Sep 27, 2024  
2022/2023 University Catalog 
2022/2023 University Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Course Descriptions

General Education Courses  

Courses offered at the SDSU Imperial Valley campus.  

Detailed information about course offerings can be found on the Class Schedule website.



  • CHEM 300 - Forensic Science

    Units: 3 GE

    Prerequisite(s): CHEM 100  or completion of General Education requirement in Foundations of Learning II.A. Natural Sciences and Quantitative Reasoning.

    Techniques and case studies of mysteries solved by molecular analysis: chemical and DNA analysis of crime scenes, biochemical explanations of mysterious deaths and accidents, molecular hallmarks of forgery, chemical methods in crime deterrence, chemical causes of fires and structure failure.

    Note: Not applicable to chemistry majors.

  • CHEM 308 - Chemistry as a Unifying Science

    Units: 3 GE

    Only offered at: SDSU Imperial Valley

    Prerequisite(s): Completion of the General Education requirement in Foundations II.A., Natural Sciences and Quantitative Reasoning.

    Atomic-molecular theory of matter; use of concepts of chemistry to explain observable phenomena in everyday life, including physical properties and chemical changes; connections between chemistry and biology, earth science, and physical science.

    Note: Open only to liberal studies majors. Not applicable to chemistry majors.

  • CHEM 362 - Confronting Cancer

    Units: 3 GE

    Prerequisite(s): Upper division standing.

    Humankind’s efforts to combat the diseases known as cancer. Approaches to treatment, future directions, historical perspectives and current understanding through the lenses of medicine, science, and society.

  • CHEM 365 - Fundamentals of Biochemistry

    Units: 3

    Prerequisite(s): BIOL 203 , BIOL 203L  and CHEM 232 , CHEM 232L .

    Basic concepts of modern integrated biochemistry, cell and molecular biology.

    Note: Not open to students with credit in CHEM 560 . Applicable to chemistry major or minor only with approval from department.

  • CHEM 410B - Physical Chemistry

    Units: 3

    Three lectures.

    Prerequisite(s): CHEM 232 , CHEM 232L , CHEM 251 , CHEM 410A .

    Theoretical principles of chemistry with emphasis on mathematical relations. Theory and practice in acquisition and statistical analysis of physical measurements on chemical systems.

  • CHEM 417 - Advanced Physical Chemistry Laboratory

    Units: 2

    Six hours of laboratory.

    Prerequisite(s): CHEM 251 , CHEM 410A , and credit or concurrent registration in CHEM 410B .

    Experimental physical chemistry. Emphasis on interpretation and statistical evaluation of instrument-derived results, record keeping, report writing, and individual initiative in observing results.

  • CHEM 427 - Inorganic Chemistry Laboratory

    Units: 2

    One lecture and three hours of laboratory.

    Prerequisite(s): CHEM 520A .

    Laboratory course designed to introduce students to techniques used in synthesis, characterization, and manipulation of inorganic compounds and materials.

  • CHEM 432 - Organic Chemistry

    Units: 3

    Same As: Lecture portion of Chemistry 431
    Prerequisite(s): CHEM 232  with a grade of C (2.0) or better and credit or concurrent registration in CHEM 432L .

    Continuation of CHEM 232 .

    Note: Not open to students with credit in Chemistry 431.

  • CHEM 432L - Organic Chemistry Laboratory

    Units: 1

    Same As: Laboratory portion of Chemistry 431
    Three hours of laboratory.

    Prerequisite(s): CHEM 232L  with a grade of C (2.0) or better and credit or concurrent registration in CHEM 432 .

    Continuation of CHEM 232L .

    Note: Not open to students with credit in Chemistry 431.

  • CHEM 457 - Instrumental Methods of Chemical Analysis Laboratory

    Units: 2

    Six hours of laboratory.

    Prerequisite(s): CHEM 251 , CHEM 432 , CHEM 432L , and credit or concurrent registration in CHEM 410B ; concurrent registration in CHEM 550 .

    Application of instrumental methods of chemical separations and analysis frequently used in all disciplines of chemistry.

  • CHEM 496 - Selected Topics in Chemistry

    Units: 1-4

    Prerequisite(s): Consent of instructor.

    Selected topics in modern chemistry. May be repeated with new content. Maximum Credits: six units.

