Sep 27, 2024  
2022/2023 University Catalog 
2022/2023 University Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Course Descriptions

General Education Courses  

Courses offered at the SDSU Imperial Valley campus.  

Detailed information about course offerings can be found on the Class Schedule website.


Asian Studies

  • ASIAN 421 - Asian History Since 1600

    Units: 3 GE

    Same As: HIST 421  
    China, Japan, and India, with case studies on Philippines and Vietnam. Comparative Asian responses to Western imperialism, nationalism, revolution, and war. Diverse Cold War paths; contemporary problems and prospects.

    Note: This course satisfies the general education cultural diversity requirement.

  • ASIAN 422 - Asian American Experiences

    Units: 3 GE

    Same As: HIST 422  
    Prerequisite(s): Upper division standing.

    Experiences of Asian/Pacific Islander Americans to include immigration, colonialism, imperialism, exclusion, citizenship, labor, family, community, gender, popular culture, refugees, multi-racial tensions, globalization, and resistance.

    Note: This course satisfies the ethnic studies [ES] requirement.

  • ASIAN 425 - The Vietnam War

    Units: 3 GE

    Same As: HIST 425  
    The Vietnam War from a global perspective. The war’s evolution in Vietnam and Indochina as well as its implications on socialist nations, the Third World, and the West.

    Note: This course satisfies the general education cultural diversity requirement.

  • ASIAN 430 - Contemporary Korean Culture Through Media

    Units: 3 GE

    Same As: KOR 430  
    Prerequisite(s): Upper division standing.

    Contemporary Korean culture and society as reflected in various modes of media (news, drama, film, instructional technology). Korean culture in neighboring countries and beyond. Historical perspective to modern Korean culture.

    Note: Taught in English. This course satisfies the general education cultural diversity requirement.

  • ASIAN 458 - Asian Traditions

    Units: 3 GE

    Same As: REL S 458  
    Prerequisite(s): Six units of Asian-content courses or upper division standing.

    Social, cultural, economic, and political traditions of South, Southeast, and East Asia; how they functioned in theory and practice prior to twentieth century.

    Note: This course satisfies the general education cultural diversity requirement.

  • ASIAN 460 - Contemporary Issues in Filipino-American Communities

    Units: 3 GE

    Same As: FILIP 460 .
    Prerequisite(s): Upper division standing.

    History of Philippines and Filipino immigration to US. Current issues in Filipino American communities to include labor, health, gender and sexuality, race relations, family culture and parenting, youth and the elderly, ethnic identity and empowerment.

    Note: This course satisfies the ethnic studies [ES] requirement.

  • ASIAN 480 - Asian Leadership Models

    Units: 3

    Prerequisite(s): Upper division standing.

    Asian philosophies of leadership to include conflict resolution, decision-making, definitions of a leader, education, and thinking styles. Applications of theoretical structures in business and economics, government and diplomacy, negotiating war and peace, and pedagogy. Primary ancient and contemporary texts from Asian cultures.

  • ASIAN 490 - Study Abroad in Asian Studies

    Units: 3 GE

    Prerequisite(s): Upper division standing. See Class Schedule for additional prerequisites.

    Selected topics in Asian studies. Courses taught abroad in Asian countries through a program approved by Center for Asian and Pacific Studies to include SDSU faculty-led courses in these countries. May be repeated with new content. Maximum Credits: six units of which three units may be applicable to General Education.

    Note: See Class Schedule for specific content and geographic location. This course satisfies the general education cultural diversity requirement.

  • ASIAN 496 - Experimental Topics

    Units: 1-4

    Prerequisite(s): Six units of Asian-content courses.

    Selected topics in Asian studies. May be repeated with new content. Maximum Credits: six units with new content.

    Note: See Class Schedule for specific content. Limit of nine units of any combination of 296, 496, 596 courses applicable to a bachelor’s degree.

  • ASIAN 499 - Special Study

    Units: 1-3

    Prerequisite(s): At least six units of upper division work completed toward the major or minor in Asian studies and consent of the instructor.

    Individual study. Maximum Credits: six units.

  • ASIAN 596 - Selected Studies in Asian Cultures

    Units: 3

    Topics on various aspects of Asian studies. May be repeated with new content. Maximum Credits: six units of 596 applicable to a bachelor’s degree.

