Sep 27, 2024  
2022/2023 University Catalog 
2022/2023 University Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Course Descriptions

General Education Courses  

Courses offered at the SDSU Imperial Valley campus.  

Detailed information about course offerings can be found on the Class Schedule website.



  • ART 423 - Furniture Design and Woodworking II

    Units: 3

    Six hours.

    Prerequisite(s): ART 323 .

    Intermediate individual design: Exploration of materials, processes and function. Specialized techniques focusing on case construction, making of drawers and doors for furniture. Maximum Credits: six units.

  • ART 425 - Ceramics II

    Units: 3

    Six hours.

    Prerequisite(s): ART 325  or ART 326 .

    Continuation of ART 325  or ART 326 . Further development of knowledge, skills and philosophy of ceramics through individual creative projects.

  • ART 431 - Jewelry and Metals IIA - Jewelry

    Units: 3

    Six hours.

    Prerequisite(s): ART 231  or ART 331 .

    Further development of design and metalworking skills specifically related to jewelry. Specialized techniques such as casting, chasing, stone setting, die forming and enameling. Maximum Credits: six units.

  • ART 432 - Jewelry and Metals IIB - Metalsmithing

    Units: 3

    Six hours.

    Prerequisite(s): ART 231  or ART 331 .

    Creative design and techniques in metalsmithing. Maximum Credits: six units.

  • ART 440 - Digital Photography II

    Units: 3

    Six hours.

    Prerequisite(s): Grade of C (2.0) or better in ART 340 , or ART 240  and ART 407 .

    Visual and creative expression using digital photographic media with emphasis on refining technical and conceptual visual communication skills. Maximum Credits: six units.

  • ART 441 - Graphic Design III

    Units: 3

    Six hours.

    Prerequisite(s): Grade of C (2.0) or better in Art ART 341 , ART 342A . Proof of completion of prerequisite(s) required: Copy of transcript.

    Analysis and translation of complex information into visual communication systems.

  • ART 442 - Typography III

    Units: 3

    Six hours.

    Prerequisite(s): Grade of C (2.0) or better in ART 341 , ART 342A . Proof of completion of prerequisite(s) required: Copy of transcript.

    Typographic problem solving including more complex text materials and type with image. Maximum Credits: six units with consent of instructor.

  • ART 443 - Illustration II

    Units: 3

    Six hours.

    Prerequisite(s): Grade of C (2.0) or better in ART 343 .

    Drawing and illustration methods, materials, tools, and processes as they relate to art and design.

  • ART 444 - Design for the Internet II

    Units: 3

    Six hours.

    Prerequisite(s): Grade of C (2.0) or better in ART 344 .

    Intermediate design and development for World Wide Web. Topics include Web standards, CSS, advanced scripting, and experimental applications. Maximum Credits: six units.

  • ART 445A - Professional Practice in Art and Design

    Units: 1

    Grading Method: Cr/NC

    Two hours.

    Prerequisite(s): Any 300-level art course.

    Evolving role of the artist and designer in contemporary art and design practice, standards of professional conduct, and business practices.

  • ART 445B - Graphic Design Internship

    Units: 3

    Grading Method: Cr/NC

    Prerequisite(s): Grade of C (2.0) or better in two of the following: ART 441 , ART 442 , ART 450 , ART 454 , or ART 541 , and portfolio review. Proof of completion of prerequisite(s) required: Copy of transcript.

    Field experience with practicing professionals. Maximum Credits: six units with consent of instructor.

  • ART 445C - Senior Portfolio/Exhibition

    Units: 3

    Six hours.

    Prerequisite(s): Grade of C (2.0) or better in two of the following: ART 441 , ART 442 , ART 450 , ART 454 , or ART 541  for graphic design majors. Grade of C (2.0) or better in two of the following: ART 444 , ART 448 , ART 540 , or ART 544  for multimedia majors; and portfolio review. Proof of completion of prerequisite(s) required: Copy of transcript.

    Planning, strategy, and development of a comprehensive body of design work to be professionally presented in a portfolio and/or exhibition format. Maximum Credits: six units with consent of instructor.