    Note: See Class Schedule for specific content. Limit of nine units of any combination of 296, 496, 596 courses applicable to a bachelor’s degree.

  • CHEM 497 - Undergraduate Research

    Units: 1-3

    Grading Method: Cr/NC

    Prerequisite(s): CHEM 232 , CHEM 232L , CHEM 251 .

    Individual laboratory investigation. Maximum Credits: six units applicable to all chemistry major and minor degrees

  • CHEM 498 - Senior Project

    Units: 1-3

    Prerequisite(s): Three one-year courses in chemistry.

    Individual literature and/or laboratory investigation and report on a problem. Maximum Credits: three units.

  • CHEM 499 - Special Study

    Units: 1-4

    Prerequisite(s): Consent of instructor.

    Individual study. Maximum Credits: six units.

  • CHEM 510 - Advanced Physical Chemistry

    Units: 3

    Prerequisite(s): CHEM 410B .

    Problems in chemical thermodynamics, statistical mechanics, chemical kinetics, quantum chemistry and molecular structure and spectroscopy, with applications.

  • CHEM 520A - Inorganic Chemistry

    Units: 3

    Prerequisite(s): CHEM 410A .

    Nature of chemical bond and an advanced systematic study of representative and transition elements and their compounds.

  • CHEM 520B - Inorganic Chemistry

    Units: 3

    Prerequisite(s): CHEM 410A , CHEM 520A .

    Nature of chemical bond and an advanced systematic study of representative and transition elements and their compounds.

  • CHEM 530 - Physical Organic Chemistry

    Units: 3

    Prerequisite(s): CHEM 410B , CHEM 432 .

    Attractive and repulsive interactions between molecules, experimental methods and applications. Kinetic and thermodynamic analysis of reaction mechanisms and noncovalent binding. Qualitative molecular orbital theory, strain and stability, structure and bonding of organic molecules.

    Note: Not open for post-baccalaureate credit or to students with credit in CHEM 730 .

  • CHEM 531 - Synthetic Organic Chemistry

    Units: 3

    Prerequisite(s): CHEM 432 , CHEM 432L .

    Modern methods, strategies, and mechanisms in advanced organic synthesis. Retrosynthetic analysis of and synthetic routes towards biologically important compounds.

    Note: Not open for post-baccalaureate credit or to students with credit in CHEM 731 .

  • CHEM 532 - Mechanism of Pharmaceutical Synthesis

    Units: 3

    Prerequisite(s): CHEM 410B , CHEM 432 .

    Organic reactions and mechanisms frequently used in the pharmaceutical industry.

    Note: Not open for post-baccalaureate credit or to students with credit in CHEM 732 .

  • CHEM 534 - Organometallics

    Units: 1-3

    Prerequisite(s): CHEM 410A  or CHEM 432 ; CHEM 457 , CHEM 550 .

    Advanced or special topics in organometallic chemistry and applications to organic chemistry.

    Note: Not open for post-baccalaureate credit or to students with credit in CHEM 734 .

  • CHEM 536 - Spectroscopic Characterization of Organic Compounds

    Units: 3

    Prerequisite(s): CHEM 432  with a grade of C (2.0) or better.

    Organic compounds using physical and spectroscopic methods. Establishment of purity and yields.

    Note: Not open for post-baccalaureate credit or to students with credit in CHEM 736 .

  • CHEM 538 - Polymer Science

    Units: 3

    Same As: PHYS 538 
    Prerequisite(s): CHEM 200  or CHEM 202 ; and credit or concurrent registration in CHEM 410B  or PHYS 360  or M E 350 .

    Structure, synthesis, physical properties, and utilities of polymers and biopolymers.

  • CHEM 550 - Instrumental Methods of Chemical Analysis

    Units: 2

    Prerequisite(s): CHEM 232 , CHEM 232L , and credit or concurrent registration in CHEM 410A ; credit or concurrent registration in CHEM 457  for undergraduate students only. Chemistry majors in the teaching credential program (BA in Applied Arts and Sciences) can replace CHEM 457  with credit or concurrent registration in CHEM 417 . Chemical Physics majors can replace CHEM 457  with credit or concurrent registration in PHYS 311 .

    Theory and application of instrumental methods of chemical separation and analysis most frequently used in all disciplines of chemistry.

