team oversees the implementation of a comprehensive recruitment plan to deliver effective programs targeted for international students around the globe.
Prospective Student Services
Matthew Hebert, Director
The Prospective Student Services unit manages the Prospective Student Center, where prospective students and families engage with SDSU admissions counselors and begin the campus tour program. The team also communicates admission decisions, policies, and requirements to prospective students and constituents. Our staff recruit top students at public high schools and community colleges in SDSU’s local admissions area.
Specialized Recruitment
Kara Moriarty, Director
The Specialized Recruitment staff responsible for supporting the university’s strategic initiative to increase the geographic and ethnic diversity of our student body. Our team oversees the implementation of a comprehensive recruitment plan, which includes personalized visits, on-campus events and recruitment events at targeted high schools and community colleges located in San Diego and around the nation.
Stephanie Anderson, Registrar
The Office of the Registrar supports enrollment management and the academic programs of the university. Our office provides service to students through determination of eligibility for admission to the University, evaluation of academic records to determine the status of completion of degree requirements, assistance with course registration and advising on the academic record in relation to transfer credit or CSU/SDSU policy. The team oversees the maintenance of the student academic record through the entry of all grades, grade changes, determination of academic status, and adjustments to transcripts.
Faculty Advancement and Student Success
Campus Location: Administration 101
Website: studentsuccess.sdsu.edu
Telephone: 619-594-5841; 619-594-6111
Fax: 619-594-2049
Associate Vice President: Joanna M. Brooks, Ph.D.
Assistant Dean for Student Success: Michelle Lopez, M.A.
Director, Academic Community Engagement: Jessica Barlow, Ph.D.
Director, Campuswide Initiatives: Amanda Fuller, M.F.A.
Director, Center for Teaching and Learning: Michael Borgstrom, Ph.D.
Director of General Studies: Jose Preciado, M.A.T.
Director, Interdisciplinary Studies in Three Departments: Vinod Sasidharan, Ph.D..
Director, Weber Honors College: Stacey Sinclair, Ph.D.
General Information
Faculty Advancement and Student Success fosters inclusive academic excellence through leadership of and support for student academic success, faculty professional development, and academic community engagement. FASS is home to the Weber Honors College, the Center for Teaching and Learning, the Interdisciplinary Studies in Three Departments major, the SAGE Project, service-learning, and campuswide curricular and advising initiatives.
Student Success
Amanda Fuller, Director of Campuswide Initiatives
Michele Lopez, Assistant Dean for Student Success
Students at our Core
Educating first-generation and underrepresented minority students is a priority for SDSU. Twenty percent of SDSU undergraduates are first-generation college students who grew up in households without a parent or guardian who completed a four-year college degree. To ease what can be a challenging transition for students from communities where college is not the norm, Faculty Advancement and Student Success (FASS) works to support first-generation students and their specific needs. Under this initiative, FASS undertakes coordinated, individualized advising with first-generation and underrepresented minority college students to connect them to academic enrichment programs, student support programs and resources, and are given additional tools necessary to succeed, regardless of their major, level, or program. First-generation college students participate in community meetings to connect with other first-generation students, attend first-generation faculty seminars, and engage in small group mentoring sessions to advance their academic and professional development goals. Students are also introduced to the broader honors community, scholarships and fellowships, and are matched with faculty/staff mentors during their first year at SDSU. For more information visit first-gen-at.sdsu.edu/ or call 619-594-5842.
Transfer Student Center Outreach Alliance (TSOA)
Connects new transfer students to campus resources and assists transfer students in their academic and social transition into the university. Support for first-year transfer students begins with the summer “Transfer Connect” program. This symposium is held post-transfer orientation, but before students start their fall semester. Transfer Connect equips new transfers with the tools and knowledge to achieve, persist, and succeed at the university. Transfer students are introduced to the campus culture and gain the tools to connect with major advisers and mentors, facilitate the transfer process, and learn how to navigate the university. Students are taught how to produce signature work via engagement in high impact practice (e.g., internships, leadership, service learning, study abroad, and undergraduate research). Academic year programming for new and continuing transfer students is also available in addition to one-on-one or small group mentoring. For more information, contact tsoa.dus@sdsu.edu.