  • ART 446 - The Printed Book

    Units: 3

    Six hours.

    Prerequisite(s): ART 340 , ART 342A , ART 342B , ART 346 , ART 407 , or ART 410 .

    Creative research focused on concept, context, and form as they relate to communication and personal or collaborative expression within the context of the book. Maximum Credits: six units.

  • ART 448 - Sequential Media

    Units: 3

    Six hours.

    Prerequisite(s): Grade of C (2.0) or better in ART 340 , ART 341 , ART 344 , or ART 348 .

    Study and presentation of sequential imagery related to digital video production and motion graphics. Maximum Credits: six units.

  • ART 450 - Packaging Design

    Units: 3

    Six hours.

    Prerequisite(s): Grade of C (2.0) or better in ART 341 , ART 342A . Proof of completion of prerequisite(s) required: Copy of transcript.

    Principles and theories of design: branding, typography, illustration, and photography applied to three-dimensional form within a specified social and cultural context with emphasis on strategy and concept; structure, functionality and materials; and modular systems.

  • ART 451 - Residential Interior Design

    Units: 3

    Six hours.

    Prerequisite(s): ART 250  and ART 251 .

    Survey, analysis and conceptual design methods of residential interiors stressing materials, equipment, components and structural detailing. Maximum Credits: six units.

  • ART 452 - Art and Design Internship

    Units: 1-3

    Grading Method: Cr/NC

    Prerequisite(s): Any 300-level art course and portfolio.

    Field experience with practicing professional artists and designers. Maximum Credits: six units.

  • ART 453 - Detail Design for Mixed-Use Interiors

    Units: 3

    Six hours.

    Prerequisite(s): ART 250  and ART 251 . Recommended: ART 451 .

    Approaches to codes and regulations, construction and assembly drawings, contractual agreements, environmental design, project supervision, space planning, and specification writing.

  • ART 454 - Experiential Graphic Design

    Units: 3

    Six hours.

    Prerequisite(s): Grade of C (2.0) or better in ART 341 , ART 342A . Proof of completion of prerequisite(s) required: Copy of transcript.

    Identification and communication systems applied to environmental solutions. Landmark and wayfinding systems in interior, exterior, and architectural environments. Maximum Credits: six units with consent of instructor.

  • ART 496 - Experimental Topics

    Units: 1-4

    Selected topics. May be repeated with new content.

    Note: See Class Schedule for specific content. Limit of nine units of any combination of 296, 496, 596 courses applicable to a bachelor’s degree.

  • ART 499 - Special Study

    Units: 1-3

    Prerequisite(s): Consent of instructor.

    Individual study. Maximum Credits: six units.

  • ART 500 - Advanced Drawing

    Units: 3

    Six hours.

    Prerequisite(s): ART 102 , ART 203 , ART 204 , ART 210 , ART 343 , or ART 406 .

    Drawing emphasizing qualitative aspect of visual subject matter. Maximum Credits: six units.

  • ART 502 - Inter-Media

    Units: 1-3

    Two hours for each unit of credit.

    Prerequisite(s): Upper division standing and consent of instructor.

    Process and materials in plane and space. Maximum Credits: six units. M.F.A. students: six units applicable to the M.A. degree; nine units applicable to the M.F.A. degree.

  • ART 503 - Life Drawing and Painting III

    Units: 3

    Six hours.

    Prerequisite(s): ART 204  and ART 403 .

    Drawing and painting from nude and costumed models. Maximum Credits: six units.

  • ART 504 - Painting III

    Units: 3

    Six hours.

    Prerequisite(s): ART 404 .

    Approaches to contemporary concepts in painting. Maximum Credits: six units.

  • ART 506 - Contemporary Issues

    Units: 3

    Prerequisite(s): Upper division standing.

    Art and design issues relevant to contemporary global society. Sources of inspiration in art and design practice and topical issues examined. Field trips.

  • ART 516 - Sculpture III

    Units: 3

    Six hours.

    Prerequisite(s): ART 416 .