  • CHEM 560 - General Biochemistry

    Units: 3

    Prerequisite(s): CHEM 232 , CHEM 232L , and credit or concurrent registration in CHEM 410A , CHEM 432 , CHEM 432L .

    The structure, function, metabolism, and thermodynamic relationships of chemical entities in living systems.

    Note: Not open to students with credit in CHEM 365 .

  • CHEM 562 - Intermediary Metabolism

    Units: 2

    Prerequisite(s): CHEM 365  or CHEM 560 .

    Catabolic and biosynthetic pathways of carbohydrate, lipid, amino acid, and nucleotide metabolism; TCA cycle, mitochondrial and chloroplast electron transport chains, ATP generation and their interactions and control.

  • CHEM 563 - Nucleic Acid Function and Protein Synthesis

    Units: 2

    Prerequisite(s): CHEM 365  or CHEM 560 .

    DNA replication, RNA transcription, RNA processing, and protein translation, including chemical mechanisms of synthesis and cellular mechanisms of regulating gene expression; genomics, recombinant DNA, and DNA topology.

  • CHEM 563B - Epitranscriptomics

    Units: 1

    Prerequisite(s): CHEM 365  or CHEM 560 . Credit or concurrent registration in CHEM 563 .

    Advanced biochemistry of nucleic acids to include epitranscriptomics, posttranscriptional editing and modification of RNA; biosynthesis, detection and functional characterization of modified nucleotides; epitranscriptomic sequencing technology, epitranscriptomic code and its alterations in human disease.

  • CHEM 564 - Receptor Biochemistry and Protein Modification

    Units: 2

    Prerequisite(s): CHEM 365  or CHEM 560 .

    Biochemical study of receptors, second messengers, and cellular proteins that participate in extracellular and intracellular communication, with focus on protein structures, post-translational modifications, and biochemical mechanisms that regulate receptors and effector enzymes.

  • CHEM 567 - Biochemistry Laboratory

    Units: 3

    One lecture and six hours of laboratory.

    Prerequisite(s): CHEM 560 .

    Theory and practice of procedures used in study of life at molecular level. Includes purification and characterization of enzymes, isolation of cell components, and use of radioactive tracer techniques.

  • CHEM 571 - Topics in Environmental Chemistry

    Units: 1-3

    Prerequisite(s): CHEM 232 , CHEM 232L , CHEM 251 ; consent of instructor for all other majors.

    Fundamentals of chemistry applied to environmental problems. Chemistry of ecosystems; analysis of natural constituents and pollutants; sampling methods; transport of contaminants; regulations and public policy. Maximum Credits: three units.

  • CHEM 596 - Advanced Special Topics in Chemistry

    Units: 1-3

    Prerequisite(s): Consent of instructor.

    Advanced selected topics in modern chemistry. May be repeated with new content. Maximum Credits: six units of 596 applicable to a bachelor’s degree.

    Note: See Class Schedule for specific content. Limit of nine units of any combination of 296, 496, 596 courses applicable to a bachelor’s degree. Credit for 596 and 696 applicable to a master’s degree with approval of the graduate adviser.

  • CHEM 695 - Graduate Education in Chemistry

    Units: 1-3

    Prerequisite(s): Concurrent registration in chemistry course at 500-level or higher.

    Skills and knowledge needed for success in chemistry graduate program to include techniques for successful teaching, key safety protocols, ethical issues in teaching and research, department research programs, effective means of finding and communicating chemical information.

  • CHEM 696 - Selected Topics in Chemistry

    Units: 1-3

    Prerequisite(s): Graduate standing.

    Intensive study in specific areas of chemistry. May be repeated with new content. Maximum Credits: six units.

    Note: See Class Schedule for specific content. Credit for 596 and 696 applicable to a master’s degree with approval of the graduate adviser.

  • CHEM 711 - Chemical Thermodynamics

    Units: 3

    Prerequisite(s): CHEM 410B .

    Chemical thermodynamics and introduction to statistical thermodynamics.

  • CHEM 712 - Chemical Kinetics

    Units: 3

    Prerequisite(s): CHEM 410B .

    Theory of rate processes; applications of kinetics to the study of reaction mechanisms.

  • CHEM 713 - Quantum Chemistry

    Units: 3

    Prerequisite(s): CHEM 410B .