    Note: See Class Schedule for specific content. Limit of nine units of any combination of 296, 496, 596 courses applicable to a bachelor’s degree. Credit for 596 and 696 applicable to a master’s degree with approval of the graduate adviser.

  • ASIAN 797 - Research

    Units: 1-3

    Grading Method: Cr/NC/RP

    Research in one of the aspects of Asia Pacific studies. Maximum Credits: six units applicable to a master’s degree.

  • ASIAN 799A - Thesis

    Units: 3

    Grading Method: Cr/NC/RP

    Prerequisite(s): An officially appointed thesis committee and advancement to candidacy.

    Preparation of a project or thesis for the master’s degree.

  • ASIAN 799B - Thesis Extension

    Units: 0

    Grading Method: Cr/NC

    Prerequisite(s): Prior registration in Thesis 799A with an assigned grade symbol of RP.

    Registration required in any semester or term following assignment of RP in 799A in which the student expects to use the facilities and resources of the university; also student must be registered in the course when the completed thesis is granted final approval.


  • ASTR 101 - Principles of Astronomy

    Units: 3 GE

    Discover the universe: planets, stars, galaxies, and our place in the cosmos; the Big Bang; how stars shine; comets, meteors, nebulae, the Milky Way; black holes and other exotic objects.

    Note: Not open to students with credit in ASTR 201 .

  • ASTR 109 - Astronomy Laboratory

    Units: 1 GE

    Three hours of laboratory.

    Prerequisite(s): Credit or concurrent registration in ASTR 101  or ASTR 201 .

    Demonstration of astronomical principles through observations with astronomical instruments and analysis of astronomical data. A nighttime field trip to Mount Laguna Observatory is required.

  • ASTR 201 - Astronomy for Science Majors

    Units: 3 GE

    Grading Method: Letter (Cr/NC OK)

    Only offered at: SDSU San Diego

    Prerequisite(s): Satisfaction of the SDSU Mathematics/Quantitative Reasoning Assessment requirement.

    Directed toward students with a strong interest in science and mathematics. Understanding the night sky, introduction to the solar system, star formation and evolution, extrasolar planets, nature of the Milky Way and other galaxies, origin and fate of the universe.

  • ASTR 296 - Experimental Topics

    Units: 1-4

    Selected topics. May be repeated with new content.

    Note: See Class Schedule for specific content. Limit of nine units of any combination of 296, 496, 596 courses applicable to a bachelor’s degree.

  • ASTR 303 - A Walk Through the Stellar Graveyard

    Units: 3 GE

    Prerequisite(s): Completion of the General Education requirement in Foundations of Learning II.A.1. Physical Sciences and in Foundations of Learning II.A.4. Mathematics/Quantitative Reasoning.

    Deaths of stars and their exotic corpses to include black holes, neutron stars, and white dwarfs. User-friendly introduction to Einstein’s relativity theories, gravitational waves, and warped space-time.

  • ASTR 310 - Astrobiology and the Search for Extraterrestrial Life

    Units: 3 GE

    Prerequisite(s): Completion of the General Education requirement in Foundations of Learning II.A.1. Physical Sciences or II.A.2. Life Sciences.

    Extraterrestrial life in our solar system and other planetary systems; formation of stars and planets; UFOs and SETI; origin and evolution of life on earth; life in extreme environments; cosmology and structure of universe.

  • ASTR 320 - Solar System Astronomy

    Units: 3

    Prerequisite(s): ASTR 201  and PHYS 197 , PHYS 197L .

    Structures of the planets; their surfaces, atmospheres, and satellite systems; asteroids, comets, and meteoroids. The Sun, its structure, energy production, and influence in the solar system. Life in the solar system.

  • ASTR 350 - Astronomical Techniques

    Units: 3

    Prerequisite(s): ASTR 201 , MATH 342A , and PHYS 197 .

    Astronomical observation and optics. Data acquisition and reduction for modern astronomical instrumentation including photometry, direct imaging, and spectroscopy. Techniques for obtaining precise measurements and determining measurement uncertainties.