    Advanced level investigations into sculptural ideas, processes, and materials. Maximum Credits: six units.

  • ART 517 - Figurative Sculpture II

    Units: 3

    Six hours.

    Prerequisite(s): ART 216 .

    Figurative study with emphasis on individual exploration. Maximum Credits: six units.

  • ART 521 - Tangible Interactivity for Art and Design

    Units: 3

    Six hours.

    Prerequisite(s): ART 103  

    Introduction to tangible interactivity through an exploration of micro-controller coding, embedding, and wiring into small-scale objects. Maximum Credits: Six units.

  • ART 523 - Furniture Design and Woodworking III

    Units: 3

    Six hours.

    Prerequisite(s): Six units of ART 423 .

    Advanced individual design: Exploration of materials, process and function. Continued focus on development of personal design statements and specialized techniques. Maximum Credits: six units.

  • ART 524 - Digital Fabrication for Art and Design

    Units: 3

    Six hours.

    Prerequisite(s): A 300- or 400-level art or design course.

    Design, visualization, and fabrication processes utilizing modeling and machining software. Basic techniques in computer-aided design (CAD) and computer-aided manufacturing (CAM). Small-scale production techniques and outsourcing for artists and designers. Maximum Credits: six units.

  • ART 525 - Ceramics III

    Units: 3

    Six hours.

    Prerequisite(s): ART 425 .

    Study of ceramic design through creative projects of clay forms. Maximum Credits: six units.

  • ART 526 - Clay and Glaze Technology in Ceramic Design

    Units: 3

    Six hours.

    Prerequisite(s): ART 425 .

    Experimentation and application of research concerning the use of ceramic materials and techniques as an integral part of the design process. Maximum Credits: six units.

  • ART 531 - Jewelry and Metals IIIA-Jewelry

    Units: 3

    Six hours.

    Prerequisite(s): ART 431 .

    Problems involving fabrication processes already studied in order to increase technical competence while exploring personal design statements; specialized techniques such as photoetching and electroforming. Maximum Credits: six units.

  • ART 532 - Jewelry and Metals IIIB-Metalsmithing

    Units: 3

    Six hours.

    Prerequisite(s): ART 432 .

    Advanced problems involving metal processes to increase technical competence while exploring personal design statements. Maximum Credits: six units.

  • ART 540 - Advanced Photographic Projects

    Units: 3

    Six hours.

    Prerequisite(s): Grade of C (2.0) or better in ART 440 , or ART 340  and ART 407 .

    Visual and creative expression using photographic media, including traditional and digital processes. Emphasis on conceptual project development and portfolio. Maximum Credits: six units with consent of instructor.

  • ART 541 - Graphic Design IV

    Units: 3

    Six hours.

    Prerequisite(s): Grade of C (2.0) or better in two of the following: ART 441 , ART 442 , ART 450 , ART 454 . Proof of completion of prerequisite(s) required: Copy of transcript.

    Strategy, planning, and problem solving related to visual communication systems with emphasis on social and cultural context.

  • ART 542 - Typography IV

    Units: 3

    Six hours.

    Prerequisite(s): Grade of C (2.0) or better in ART 442 . Proof of completion of prerequisite(s) required: Copy of transcript.

    Individual creative and scholarly research in typography, conceptual and contextual exploration, typographic experimentation based on theory, strategy, and problem solving. Maximum Credits: six units with consent of instructor.

  • ART 543 - Illustration III

    Units: 3

    Six hours.

    Prerequisite(s): Grade of C (2.0) or better in ART 443 .

    Strategy and problem solving of professional illustration as related to art and design; individual conceptual and contextual exploration. Maximum Credits: six units.

  • ART 544 - Emerging Technologies in Multimedia

    Units: 3

    Six hours.

    Prerequisite(s): Grade of C (2.0) or better in ART 344 , or ART 348 , or ART 440 , or ART 448 , or ART 540 .

    Advanced creative studies in emerging electronic communications, including cyberstudios, Internet and multimedia. Exploration in collaborative, interdisciplinary, and international projects. Maximum Credits: six units with consent of instructor.