Faculty-Student Mentoring Program (F-SMP)
José R. Preciado, Director of Curricular Partnerships
Faculty-Student Mentoring Program serves to support student engagement and development through undergraduate research, scholarship, and creative activities. Central to these efforts is the development of long term relationships between students and their faculty mentors as they engage in academically purposeful tasks. To achieve this mission, the program supports eligible students by providing academic planning guides to help students participate in rigorous academic endeavors and activities; facilitating participation in undergraduate research, scholarship, and creative activities across colleges and disciplines; offering active student academic support for these efforts through workshops and undergraduate university seminars; fostering mentoring, coaching, and other nurturing interactions among students and faculty mentors; and by presenting students with opportunities for regional and national professional forums. For more information about the mentoring program, visit fsmp.sdsu.edu or call 619-594-2209.
Academic Internships Program (AIP)
The Academic Internships Program serves students who do not have internship requirements in their major and are seeking options to earn college academic credit to meet graduation requirements. Students may earn one to three units of General Studies 200 or 400 credit with an approved plan prior to starting an internship in the fall or spring semester. Three-unit General Studies 200 or 400 summer sections are offered in the T1 session (13 weeks). Summer fees apply. For more information about the program, visit studentsuccess.sdsu.edu/academic-internships or call 619-594-2209.
Undergraduate Studies Internship Program (USIP)
The Undergraduate Studies Internship Program (USIP) serves students who do not have internship requirements in their major and are seeking options to earn college academic credit to meet graduation requirements. Students may earn one to three units of General Studies 200 or 400 credit with an approved plan prior to starting an internship in the fall or spring semester. Three-unit General Studies 200 or 400 summer sections are offered for the T1 session (13 weeks). Summer fees apply. For more information about the program, visit https://FASSdaesa.sdsu.edu/academic-internships or call 619-594-2209.
General Studies
General studies courses serve as pathways for academic recovery, student transitions, and transformational learning experiences in community engagement, creative practices, internships, research, shared intellectual programs, and study abroad. A select number of general studies courses satisfy general education graduation requirements. Refer to the Course Information and Programs section of this catalog.
Interdisciplinary Studies in Three Departments
Vinod Sasidharan, Director, Interdisciplinary Studies in Three Departments
The interdisciplinary studies in three departments (IS3D) major at San Diego State University is a special major designed for students whose career goal or academic interest is not addressed by an existing SDSU major or major/minor pattern. Students are responsible for identifying the fields they wish to pursue, developing their program of study with the assistance and written approval of multiple advisers, and defending their choices orally and in writing.
For more information about the Interdisciplinary Studies in Three Departments major, visit is3d.sdsu.edu.
The California Promise
The California Promise is a guarantee from the California State University (CSU) that a new student can earn a degree in no more than two years (Associate in Arts degree for transfer students) or no more than four years (new first-time, first-year students). For specific requirements, visit: californiapromise.sdsu.edu.
Honors College
Weber Honors College
Stacey L. Sinclair, Director
The Weber Honors College is a community of scholars-students, faculty, and staff-committed to high academic achievement, the development of leadership skills, social responsibility, and international experience. The Weber Honors College features unique courses and small seminars through which students, working closely with faculty mentors, learn to think flexibly, solve complex problems, and pursue the creative expression of ideas. These classes are characterized by discussion, debate, and the pursuit of intellectual challenges that prepare students for high-impact educational experiences regardless of their chosen field of study.
Honors Residential College
Entering local and out-of-area freshmen accepted into the Weber Honors College are required to live in the Honors Residential College in Zura Hall during their first year. This opportunity is designed to ensure an exceptional undergraduate experience for honors students by integrating the unique components of the honors experience with the enriched advantages that Residential Learning Communities provide. The Honors Residential College features a supportive educational environment where students from diverse backgrounds pursue academic, co-curricular, and experiential activities related to academic engagement, campus activities, and leadership opportunities.
Weber Honors College students have the use of the Darlene Gould Davies Honors Study room, located in Love Library, Room 428A, as well as a Student Learning Lounge adjacent to the Weber Honors College offices (Administration, Room 201).
For a description of the Weber Honors College, admission requirements, and curriculum, refer to the Weber Honors College in the Courses and Curricula by Department section of this catalog. Information about the Weber Honors College can be accessed online at sdsu.edu/honors.
Departmental Honors Courses
Some departments regularly offer honors classes independently of the Weber Honors College, with eligibility defined by the sponsoring department. Students should consult the Class Schedule for such honors classes and contact the department or instructor for additional information.
