Jan 17, 2025  
2023/2024 University Catalog 
2023/2024 University Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Summary of Curricula Offered

Types of Curricula Offered

San Diego State University offers the following types of curricula:

Undergraduate Curricula

Undergraduate curricula provide the following opportunities for study:

  1. Liberal arts and sciences: Curricula in the academic major fields, leading to the Bachelor of Arts degree in liberal arts and sciences.
  2. Applied arts and sciences: Curricula in major fields leading to the Bachelor of Science, Bachelor of Arts, Bachelor of Fine Arts in Dance, or Bachelor of Music degree in applied arts and sciences.
  3. Professional curricula: The Fowler College of Business offers the Bachelor of Science degree in business administration with majors in seven fields; the College of Engineering offers the Bachelor of Science degree in engineering with majors in six fields; and the College of Education offers curricula in teacher education leading to graduate credentials at all levels of public school teaching.
       The School of Speech, Language, and Hearing Sciences offers curricula leading to clinical certification and graduate credentials in speech pathology, audiology, and speech, language, and hearing sciences.
       The School of Nursing offers the Bachelor of Science degree and the Master of Science degree in Nursing (areas of concentration are advanced practice nursing of adults and the elderly and nursing leadership in health care systems) and offers a curriculum leading to registered nurse licensure, public health nurse credential, health services credential (school nurse services), and nurse educator.
  4. Preprofessional and nondegree curricula: Programs are offered in predental, prelegal, premedical, and preveterinary leading to transfer to professional schools. Air Force, Army, and Naval ROTC programs are also available.

Graduate Curricula

The College of Graduate Studies offers curricula in the various colleges and departments leading to the Master of Arts and Master of Science degrees in a wide variety of fields, the Master of Arts in Teaching, the Master of Business Administration, the Master of Business Administration and Juris Doctor, the Master of City Planning, the Master of Engineering, the Master of Fine Arts in Art, the Master of Fine Arts in Creative Writing, the Master of Fine Arts in Film and Television Production, the Master of Fine Arts in Theatre Arts, the Master of Music, the Master of Public Administration, the Master of Public Health, the Master of Social Work, and the Master of Social Work and Juris Doctor.

Also offered are the Educational Specialist in school psychology (Ed.S.), the Doctor of Audiology (Au.D.), the Doctor of Education in educational leadership (Ed.D.), the Doctor of Physical Therapy (D.P.T.), and Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) in biology (cell and molecular), chemistry, clinical psychology, computational science, ecology, education, engineering sciences (bioengineering), engineering sciences (electrical and computer engineering), engineering sciences (mechanical and aerospace engineering), engineering sciences (structural engineering), evolutionary biology, geography, geophysics, interdisciplinary research on substance use, language and communicative disorders, mathematics and science education, and public health.

Graduate Certificate Programs

The advanced certificate at the post-baccalaureate entry level provides students a program of coursework leading to a specific applied goal. The general educational background of a bachelor’s degree with a major in the appropriate field(s) of study is prerequisite to such a certificate. Courses taken for an advanced certificate program may be applied to a master’s degree with the recommendation of the program adviser and approval from the College of Graduate Studies. A student wishing to be admitted to an advanced certificate must meet the criteria specified under General Admission Requirements. The student must also meet the professional, personal, scholastic, and other standards prescribed by the appropriate department and the Graduate Council. Advanced certificate students are governed by the same regulations as master’s degree students when accepting courses taken prior to matriculation. Students in an advanced degree program that wish to add the advanced certificate concurrently must be formally admitted no later than halfway through the units required for the advanced certificate. Students are ineligible to pursue two advanced certificates concurrently. Courses applied toward one advanced certificate cannot be used toward the completion of a second advanced certificate.

It is the student’s responsibility to maintain a grade point average of at least a 3.0 in all certificate courses, earn at least a grade of C (or better if specified by the department) on courses required for the certificate. A certificate must be completed within six years and a student must maintain good academic standing. With the recommendation of the program adviser and approval of the College of Graduate Studies, a student may include up to six units of 596 and 696 courses toward the fulfillment of the requirements. Courses used toward the fulfillment of a basic certificate cannot be used to fulfill the requirements for an advanced certificate.

Graduate students interested in a basic certificate should first consult with the appropriate department and the Office of Financial Aid and Scholarships regarding course requirements and financial aid implications.


   Programs Offered at SDSU Satellite Campus

       •  SDSU Imperial Valley  

Bachelor of Arts in Applied Arts and Sciences

Bachelor of Arts in Liberal Arts and Sciences

Bachelor of Fine Arts

Bachelor of Music Degree in Applied Arts and Sciences

Bachelor of Science

Bachelor of Science in Business Administration

Bachelor of Science in Applied Arts and Sciences



Master of Arts

Master of Business Administration

Master of City Planning

Master of Fine Arts

Master of Music

Master of Public Administration

Master of Public Health

Master of Science

Master of Social Work

Educational Specialist

Doctor of Audiology

Doctor of Education

Doctor of Philosophy

Doctor of Physical Therapy

Doctor of Public Health

Added Authorization

Advanced Certificate

Basic Certificate


Other Programs

Other Programs