  • ART 545 - Design Studio

    Units: 3

    Six hours.

    Prerequisite(s): Grade of C (2.0) or better in two of the following: ART 441 , ART 442 , ART 450 , ART 454 , ART 541 , and portfolio review. Proof of completion of prerequisite(s) required: Copy of transcript.

    Solutions to design problems for clients in a studio environment including business procedures and production management. Development of a professional level portfolio. Maximum Credits: six units with consent of instructor.

  • ART 546 - Advanced Book Arts

    Units: 3

    Prerequisite(s): ART 446 .

    Design and creation of limited edition artist books and independent projects made with mixed media and hand printing techniques such as letterpress, intaglio, woodcut, lithography, photography, and experimental media. Maximum Credits: six units.

  • ART 552 - Public Interior Design

    Units: 3

    Six hours.

    Prerequisite(s): ART 451  and ART 453 .

    Interior design projects focusing on the public, social, and cultural sectors. Maximum Credits: six units.

  • ART 553 - Commercial Interior Design

    Units: 3

    Six hours.

    Prerequisite(s): ART 451  and ART 453  with a grade of C (2.0) or better.

    Projects in interiors involving space planning analysis, specification writing, materials selection and furnishing design appropriate to commercial needs. Maximum Credits: six units.

  • ART 557 - Nineteenth Century European Art

    Units: 3

    Prerequisite(s): ART 259 .

    Development of painting, sculpture, and architecture from the French Revolution to 1900.

  • ART 558 - Twentieth Century European Art to 1945

    Units: 3

    Prerequisite(s): ART 259 .

    Major developments in the visual arts and art criticism from 1880 to 1945 (Post-Impressionism through Surrealism).

  • ART 559 - Twentieth Century European and American Art Since 1945

    Units: 3

    Prerequisite(s): ART 259 .

    Major developments in the visual arts and art criticism since 1945.

  • ART 560 - History of American Art

    Units: 3

    Prerequisite(s): ART 259 .

    Development of painting, sculpture, and architecture from the Native American art and Colonial Period to the present.

  • ART 568 - Art of Crete, Mycenae, Greece, and Rome

    Units: 3

    Prerequisite(s): ART 258 .

    Development of painting, sculpture, architecture, and crafts from prehistoric times to the fifth century A.D.

  • ART 571B - Contemporary Art of Latin America

    Units: 3

    Prerequisite(s): ART 258  and ART 259 .

    Work created by leading contemporary Latin American artists from 1960 to present. Field trips required.

  • ART 573A - Italian Art of the Fourteenth and Fifteenth Centuries

    Units: 3

    Prerequisite(s): ART 259 .

    Italian arts, architecture, artists, and patrons from fourteenth century Proto-Renaissance period through fifteenth century revival of classical humanism in city states of Florence, Siena, Bologna, Mantua, and Padua.

  • ART 573B - Italian Art in the Sixteenth Century

    Units: 3

    Prerequisite(s): ART 259 .

    High Renaissance in Florence and Rome, followed by disintegration of classical principles and domination of Mannerism in Central and Northern Italy and history of arts of Venice in sixteenth century.

  • ART 575 - European Art from 1600 to 1750

    Units: 3

    Prerequisite(s): ART 259 .

    Architecture, sculpture, and painting of the Baroque and Rococo periods.

  • ART 577 - History of Architecture

    Units: 3

    Prerequisite(s): ART 258  and ART 259 .

    Architecture from primitive times to the present.

  • ART 578 - Seminar in History of Museums and Exhibitions

    Units: 3

    Prerequisite(s): At least one course selected from ART 557 , ART 559 , or ART 560 .

    Origin, history, and function of the museum. Theories of collecting, museums, and construction of knowledge. Role of elites in formation and construction of museums, controversial exhibitions, exhibitionary practices, and globalism.

  • ART 591 - Gallery Exhibition Design

    Units: 3

    Six hours.

    Prerequisite(s): Fifteen units of art.

    Fundamental art elements and principles applied to the theories and techniques of gallery exhibition design.