    Quantum mechanics of atomic and molecular systems; applications to chemical bonding theory.

  • CHEM 714 - Topics in Statistical Mechanics

    Units: 3

    Prerequisite(s): CHEM 410A CHEM 410B , MATH 252 .

    Selected topics from the field of physical chemistry. May be repeated with new content. Maximum Credits: six units applicable to a master’s degree.

    Note: See Class Schedule for specific content.

  • CHEM 730 - Physical Organic Chemistry

    Units: 3

    Prerequisite(s): CHEM 410B CHEM 432 .

    Attractive and repulsive interactions between molecules, experimental methods and applications. Kinetic and thermodynamic analysis of reaction mechanisms and noncovalent binding. Qualitative molecular orbital theory, strain and stability, structure and bonding of organic molecules.

    Note: Not open to students with credit in CHEM 530 .

  • CHEM 731 - Synthetic Organic Chemistry

    Units: 3

    Prerequisite(s): CHEM 432 CHEM 432L .

    Modern methods, strategies, and mechanisms in advanced organic synthesis. Retrosynthetic analysis of and synthetic routes towards biologically important compounds.

    Note: Not open to students with credit in CHEM 531 .

  • CHEM 732 - Mechanism of Pharmaceutical Synthesis

    Units: 3

    Prerequisite(s): CHEM 410B CHEM 432 .

    Organic reactions and mechanisms frequently used in the pharmaceutical industry.

    Note: Not open to students with credit in CHEM 532 .

  • CHEM 734 - Organometallics

    Units: 1-3

    Prerequisite(s): CHEM 410A  or CHEM 432 CHEM 457 CHEM 550 .

    Advanced or special topics in organometallic chemistry and applications to organic chemistry.

    Note: Not open to students with credit in CHEM 534 .

  • CHEM 736 - Spectroscopic Characterization of Organic Compounds

    Units: 3

    Prerequisite(s): CHEM 432  with a grade of C (2.0) or better.

    Organic compounds using physical and spectroscopic methods. Establishment of purity and yields.

    Note: Not open to students with credit in CHEM 536 .

  • CHEM 750 - Advanced Topics in Analytical Chemistry

    Units: 1-3

    Prerequisite(s): CHEM 550 .

    Selected topics from the field of analytical chemistry. May be repeated with new content. Maximum Credits: six units applicable to a master’s degree.

    Note: See Class Schedule for specific content.

  • CHEM 751 - Separations Science

    Units: 1-3

    Prerequisite(s): CHEM 550 .

    Theoretical basis for separation techniques important in analytical chemistry. Chemical and physical interactions between components of different classes of separation systems, including selection and optimization of operational parameters.

  • CHEM 752 - Mass Spectrometry

    Units: 1-3

    Prerequisite(s): CHEM 410B  and CHEM 550 .

    Theory and practice in analysis of volatile and nonvolatile organic and inorganic compounds, basic design principles, theory of ionization processes; interpretation of mass spectra.

  • CHEM 753 - Analytical Spectroscopy

    Units: 1-3

    Prerequisite(s): CHEM 550 .

    Theory and application of atomic and molecular absorption, emission and fluorescence methods. Modern optical instrumentation and methods of analysis. Nonlinear laser spectroscopic methods in chemical analysis.

  • CHEM 761 - Biophysical Chemistry

    Units: 3

    Prerequisite(s): CHEM 560 .

    Biological macromolecules to include absorption/circular dichroism/ emission spectroscopy, calorimetry, centrifugation, electrophoresis, light/small-angle x-ray/neutron scattering, mass spectrometry, and x-ray crystallography.

  • CHEM 763 - Cellular Regulation

    Units: 1-3

    Prerequisite(s): CHEM 563 .

    Biochemistry of cellular regulatory mechanisms in eucaryotic cells. Regulation of gene transcription, in mRNA translation and post-translational processes, including the mechanism and regulation of intracellular protein turnover.

  • CHEM 765 - Molecular Mechanisms of Human Disease

    Units: 3

    Prerequisite(s): CHEM 365  for biology majors, CHEM 560  for biochemistry and chemistry majors, or graduate standing.