  • ASTR 440 - Astrophysics of Stars

    Units: 3

    Prerequisite(s): PHYS 354 . Recommended: PHYS 360 .

    Lives, interior structures, and physics that determines how stars work. Stellar atmospheres and spectrum of light that emerges from stars.

  • ASTR 450 - Extragalactic Astronomy

    Units: 3

    Grading Method: Letter (Cr/NC OK)

    Only offered at: SDSU San Diego

    Prerequisite(s): ASTR 201  or equivalent; MATH 150 , MATH 151 ; PHYS 195 , PHYS 196 , PHYS 197 .

    Review of basic astrophysics; flux and intensity measurements, blackbody radiation, the astronomical magnitude system, interstellar extinction, and distances determinations within the galaxy; morphological properties of galaxies; stellar populations; extragalactic distance indicators and the cosmological distance scale; introduction to cosmology.

  • ASTR 496 - Experimental Topics

    Units: 3

    Selected topics. May be repeated once with new content.

    Note: See Class Schedule for specific content. Limit of nine units of any combination of 296, 496, 596 courses applicable to a bachelor’s degree.

  • ASTR 498A - Senior Project

    Units: 1

    Prerequisite(s): A student’s academic program must demonstrate that they are on track to graduate within one academic year.

    Selection and design of individual projects.

  • ASTR 498B - Senior Project

    Units: 2

    Six hours of laboratory.

    Prerequisite(s): ASTR 498A .

    Individual research project culminating in a final written report.

  • ASTR 499 - Special Study

    Units: 1-3

    Prerequisite(s): Consent of instructor.

    Individual study. Maximum Credits: six units.

  • ASTR 510 - Exoplanets

    Units: 3

    Prerequisite(s): ASTR 350  and ASTR 440 , or PHYS 350  and PHYS 354  with minimum grade of B-, and consent of instructor.

    Extrasolar planet detection; mass and radius determination; transits and eclipses; orbital dynamics and transit timing variations; internal and atmospheric characteristics; the exoplanet population and formation scenarios.

  • ASTR 596 - Advanced Topics in Astronomy

    Units: 2-3

    Prerequisite(s): Consent of instructor.

    Selected topics in astronomy or astrophysics. May be repeated with new content upon approval of instructor. Maximum Credits: six units of 596 applicable to a bachelor’s degree.

    Note: See Class Schedule for specific content. Limit of nine units of any combination of 296, 496, 596 courses applicable to a bachelor’s degree. Credit for 596 and 696 applicable to a master’s degree with approval of the graduate adviser.

  • ASTR 610 - Binary Stars

    Units: 3

    Prerequisite(s): ASTR 450 .

    Visual, spectroscopic, and eclipsing binary stars. Review of observational techniques. Methods of orbital analysis with applications emphasizing determination of fundamental stellar properties, such as mass, radius, temperature, and luminosity. Implications for stellar evolution.

  • ASTR 620 - Galactic Structure

    Units: 3

    Prerequisite(s): ASTR 450 .

    Survey of basic observational data for determining structure of Milky Way Galaxy. Includes luminosity functions, stellar distributions, solar motion, stellar populations, kinematics and dynamics of general and peculiar stellar motions.

  • ASTR 630 - Stellar Atmospheres and Interiors

    Units: 3

    Prerequisite(s): ASTR 440  and MATH 342A .

    Gas thermodynamics and equations of state. Production of stellar continuum radiation and spectral lines. Theories of radiative and convective energy transport. Interior structure and evolution of stars.

  • ASTR 650 - Galactic Structure and Evolution

    Units: 3

    Prerequisite(s): ASTR 680 .

    Stellar and gaseous structures of the Milky Way and external galaxies. Properties to include chemical evolution, color distributions, luminosity functions, mass-to-light ratios, scaling relations, and surface brightness profiles. Dark matter halos, gravitational collapse models, and hierarchical structure formation. Contents and physical state of interstellar and circumgalactic media.

  • ASTR 670 - Foundations of Modern Cosmology

    Units: 3

    Prerequisite(s): ASTR 680 .

    Big Bang nucleosynthesis, cosmic microwave background, early universe, expansion dynamics, extragalactic distance scale, largescale structure, Newtonian and relativistic cosmology. Observational constraints on cosmological parameters and equation of state.