  • ART 593 - History and Methodology of Art History

    Units: 3

    Prerequisite(s): Twelve units of upper division art history.

    Readings and discussions on the historiography of art and on modern methodologies for art historical research.

  • ART 596 - Advanced Studies in Art and Art History

    Units: 1-4

    Prerequisite(s): Twelve units of art and art history and consent of instructor.

    Advanced topics in art and art history. May be repeated with new content. Maximum Credits: six units of 596 applicable to a bachelor’s degree.

    Note: See Class Schedule for specific content. Limit of nine units of any combination of 296, 496, 596 courses applicable to a bachelor’s degree. Credit for 596 and 696 applicable to a master’s degree with approval of the graduate adviser.

  • ART 600 - Drawing

    Units: 3

    Six hours.

    Prerequisite(s): ART 500 .

    Concepts and approaches to drawing. Maximum Credits: six units applicable to the M.A. degree; nine units applicable to the M.F.A. degree in art.

  • ART 604 - Painting

    Units: 3

    Six hours.

    Prerequisite(s): ART 504 .

    Issues and concepts relating to contemporary painting. Maximum Credits: six units applicable to the M.A. degree; nine units applicable to the M.F.A. degree in art.

  • ART 609 - Printmaking

    Units: 1-3

    Two hours for each unit of credit.

    Advanced creative work in selected printmaking media based upon the analysis of the history and philosophies of printmaking from its inception through contemporary concepts. Maximum Credits: six units applicable to the M.A. degree; nine units applicable to the M.F.A. degree in art.

  • ART 612 - Graduate Interdisciplinary Critique Seminar

    Units: 3

    M.F.A. candidate feedback forum. Interdisciplinary art and design student and faculty critique seminar.

  • ART 616 - Sculpture

    Units: 3

    Six hours.

    Prerequisite(s): ART 516 .

    Aesthetic organization of selected subject matter in the media of sculpture. Maximum Credits: six units applicable to the M.A. degree; nine units applicable to the M.F.A. degree in art.

  • ART 623 - Advanced Furniture Design

    Units: 3

    Six hours.

    Prerequisite(s): ART 523 .

    Problems in the design and construction of furniture. Projects determined by the individual students in conference with the instructor. Maximum Credits: six units applicable to the M.A. degree; nine units applicable to the M.F.A. degree in art.

  • ART 625 - Crafts

    Units: 1-3

    Two hours for each unit of credit.

    Prerequisite(s): Six units completed in upper division courses in sculpture or ceramics or printmaking or a combination of these courses.

    Advanced creative work in selected craft media. Maximum Credits: six units applicable to the M.A. degree; nine units applicable to the M.F.A. degree in art.

  • ART 627 - Advanced Clay and Glaze Technology in Ceramic Design

    Units: 3

    Six hours.

    Prerequisite(s): ART 525  or ART 526 .

    Experimentation with use of ceramic material and techniques as an integral part of design process. Maximum Credits: six units applicable to the M.A. degree; nine units applicable to the M.F.A. degree in art.

  • ART 631 - Jewelry and Metalwork

    Units: 3

    Six hours.

    Prerequisite(s): ART 531  or ART 532 .

    Problems in design and execution of works in precious metals. Projects will be determined by individual student in conference with the instructor. Maximum Credits: six units applicable to the M.A. degree; nine units applicable to the M.F.A. degree in art.

  • ART 641 - Graphic Communication

    Units: 1-3

    Two hours for each unit of credit.

    Prerequisite(s): ART 541 .

    Advanced individual study in graphic design. Maximum Credits: six units applicable to the M.A. degree; nine units applicable to the M.F.A. degree in art.

  • ART 644 - Multimedia

    Units: 3

    Six hours.

    Prerequisite(s): ART 544 .

    Creative applications of interactive and time-based visual expression using contemporary multimedia formats. Maximum Credits: six units applicable to the M.A. degree; nine units applicable to the M.F.A. degree in art.