    Protein dysfunction in cancer, HIV, and prion disorders. Altered catalytic function to include drug design/pharmacokinetics/ADME, global kinetics fitting software, hydrogen-deuterium exchange mass spectrometry, pre-steady-state kinetics, x-ray crystallography, and structural manipulation programs.

  • CHEM 781 - Scientific Approaches to Teaching and Learning

    Units: 3

    Research and best practices in undergraduate teaching and learning science. Development of a teaching philosophy, discipline-based education research literature, reflective teaching practices, student assessment techniques.

  • CHEM 790 - Seminar

    Units: 1-3

    An intensive study in advanced chemistry. May be repeated with new content. Maximum Credits: six units applicable to a master’s degree.

    Note: See Class Schedule for specific content. May not be substituted for CHEM 791 .

  • CHEM 791 - Research Seminar

    Units: 1

    Prerequisite(s): Consent of graduate adviser.

    Presentation of current research by students working towards M.S. degrees. Must be completed before end of second year of study.

  • CHEM 792 - Bibliography

    Units: 1

    Exercise in the use of basic reference books, journals, and specialized bibliographies, preparatory to the writing of a master’s project or thesis.

  • CHEM 795 - Chemistry Seminar

    Units: 1

    Prerequisite(s): Graduate standing.

    Advanced study in all fields of chemistry. Maximum Credits: three units applicable to the master’s degree or Ph.D. in chemistry.

  • CHEM 797 - Research

    Units: 1-3

    Grading Method: Cr/NC/RP

    Prerequisite(s): Consent of instructor.

    Research in one of the fields of chemistry. Maximum Credits: six units applicable to a master’s degree.

  • CHEM 798 - Special Study

    Units: 1-3

    Grading Method: Cr/NC/RP

    Prerequisite(s): Consent of staff; to be arranged with department chair and instructor.

    Individual study. Maximum Credits: six units applicable to a master’s degree.

  • CHEM 799A - Thesis

    Units: 3

    Grading Method: Cr/NC/RP

    Prerequisite(s): An officially appointed thesis committee and advancement to candidacy.

    Preparation of a project or thesis for the master’s degree.

  • CHEM 799B - Thesis Extension

    Units: 0

    Grading Method: Cr/NC

    Prerequisite(s): Prior registration in Thesis 799A with an assigned grade symbol of RP.

    Registration required in any semester or term following assignment of RP in Course 799A in which the student expects to use the facilities and resources of the university; also student must be registered in the course when the completed thesis is granted final approval.

  • CHEM 897 - Doctoral Research

    Units: 1-15

    Grading Method: Cr/NC/RP

    Prerequisite(s): Admission to the doctoral program.

    Independent investigation in the general field of the dissertation.

  • CHEM 899 - Doctoral Dissertation

    Units: 1-15

    Grading Method: Cr/NC/RP

    Prerequisite(s): An officially constituted dissertation committee and advancement to candidacy.

    Preparation of the dissertation for the doctoral degree. Enrollment is required during the term in which the dissertation is approved.

Chicana and Chicano Studies

  • CCS 100 - Chicana and Chicano Heritage

    Units: 3 GE

    Cultural achievements and thought of Spanish-speaking peoples of North America; development of aesthetic and ethical values. North American intellectual history and influence of philosophical orientations of native and Mestizo peoples. Implications for social change.

    Note: This course satisfies the ethnic studies [ES] requirement.

  • CCS 110 - Introduction to Chicana and Chicano Studies

    Units: 3 GE

    Origins, evolution, and current status of Chicana and Chicano studies. Research, theories, methods, and debates in and impact of the field. Current intellectual trends, scholar activism, and societal developments with implications for the field. Career pathway possibilities.

    Note: This course satisfies the ethnic studies [ES] requirement.

  • CCS 111A - Oral Communication

    Units: 3 GE

    Training in oral expression.

    Note: Chicana and Chicano Studies 111A is equivalent to COMM 103 . Not open to students with credit in AFRAS 140  or COMM 103  or COMM 204 .

  • CCS 111B - Written Communication

    Units: 3 GE

    Prerequisite(s): Satisfaction of the SDSU Written Communication Assessment requirement. Proof of completion of prerequisite(s) required.

    Training in written expression. English grammar and composition; the essay, the term paper.