  • ASTR 680 - Astronomical Techniques

    Units: 3

    Prerequisite(s): ASTR 350  and ASTR 450 .

    Basic methods of data acquisition and analysis. Emphasis is given to CCD direct imaging, spectroscopy, and photometry. Direct experience with telescopes and instruments at Mount Laguna Observatory, as well as with the department computing and image processing facility.

  • ASTR 797 - Research

    Units: 1-3

    Grading Method: Cr/NC/RP

    Prerequisite(s): Classified graduate standing.

    Research in one of the fields of astronomy. Maximum Credits: six units applicable to a master’s degree.

  • ASTR 798 - Special Study

    Units: 1-3

    Grading Method: Cr/NC/RP

    Prerequisite(s): Consent of staff; to be arranged with department chair and instructor.

    Individual study. Maximum Credits: six units applicable to a master’s degree.

  • ASTR 799A - Thesis

    Units: 3

    Grading Method: Cr/NC/RP

    Prerequisite(s): An officially appointed thesis committee and advancement to candidacy.

    Preparation of a project or thesis for the master’s degree.

  • ASTR 799B - Thesis Extension

    Units: 0

    Grading Method: Cr/NC

    Prerequisite(s): Prior registration in Thesis 799A with an assigned grade symbol of RP.

    Registration required in any semester or term following assignment of RP in Course 799A in which the student expects to use the facilities and resources of the university; also student must be registered in the course when the completed thesis is granted final approval.


  • AUD 696 - Selected Topics in Audiology

    Units: 1-3

    Prerequisite(s): Graduate standing.

    Intensive study in specific areas of audiology. May be repeated with new content.

    Note: See Class Schedule for specific content. Credit for 596 and 696 applicable to a master’s degree with approval of the graduate adviser.

  • AUD 700 - Hearing Science

    Units: 3

    Prerequisite(s): Admission to doctoral program.

    Nature of sound and applications to hearing and speech, including acoustics, structure, and function of auditory system, and perception of sound.

  • AUD 701 - Clinical Practice I

    Units: 1-3

    One unit represents three hours per week.

    Prerequisite(s): Credit or concurrent registration in AUD 705  and AUD 710 .

    Applications of clinical procedures to patient assessment. Includes computer-based simulated cases, clinical observations, and supervised patient care involving diagnostics and hearing aid evaluations at the on-campus audiology clinic. May be repeated.

  • AUD 702 - Clinical Methods Lab

    Units: 1

    Two hours of activity.

    Prerequisite(s): Concurrent registration in AUD 701 .

    Practice in tests and methods used in audiological clinical practicum. May be repeated. Maximum Credits: three units.

  • AUD 705 - Diagnostic Audiology I

    Units: 3

    Two lectures and two hours of activity.

    Prerequisite(s): Admission to doctoral program.

    Theoretical bases and technical experience necessary to perform basic audiologic assessment, including otoscopy, puretone, masking, speech, and immittance measures, testing and patient counseling. Hands-on experiences with different tests and equipment.

  • AUD 710 - Hearing Amplification I

    Units: 4

    Three lectures and two hours of activity.

    Prerequisite(s): Admission to doctoral program.

    Hearing aid components and signal processing, electroacoustic analysis, prescriptive techniques, verification procedures, hearing aid orientation, follow-up and troubleshooting.

  • AUD 711 - Audiologic Management for Hearing Loss and Tinnitus

    Units: 3

    Principles of audiologic management through the frameworks of international classification of function, multicultural communication, and patient centered care. Delivery of hearing loss and tinnitus management services to adult, geriatric, pediatric populations.

  • AUD 712 - Research and Evidence-Based Practice in Audiology

    Units: 3

    Prerequisite(s): Admission to the doctoral program.

    Research methods and scientific writing in audiology/hearing science; critical evaluation of research; evidence-based practice in audiology; research proposal development.

  • AUD 713 - Audiology Research Methods

    Units: 1

    Two hours of activity.

    Prerequisite(s): AUD 712  with a grade of C (2.0) or better.

    Practices in data management. Analyses and research writing for audiological research.

  • AUD 715 - Diagnostic Audiology II

    Units: 3

    Two lectures and two hours of activity.