Academic Community Engagement
Center for Regional Sustainability
Jessica A. Barlow, Executive Director
The San Diego State University Center for Regional Sustainability (SDSU/CRS) fosters research; establishes collaborations across campus and with partners from business, government, and education; and generates solutions that enhance the natural environment, economic vitality, and social equity in our region (San Diego and Imperial Counties and northern Baja California). The primary mission of SDSU/CRS is to advance sustainability through regional collaborations in higher education, research, stewardship, and outreach to ensure that generations of students will gain the skills and abilities to allow our region to grow, prosper, and sustain itself in the long term. The SDSU/CRS is home to Brightside Produce San Diego, the Sage Project, and the Social and Economic Vulnerabilities Initiative. More information is available at http://crs.sdsu.edu.
The Sage Project
Jessica A. Barlow, Executive Director
The Sage Project is a partnership between San Diego State University and a local government in the San Diego region for an academic year. Sage focuses courses across the university on assisting with projects that address the community partner’s livability goals. Students have the opportunity to engage in meaningful real-world projects and contribute to the quality of life of a community in the greater San Diego-Tijuana region through their course-based effort. Sage embodies the university’s commitment to serving local students, engaging alumni, and contributing to the public good by focusing thousands of hours of course-based student effort in a community in our service area. The program ensures that the many ideas developed by students through their coursework-ideas that might otherwise only be appreciated by a faculty member-are distributed to a wider audience, thereby ensuring a positive impact on the community and strengthening civic ties among local students. The true benefit of the program is the positive attention, collaborative learning, and new momentum the partnership provides for students, faculty, city staff, and residents. For more information about the program, visit http://sage.sdsu.edu.
Brightside Produce San Diego
Iana Castro, Director
Brightside Produce designed and implemented a sustainable produce distribution model to tackle food insecurity in underserved communities. It provides a service that increases the accessibility, availability, and affordability of fresh fruits and vegetables by serving as a produce distributor that reaches customers in underserved communities and university communities. Brightside Produce is operated by students. For more information about Brightside Produce, visit http://brightside.sdsu.edu.
Service Learning
Matthew Savage, Coordinator
The Service Learning and Community Engagement Program (SLCEP) is a faculty outreach and development program that serves to increase student learning through course-based study that connects to responsive civic action in local, regional, or international locales. SLCEP initiatives are designed and implemented to foster civic engagement, civic participation, and civic responsibility. The goals of the SLCEP are to integrate service learning with other high-impact practices, such as study abroad and participatory action research (PAR); to document student learning in community contexts; and to continue developing a system to track SDSU community service contributions and partnerships. See the Class Schedule for times and faculty participation listings. For more information about the program, visit http://dus.sdsu.edu/dus/service/ or call 619-594-2209.
Social and Economic Vulnerabilities Initiative
Mounah Abdel-Samad, Director
The Social and Economic Vulnerabilities Initiative (SEVI) is a collaboration between experts from diverse disciplines examining the issues of homelessness and housing in the San Diego region. Together, we research obstacles and solutions to provide answers for policy makers. SEVI brings together community leaders, policy makers, researchers, and students to investigate, propose, and create new innovative solutions to support affordable housing and reduce homelessness. For more information about SEVI, visit http://crs.sdsu.edu/sevi.
International Affairs
Campus Locations
Office of the AVP for International Affairs, AL 110
International Affairs Complex
Website: sdsu.edu/internationalaffairs
Associate Vice President: Cristina Alfaro, Ph.D.
Executive Assistant to the AVP: Maybelline Arevalo Lopez
Director, International Student Center, Global Education Office, Program Development, and SDSU Passport Office: Noah Hansen, M.A.
Director, International Affairs Strategy and Communications: Maria Keckler, M.A.
Assistant Director, Global Education Office: Chris Kjonaas, Ed.D.
Assistant Director, International Student Center Services: Ricky Paniagua
Senior Program Development Specialist, Program Development and Partnerships: Jessica Romero
General Information
The mission of International Affairs is to develop and inspire globally-conscious citizens. International Affairs, in consultation with the University Senate International Affairs Council, is responsible for coordinating and facilitating the internationalization of the university. The International Affairs Complex houses the International Student Center, Global Education Office, Faculty International Engagement Office, and SDSU Passport Office.
International Affairs is the primary contact for inbound international and exchange student services; outbound international and virtual global education; global learning outcomes and assessment; curriculum internationalization and global opportunities for faculty; and passport services for the San Diego community. The AVP for International Affairs represents the university on international matters to external agencies and institutions in San Diego, the transborder region, and around the world.