    Note: Not open to students with credit in a higher-numbered composition course or AFRAS 120  or AMIND 120  or LING 100B  or RWS 100  [or ENGL 100 ] or RWS 105B .

  • CCS 120A - Chicana and Chicano Role in the American Political System

    Units: 3 GE-AI

    Relationship between Chicana and Chicano communities and the American political system.

    Note: CCS 120A and CCS 120B  is a year-long course sequence that satisfies the graduation requirement in American Institutions. This course satisfies the ethnic studies [ES] requirement.

  • CCS 120B - Chicana and Chicano Role in the American Political System

    Units: 3 GE-AI

    The Chicana and Chicano in relation to city, county, and state institutions in California.

    Note: CCS 120A  and CCS 120B is a year-long course sequence that satisfies the graduation requirement in American Institutions. This course satisfies the ethnic studies [ES] requirement.

  • CCS 141A - History of the United States

    Units: 3 GE-AI

    Spanish, Mexican, and Chicano influences on US history. Comparative development of the United States and Mexico to 1865.

    Note: CCS 141A and CCS 141B  is a year-long course sequence that satisfies the graduation requirement in American Institutions. This course satisfies the ethnic studies [ES] requirement.

  • CCS 141B - History of the United States

    Units: 3 GE-AI

    Spanish, Mexican, and Chicano influences on US history. Mexican Americans in US history; US and Mexican national histories compared from 1865 to the present.

    Note: CCS 141A  and CCS 141B is a year-long course sequence that satisfies the graduation requirement in American Institutions. This course satisfies the ethnic studies [ES] requirement.

  • CCS 150 - Critical Issues in Chicana Studies

    Units: 3 GE

    Critical themes in Chicana feminist scholarship: power and resistance; work, family, and culture; cultural representations and presentations; social and biological reproduction.

    Note: This course satisfies the ethnic studies [ES] requirement.

  • CCS 200 - Intermediate Expository Research and Writing

    Units: 3 GE

    Prerequisite(s): Satisfaction of the SDSU Written Communication Assessment requirement and CCS 111B  or AFRAS 120  or AMIND 120  or LING 100B  or RWS 100  [or ENGL 100 ] or RWS 105B . Proof of completion of prerequisite(s) required: Test scores or verification of exemption; copy of transcript.

    Intermediate composition. Practice in reading, writing, and critical thinking using interdisciplinary sources. Research skills using primary and secondary sources. Argumentative writing skills.

    Note: Especially designed for bilingual/bicultural students. Not open to students with credit in AFRAS 200 , AMIND 225 , LING 200 , or RWS 200  [or ENGL 200 ].

  • CCS 220 - Language in the Borderlands

    Units: 3 GE

    Chicana/o/x linguistic experience and cultural language-use. Cultural context, historical trends, Chicana/o/x English, Chicana/o/x Spanish, Indigenous languages, language contact, variation, racialization of language, issues of identity, linguistic resilience.

  • CCS 275 - Sports and Race

    Units: 3 GE

    Intersection of sports and race as it impacts cultural, personal, and social development. Historical and contemporary controversies. Personal cultural experiences with sport as a racialized cultural institution.

    Note: This course satisfies the ethnic studies [ES] requirement.

  • CCS 280 - Youth Studies in Racialized Contexts

    Units: 3 GE

    Two lectures and two hours of activity.

    Youth experiences and adolescent development in a racially diverse world. Ways ethnicity, race, and other sociocultural factors impact experiences of youth and lifelong roles.

    Note: This course satisfies the ethnic studies [ES] requirement.

  • CCS 296 - Experimental Topics

    Units: 1-4

    Selected topics. May be repeated with new content.

    Note: See Class Schedule for specific content. Limit of nine units of any combination of 296, 496, 596 courses applicable to a bachelor’s degree.

  • CCS 300W - Theories and Concepts in Chicana and Chicano Studies

    Units: 3

    Grading Method: Letter (Cr/NC OK)

    Only offered at: SDSU San Diego

    Prerequisite(s): CCS 110  or upper division standing.

    Survey of different theoretical approaches and concepts in field of Chicana and Chicano Studies. Advanced introduction to structures of knowledge (history and challenges); the ‘two-cultures’ debates (sciences v. humanities: quantitative v. qualitative methodologies); and mechanisms of position paper writing.

    Note: W signifies writing-extensive course.