    Prerequisite(s): AUD 705 .

    Advanced procedures, including video-otoscopy, cerumen management, multiple component tympanometry, tests for 8th nerve, non-organic, and central involvement, and calibration. Principles and procedures for otoacoustic emission measurements (OAEs). Pathologies as they relate to audiologic measures.

  • AUD 720 - Auditory Evoked Potentials I

    Units: 4

    Prerequisite(s): AUD 700  and AUD 705 .

    Theoretical and clinical aspects of auditory evoked potentials, specifically otoacoustic emissions and their measurement, electrocochleography, and auditory brainstem responses.

  • AUD 721 - Clinical Case Studies and Staffings I

    Units: 1

    Prerequisite(s): Concurrent registration in AUD 701 .

    Presentations and discussion of clinical cases and issues relative to clinical practice. Students’ clinical experiences are discussed relative to medical and audiological assessment and management.

  • AUD 725 - Pediatric Audiology

    Units: 3

    Prerequisite(s): AUD 700  and AUD 705 .

    Development of normal and abnormal auditory behavior, behavioral and physiological testing of infants and children, hearing screening for pre-and school-age children, educational audiology, auditory processing disorders, counseling of patient and family, and assistive listening devices.

  • AUD 795 - Research Practicum

    Units: 3

    Grading Method: Cr/NC

    Prerequisite(s): Admission to doctoral program and consent of instructor.

    Participation in specific faculty research activities. Research methods and objectives of a specific research laboratory. Data collection and analysis.

  • AUD 798 - Doctoral Special Studies

    Units: 1-3

    Grading Method: Cr/NC

    Prerequisite(s): Admission to doctoral program and consent of instructor.

    Individual study in field of specialization.

  • AUD 800 - Advanced Evoked Potential Measures and Audiological Instrumentation

    Units: 4

    Two lectures and four hours of activity.

    Prerequisite(s): AUD 710  and AUD 720 .

    Advanced concepts and hands-on experience with different audiological instruments and measures to improve diagnostic skills in interpreting and performing behavioral and physiologic tests. Calibration instrumentation and techniques. Critical thinking, problem-solving, and reasoning skills pertaining to equipment testing parameters and use.

  • AUD 801 - Clinical Practice II

    Units: 1-2

    One unit represents three hours per week.

    Prerequisite(s): Open to third year doctoral students and consent of instructor.

    Diagnostics and hearing aid evaluations/fittings in the on-campus audiology clinic. May be repeated. Maximum Credits: three units.

  • AUD 802 - Clinical Precepting in Audiology

    Units: 1

    Prerequisite(s): AUD 701 .

    Effective precepting, determining appropriate teaching styles to maximize clinical learning, including timely and positive feedback regarding clinical progress and assigning grades. Identifying need for remediation and developing effective programs to target deficient skills. May be repeated. Maximum Credits: three units.

  • AUD 810 - Seminar in Amplification Research and Technology

    Units: 2

    Amplification, advances in hearing aid analysis, selection and verification techniques, advanced hearing aid signal processing strategies, programmable and digital technology, sensory aids for special applications.

  • AUD 812 - Counseling and Communication in Audiology

    Units: 2

    Principles of culturally competent clinical communication for audiology care. Empathy, the four-habits model, shared decision making, trust. Methods from nursing and medicine. Discussion with parents of children with hearing loss and adults with audiology related concerns. In-class role play, reflection.

  • AUD 815 - Communication Disorders Across Lifespan and Cultures

    Units: 2

    Communication processes and disorders from infancy to elderly, including phonetics, phonology, speech, and language. Prepares audiologists to recognize a variety of communication disorders, and to learn how to apply screening instruments, in culturally sensitive ways, and to make appropriate referrals.

  • AUD 830 - Seminar in Contemporary Topics in Audiology and Hearing Science

    Units: 2

    Prerequisite(s): Open to third year doctoral students.

    Audiology and hearing science. Reading and critiquing journal articles and data emerging from research laboratories.

  • AUD 831 - Field Clinical Practice

    Units: 3-6

    One unit represents four hours per week.

    Prerequisite(s): Open to third year doctoral students and consent of instructor.

    Supervised practicum in one or more approved community agencies. May be repeated.