  • ART 650 - Creative Environmental Design

    Units: 1-3

    Prerequisite(s): Six upper division units in interior design, architecture or city planning.

    Creative work in interior design, architecture and civic design. Maximum Credits: six units applicable to the M.A. degree; nine units applicable to the M.F.A. degree in art.

  • ART 694 - Art and Design Theory and Criticism I

    Units: 3

    Prerequisite(s): ART 559 .

    Selected readings and writings relevant to students’ specific disciplines. Interdisciplinary criticism, discussion, and theory.

  • ART 696 - Advanced Topics in Art

    Units: 1-3

    Prerequisite(s): Consent of instructor.

    Intensive study in specific areas of art and art history. May be repeated with new content.

    Note: See Class Schedule for specific content. Credit for 596 and 696 applicable to a master’s degree with approval of the graduate adviser.

  • ART 700A - Studio Art Experience: Studio Art in Painting

    Units: 3

    Six hours.

    Independent research in specified areas, which may require the presentation of a paper with its oral defense. Maximum Credits: Each letter designation may be taken for a maximum six units applicable to the M.A. degree; nine units applicable to the M.F.A. degree in art.

  • ART 700B - Studio Art Experience: Studio Art in Sculpture

    Units: 3

    Six hours.

    Independent research in specified areas, which may require the presentation of a paper with its oral defense. Maximum Credits: Each letter designation may be taken for a maximum six units applicable to the M.A. degree; nine units applicable to the M.F.A. degree in art.

  • ART 700C - Studio Art Experience: Studio Art in Printmaking

    Units: 3

    Six hours.

    Independent research in specified areas, which may require the presentation of a paper with its oral defense. Maximum Credits: Each letter designation may be taken for a maximum six units applicable to the M.A. degree; nine units applicable to the M.F.A. degree in art.

  • ART 700D - Studio Art Experience: Studio Art in Ceramics

    Units: 3

    Six hours.

    Independent research in specified areas, which may require the presentation of a paper with its oral defense. Maximum Credits: Each letter designation may be taken for a maximum six units applicable to the M.A. degree; nine units applicable to the M.F.A. degree in art.

  • ART 700F - Studio Art Experience: Studio Art in Graphic Design

    Units: 3

    Six hours.

    Independent research in specified areas, which may require the presentation of a paper with its oral defense. Maximum Credits: Each letter designation may be taken for a maximum six units applicable to the M.A. degree; nine units applicable to the M.F.A. degree in art.

  • ART 700G - Studio Art Experience: Studio Art in Environmental/Interior Design

    Units: 3

    Six hours.

    Independent research in specified areas, which may require the presentation of a paper with its oral defense. Maximum Credits: Each letter designation may be taken for a maximum six units applicable to the M.A. degree; nine units applicable to the M.F.A. degree in art.

  • ART 700I - Studio Art Experience: Studio Art in Jewelry/Metals

    Units: 3

    Six hours.

    Independent research in specified areas, which may require the presentation of a paper with its oral defense. Maximum Credits: Each letter designation may be taken for a maximum six units applicable to the M.A. degree; nine units applicable to the M.F.A. degree in art.

  • ART 700J - Studio Art Experience: Studio Art in Furniture

    Units: 3

    Six hours.

    Independent research in specified areas, which may require the presentation of a paper with its oral defense. Maximum Credits: Each letter designation may be taken for a maximum six units applicable to the M.A. degree; nine units applicable to the M.F.A. degree in art.

  • ART 716 - Individual Research Problems in Sculpture

    Units: 3

    Six hours.

    Prerequisite(s): ART 616  (six units).

    Graduate research problems including independent research in sculpture. Projects will be determined by the individual student in conference with the instructor. Maximum Credits: six units applicable to the M.A. degree; nine units applicable to the M.F.A. degree in art.

  • ART 760 - Art and Design Theory and Criticism II

    Units: 3

    Prerequisite(s): ART 559 .

    Further exploration of theory and criticism through readings and writings relevant to students’ specific disciplines. Interdisciplinary discussion.