  • CCS 301 - Political Economy of the Chicano People

    Units: 3 GE

    Prerequisite(s): Prerequisite(s) recommended: CCS 110 .

    Political and economic roots of the oppression and exploitation of the Chicano from historical, institutional, and theoretical points of view. Parallels between the experience of the Chicano and other Hispanic groups.

    Note: This course satisfies the ethnic studies [ES] requirement.

  • CCS 303 - Chicana and Chicano Community Studies

    Units: 3 GE

    Prerequisite(s): Prerequisite(s) recommended: CCS 110 .

    Chicana and Chicano communities from a comparative perspective. Systematic inquiry into methods and issues in community studies. Contemporary social, institutional, and political affairs.

    Note: This course satisfies the ethnic studies [ES] requirement.

  • CCS 306 - Mexican Immigration

    Units: 3 GE

    Immigration from Mexico in the context of US immigration history and policies. Comparative study of political, economic, and cultural factors. Undocumented immigration and current US law.

    Note: This course satisfies the ethnic studies [ES] requirement.

  • CCS 310 - Mexican and Chicano Music

    Units: 3 GE

    Same As: LATAM 310  
    Offered at: SDSU Main Campus and SDSU Imperial Valley

    Music of Mexico and the Southwest including folk dances appropriate for children and adults. Emphasis on the corrido, its history and development in Mexico and the United States.

    Note: Course will be taught bilingually. This course satisfies the ethnic studies [ES] requirement.

  • CCS 320 - Chicana and Chicano Lifestyles

    Units: 3 GE

    Social relations and cultural evolution in Chicana and Chicano communities, female-male relationships, and family. Influence of Spanish-Mexican cultural heritage and US industrial-capitalist society. Comparative cross-cultural social science methodology.

    Note: This course satisfies the ethnic studies [ES] requirement.

  • CCS 335 - Chicana and Chicano Literature

    Units: 3 GE

    Same As: ENGL 335  
    Offered at: SDSU Main Campus and SDSU Imperial Valley

    Ideas, forms, history of significant Chicana and Chicano prose, poetry, and other literary genres.

    Note: This course satisfies the general education cultural diversity requirement.

  • CCS 340A - Gender, Sex, and Politics in Colonial Mexico

    Units: 3 GE

    Offered at: SDSU Main Campus and SDSU Imperial Valley

    Prerequisite(s): Prerequisite(s) recommended: CCS 141A  or CCS 350A .

    History of Mexican women under Spanish colonial rule. Women’s agency and diversity of experiences, as they relate to class, race, religion, and sexuality. Nonheteronormative (LGBTQ) sexualities.

    Note: This course satisfies the ethnic studies [ES] requirement.

  • CCS 340B - Chicana Women’s History: 1848-Present

    Units: 3 GE

    Offered at: SDSU Main Campus and SDSU Imperial Valley

    Prerequisite(s): Prerequisite(s) recommended: CCS 111B  and upper division standing.

    History of Chicanas in the United States from 1848 to present, focusing on impact of Mexican American War, important female historical figures, and issues related to race, class, religion, and sexuality.

    Note: This course satisfies the ethnic studies [ES] requirement.

  • CCS 345 - Postcolonial Masculinities

    Units: 3

    Grading Method: GE

    Only offered at: SDSU San Diego

    Masculinity in post-colonial contexts, particularly Chicanx/Latinx and BIPOC communities. Intersections of masculinity and race, ethnicity, and culture, to include cultural and historical trends, social and institutional politics and practices, issues of self-identity, media narratives, sexuality, and social and interpersonal relationships. Formerly numbered CCS 240.

  • CCS 350A - Chicana and Chicano History

    Units: 3 GE

    Review of indigenous origins; Hispanic institutions and northward expansion; the Mexican Republic; attention to women’s socioeconomic status and significance.

    Note: This course satisfies the ethnic studies [ES] requirement.

  • CCS 350B - Chicana and Chicano History

    Units: 3 GE

    US encroachment and the US-Mexican War; Chicana and Chicano contributions; the multilingual and multicultural Southwest.

    Note: This course satisfies the ethnic studies [ES] requirement.

  • CCS 355 - The United States-Mexico International Border

    Units: 3 GE

    Same As: LATAM 355  
    Prerequisite(s): Upper division standing.