  • AUD 835 - Psychoacoustics

    Units: 3

    Prerequisite(s): Admission to doctoral program.

    Psychophysical concepts underlying clinical audiology. Psychoacoustic abilities of individuals with normal hearing and sensorineural hearing loss. Practical experience in conducting psychoacoustic tests.

  • AUD 840 - Auditory Evoked Potentials II

    Units: 2

    Prerequisite(s): AUD 720 .

    Advanced techniques in measurement of otoacoustic emissions and later auditory evoked potentials. Otoacoustic emission level dependence, group delay, and suppression; middle latency and steady-state responses, cortical auditory evoked potentials (N1- P2), and auditory event-related potentials (MMN, P3).

  • AUD 845 - Hearing Conservation

    Units: 1

    Prerequisite(s): AUD 700  and AUD 705 .

    Hearing conservation programs in various settings. Current research on occupational noise exposure and hearing loss and workers’ compensation coverage of hearing loss.

  • AUD 871 - Externship in Audiology

    Units: 10

    Prerequisite(s): Advancement to candidacy.

    Full-time clinical externship at approved agency. Continuation and intensification of clinical experiences with reduced amount of direct supervision culminating in ability to work independently. Maximum Credits: 30 units.

  • AUD 891 - On-Line Integrative Clinical Seminar

    Units: 2

    Prerequisite(s): Advancement to candidacy and consent of adviser.

    On-line discussion of clinical experiences and interesting cases. Maximum Credits: six units.

  • AUD 897 - Independent Research

    Units: 1-3

    Grading Method: Cr/NC/RP

    Prerequisite(s): Consent of adviser.

    Research in audiology or hearing science. Maximum Credits: three units applicable to the audiology degree.

  • AUD 899 - Doctoral Project

    Units: 1-3

    Grading Method: Cr/NC/RP

    Prerequisite(s): AUD 712  and advancement to candidacy.

    Individual investigation and preparation of the doctoral project for the audiology degree.

Big Data Analytics

  • BDA 572 - Python Scripting for Social Science

    Units: 3

    Same As: LING 572 .
    Prerequisite(s): Upper division or graduate standing.

    Python scripting for social science data. Statements and expressions. Strings, lists, dictionaries, files. Python with unformatted data (regular expressions). Graphs and social networks. Spatial data and simple GIS scripts.

  • BDA 594 - Big Data Science and Analytics Platforms

    Units: 3

    Same As: GEOG 594 .
    Prerequisite(s): GEOG 104 , CS 100  or CS 150  and CS 150L ; and GEOG 385 , SOC 201 , STAT 250 , or graduate standing.

    Big data science to include analysis, data collection, filtering, GIS, machine learning, processing, text analysis, and visualization. Computational platforms, skills, and tools for conducting big data analytics with real world case studies and examples.

  • BDA 600 - Big Data Analytics Capstone Seminar

    Units: 3

    Prerequisite(s): BDA 572  [or LING 572 ], BDA 594  [or GEOG 594 ], B A 642 , MIS 686 .

    Capstone course to integrate data analytics knowledge. Big data problems and research challenges. Student teams conduct group projects and present findings.

  • BDA 602 - Machine Learning Engineering

    Units: 3

    Prerequisite(s): GEOG 104 CS 100 CS 150  and CS 150L ; or equivalent computer programming course.  GEOG 385 , STAT 250 SOC 201 , or equivalent statistics course.

    Prepare data, extract features, build machine learning models and deploy them to production.

  • BDA 696 - Advanced Special Topics in Big Data Analytics

    Units: 3

    Prerequisite(s): Consent of instructor.

    Advanced special topics in big data analytics. May be repeated with new content.

    Note: See Class Schedule for specific content. Credit for 596 and 696 applicable to a master’s degree with approval of the graduate adviser.

  • BDA 797 - Research

    Units: 1-3

    Grading Method: Cr/NC/RP

    Research in one of the fields of big data analytics. Maximum Credits: six units applicable to a master’s degree.

  • BDA 798 - Special Study

    Units: 1-3

    Grading Method: Cr/NC/RP

    Prerequisite(s): Consent of staff; to be arranged with program director and instructor.