    History, culture, economics, and politics of US/Mexico border region. Theories and policy issues surrounding development of region; local regional problems and major agencies, institutions, organizations addressing these problems.

    Note: This course satisfies the ethnic studies [ES] requirement.

  • CCS 360 - Culture of Fútbol: Chicana/os, Latina/os, and Soccer

    Units: 3 GE

    Cultural dynamics of fútbol (soccer), in the U.S./Mexico transborder context. Impact of class, ethnicity, gender, history, nationality, politics, and race on the culture of the sport, from youth and recreational participation to professional leagues and fandom.

  • CCS 375 - US/Mexico Border History

    Units: 3 GE

    Prerequisite(s): Prerequisite(s) recommended: CCS 110 .

    Historical problems and movements in the US-Mexican border region, in particular those impacting Spanish-speaking populations on both sides of the border. Contemporary border issues from a historical perspective.

    Note: This course satisfies the ethnic studies [ES] requirement.

  • CCS 376 - Chicana and Chicano Culture and Thought

    Units: 3 GE

    Intellectual history of Chicanas and Chicanos as a synthesis of different cultural traditions and perspectives. Philosophical concepts from pre-Cortesian times to the present.

    Note: This course satisfies the ethnic studies [ES] requirement.

  • CCS 380 - US/Mexico Borderlands Folklore

    Units: 3 GE

    Same As: LATAM 380  
    Prerequisite(s): Prerequisite(s) recommended: CCS 110 .

    Border folklore, its complexities and dynamics via myths, rituals, legends, sayings, corridos (ballads), and literature of Chicanos and Mexicanos in the US-Mexican border region.

    Note: This course satisfies the ethnic studies [ES] requirement.

  • CCS 396W - Chicana and Chicano Prose

    Units: 3

    Prerequisite(s): Satisfies Graduation Writing Assessment Requirement for students who have completed 60 units, completed Writing Placement Assessment with a score of 8 or higher (or earned a grade C (2.0) or better in RWS 280 , RWS 281  [or LING 281 ] if score on WPA was 6 or lower); and completed General Education requirements in Communication and Critical Thinking. Proof of completion of prerequisite(s) required: Test scores or verification of exemption; copy of transcript.

    A writing workshop. Mutual criticism. Exploration of new form and content in Mexican American prose. Maximum Credits: six units.

  • CCS 400 - Mexican Images in Film

    Units: 3 GE

    Same As: LATAM 400  
    Prerequisite(s): Upper division standing.

    Comparative study of images presented by Hollywood, Mexican, and Chicano cinemas. Critical analysis and discussion of projected values. Comparison of themes in film and text.

    Note: This course satisfies the ethnic studies [ES] requirement.

  • CCS 402 - Humanizing and Decolonizing Approaches to Theory and Research Methods

    Units: 3

    Prerequisite(s): Upper division standing.

    Interdisciplinary qualitative and quantitative research methods and theoretical frameworks through a decolonial lens. New innovations in applied humanities research.

  • CCS 405 - Performing Transnational Citizenship

    Units: 3

    Prerequisite(s): Upper division standing.

    Civic, cultural, postnational, and social constructions of citizenship in a local, global, and transnational context. Citizenship and rights of Mexican undocumented migrant and immigrant groups.

    Note: This course satisfies the ethnic studies [ES] requirement.

  • CCS 450 - Chicano and Latino Theatre

    Units: 3 GE

    Prerequisite(s): Upper division standing.

    Contemporary Chicano theatre including works by people of Puerto Rican, Cuban American, and other Latin American origins in the United States.

    Note: This course satisfies the ethnic studies [ES] requirement.

  • CCS 456 - Ethnic and Gender Studies in the Workplace

    Units: 3

    Same As: AFRAS 456  and AMIND 456  and WMNST 456 .
    Prerequisite(s): Upper division standing.

    History, institutions, and how systemic oppression operates in the professional sphere. Toolkits and strategies for advocacy and allyship in the workplace.

  • CCS 496 - Selected Topics in Chicana and Chicano Studies

    Units: 1-3

    May be repeated with new content. Maximum Credits: six units.

    Note: See Class Schedule for specific content. Limit of nine units of any combination of 296, 496, 596 courses applicable to a bachelor’s degree.


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