    Individual study. Maximum Credits: six units applicable to a master’s degree.

  • BDA 799A - Thesis or Project

    Units: 3

    Grading Method: Cr/NC/RP

    Prerequisite(s): An officially appointed thesis committee and advancement to candidacy.

    Preparation of a project or thesis for the master’s degree.

  • BDA 799B - Thesis or Project Extension

    Units: 0

    Grading Method: Cr/NC

    Prerequisite(s): Prior registration in Thesis 799A with an assigned grade symbol of RP.

    Registration required in any semester or term following assignment of RP in Course 799A in which the student expects to use the facilities and resources of the university; also, student must be registered in the course when the completed thesis is granted final approval.

  • BDA 799C - Comprehensive Examination Extension

    Units: 0

    Grading Method: Cr/NC

    Prerequisite(s): Completion or concurrent enrollment in degree program courses.

    Registration required of students whose only requirement is completion of the comprehensive examination for the master’s degree. Registration in 799C limited to two semesters.

Bioinformatics and Medical Informatics

  • BIOMI 568 - Bioinformatics

    Units: 3

    Same As: BIOL 568 .
    Prerequisite(s): BIOL 366 .

    Bioinformatics analysis methods and programming skills. Practical bioinformatic software for sequence analysis, bioinformatic algorithms and programming fundamentals.

  • BIOMI 596 - Special Topics in Bioinformatics and Medical Informatics

    Units: 1-4

    Prerequisite(s): Consent of instructor.

    Advanced selected topics in bioinformatics and medical informatics. May be repeated with new content.

    Note: See Class Schedule for specific content. Limit of nine units of any combination of 296, 496, 596 courses applicable to a bachelor’s degree. Credit for 596 applicable to a master’s degree with approval of the graduate adviser.

  • BIOMI 600 - Methods in Bioinformatics, Medical Informatics, and Cheminformatics

    Units: 3

    Same As: CS 600 .
    Prerequisite(s): Three units of calculus and graduate standing.

    Computer, mathematical, and engineering techniques for bioinformatics, cheminformatics, and medical informatics. Techniques used in microarray data analysis, gene and protein sequence alignment, and classification techniques in medical decision making.

  • BIOMI 608 - Programming Problems in Bioinformatics

    Units: 3

    Same As: CS 608 .
    Prerequisite(s): CS 210  with a grade of C (2.0) or better.

    Coding bioinformatics algorithms for biological data analysis.

  • BIOMI 609 - Computational Genomics and Bioinformatics

    Units: 3

    Same As: CS 609 .
    Prerequisite(s): CS 503  or CS 514 .

    Biological and genomic data. Application of computational algorithms to biological questions. Post-genomic techniques in annotation and comparison of microbial and eukaryotic genome sequences.

  • BIOMI 612 - Scientific Fundamentals and Ethics

    Units: 3

    Same As: COMP 612 .
    Prerequisite(s): Graduate Standing.

    Oral and written research presentation skills development. Responsible conduct of research and ethics training. Authorship, collaboration, data management, peer review, and publication.

  • BIOMI 668 - Advanced Biological Data Analysis

    Units: 3

    Same As: BIOL 668 .
    Two lectures and three hours of laboratory.

    Prerequisite(s): BIOMI 568  [or BIOL 568 ].

    Bioinformatics analysis methods and programming skills. Practical bioinformatic software for bioinformatic algorithms, programming fundamentals, and sequence analysis.

  • BIOMI 696 - Advanced Topics in Bioinformatics and Medical Informatics

    Units: 1-3

    Prerequisite(s): Graduate standing in bioinformatics and medical informatics or consent of instructor.

    Recent technological developments and scientific breakthroughs that have a changing effect on the field of biomedical informatics. May be repeated with new content.

    Note: See Class Schedule for specific content. Credit for 696 applicable to a master’s degree with approval of the graduate adviser.

  • BIOMI 796 - Selected Topics in Bioinformatics and Medical Informatics

    Units: 1-3

    Prerequisite(s): Graduate standing in bioinformatics and medical informatics or consent of instructor.

    Intensive study in specific areas of biological or medical informatics. In-depth investigation of specific challenges in the field as well as introduction to current and emerging technologies. May be repeated with new content.

    Note: See Class Schedule for specific content. Credit for 796 applicable to a master’s degree with approval of the graduate adviser.

  • BIOMI 797 - Research

    Units: 1-3

    Grading Method: Cr/NC/RP

    Prerequisite(s): Consent of instructor.

    Research in one of the fields of bioinformatics and medical informatics. Maximum Credits: six units applicable to a master’s degree.

  • BIOMI 798 - Special Study

    Units: 1-3

    Grading Method: Cr/NC/RP

    Prerequisite(s): Consent of staff; to be arranged with graduate coordinator.

    Individual study. Maximum Credits: six units applicable to a master’s degree.

  • BIOMI 799A - Thesis or Project

    Units: 3

    Grading Method: Cr/NC/RP

    Prerequisite(s): An officially appointed thesis committee and advancement to candidacy.

    Preparation of a project or thesis for the master’s degree.

  • BIOMI 799B - Thesis Extension

    Units: 0

    Grading Method: Cr/NC

    Prerequisite(s): Prior registration in Thesis 799A with an assigned grade symbol of RP.

    Registration required in any semester or term following assignment of RP in Course 799A in which the student expects to use the facilities and resources of the university; also student must be registered in the course when the completed thesis is granted final approval.


  • BIOL 100 - General Biology

    Units: 3 GE

    Offered at: SDSU Main Campus and SDSU Imperial Valley

    Prerequisite(s): Prerequisite(s) recommended: Concurrent registration in BIOL 100L .

    A beginning course in Biology stressing processes common to living organisms.

    Note: Not applicable to Biological Sciences majors; see BIOL 203 , BIOL 203L , BIOL 204 , BIOL 204L . Not open to students with credit in BIOL 203  or BIOL 204 .

  • BIOL 100L - General Biology Laboratory

    Units: 1 GE

    Three hours of laboratory.

    Prerequisite(s): Credit or concurrent registration in BIOL 100 .

    A laboratory course in Biology stressing processes common to living organisms.

    Note: Not applicable to Biological Sciences majors; see BIOL 203 , BIOL 203L , BIOL 204 BIOL 204L . Not open to students with credit in BIOL 203L  or BIOL 204L .

  • BIOL 101 - World of Animals

    Units: 3 GE

    Animal adaptation and diversity and their relationship to the development of evolutionary theory. Not applicable to Biological Sciences majors.

    Note: Not open to students with credit in BIOL 203  or BIOL 204 .

  • BIOL 101L - World of Animals Laboratory

    Units: 1 GE

    Three hours of laboratory.

    Prerequisite(s): Credit or concurrent registration in BIOL 101 .

    Laboratory course on evolution and diversity of animals involving field trips and laboratory investigations. Not applicable to Biological Sciences majors.

    Note: Not open to students with credit in BIOL 203L  or BIOL 204L .

  • BIOL 203 - Principles of Cell and Molecular Biology

    Units: 3

    Prerequisite(s): Credit or concurrent registration in CHEM 200  or CHEM 202  and satisfaction of the SDSU Written Communication Assessment requirement.

    Principles of biology applying to all organisms, including basic biochemistry, cell structure, membrane transport, energy metabolism, cell division, classical and molecular genetics, gene expression, development, and recombinant DNA.

  • BIOL 203L - Principles of Cell and Molecular Biology Laboratory

    Units: 1

    Three hours of laboratory.

    Prerequisite(s): Credit or concurrent registration with a grade of C (2.0) or better in BIOL 203  and satisfaction of the SDSU Written Communication Assessment requirement.

    Laboratory experiences designed to demonstrate and reinforce concepts presented in lecture through active scientific investigation and experiences in observing, identifying, describing, and explaining evolution of cellular processes, and in applying laboratory methods and procedures relevant to molecular biology.

  • BIOL 204 - Principles of Organismal Biology

    Units: 3

    Prerequisite(s): Satisfaction of the SDSU Written Communication Assessment requirement. Recommended: Completion of BIOL 203  and BIOL 203L .

    Principles of biology applying to all organisms, including systematics and diversity of bacteria, protista, fungi, plants and animals, and concepts of physiology, reproduction, development and differentiation, ecology and the causes of endangerment of a species.


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