  • ART 791 - Seminar in Professional Practice of Art and Design

    Units: 3

    Professional preparation for artists and designers. Current developments and concerns in art and design practices.

  • ART 792 - Pedagogy of Art and Design

    Units: 1-3

    One lecture and arranged supervision hours.

    Methodologies pertinent to art and design education in specific media. Maximum credit six units applicable to the M.A. degree.

    Note: Open only to classified graduate students.

  • ART 798 - Special Study

    Units: 1-3

    Grading Method: Cr/NC/RP

    Prerequisite(s): Arranged with school director and instructor.

    Individual study. Maximum Credits: six units applicable to the M.A. degree; nine units applicable to the M.F.A. degree in art.

  • ART 799A - Thesis or Project

    Units: 3

    Grading Method: Cr/NC/RP

    Prerequisite(s): An officially appointed thesis committee and advancement to candidacy.

    Preparation of a project or thesis for a master’s degree.

  • ART 799B - Thesis or Project Extension

    Units: 0

    Grading Method: Cr/NC

    Prerequisite(s): Prior registration in Thesis 799A with an assigned grade symbol of RP.

    Registration required in any semester or term following assignment of RP in Course 799A in which the student expects to use the facilities and resources of the university; also student must be registered in the course when the completed thesis or project is granted final approval.

Asian Studies

  • ASIAN 100 - State and Society in the Asia Pacific

    Units: 3 GE

    Social, political, and economic foundations of Asia Pacific societies. Emphasis on diversity of Asian cultures, their relationship with each other and within the global community.

  • ASIAN 101 - Asian Thought and Cultures

    Units: 3 GE

    Intellectual and cultural underpinnings of East, Southeast, South, and Central Asia, from ancient to present, by means of a comparative overview of philosophies, religions, literatures, architectural design, visual and performing arts, highlighting continuing influence of tradition in contemporary Asian societies.

  • ASIAN 103 - Introduction to Filipino/Philippine Studies

    Units: 3 GE

    Introduction to Filipino American Studies to include culture, economics, history, governments, laws, and the artistic, intellectual, philosophical, political, and religious foundations for these structures.

    Note: This course satisfies the Ethnics Studies [ES] requirement. 

  • ASIAN 110 - Elementary Conversational Chinese

    Units: 3 GE

    Same As: CHIN 100 
    Introductory conversational course for students with little or no previous background in Chinese. Focuses on daily tasks that one may encounter when first going to a Chinese-speaking community. Develops elementary listening and speaking skills needed for accomplishing these tasks.

  • ASIAN 111 - The Mindful Brain

    Units: 3 GE

    Asian perspectives on contemporary and traditional forms of mindfulness practice. Physiological, psychological, and socio-cultural benefits assessed in terms of neuroscience and philosophy.

  • ASIAN 296 - Experimental Topics

    Units: 1-4

    Selected topics. May be repeated with new content.

    Note: See Class Schedule for specific content. Limit of nine units of any combination of 296, 496, 596 courses applicable to a bachelor’s degree.

  • ASIAN 300 - Asia’s Global Future

    Units: 3 GE

    Survey of contemporary Asia Pacific region and future prospects, politically, socially, and economically, as historically grounded in cultural and philosophical roots.

  • ASIAN 320 - Asian Environmental Issues

    Units: 3 GE

    Prerequisite(s): Upper division standing.

    Major Asian environmental issues such as acid rain in China, dams on Mekong Delta, deforestation, and biodiversity conservation in Southeast Asia, population density in Bangladesh, overpopulation in China and India, and impending failure of Green Revolution.

    Note: This course satisfies the general education cultural diversity requirement.

  • ASIAN 321 - Korean Civilization

    Units: 3 GE

    Same As: KOR 321  
    Prerequisite(s): Upper division standing.

    Development of art, religion, philosophy, political, social institutions through different periods in Korean history. Humanistic dimensions of the Korean mind, traditions, heritage.

    Note: Taught in English. This course satisfies the general education cultural diversity requirement.

  • ASIAN 351 - Chinese Philosophy

    Units: 3 GE

    Same As: PHIL 351  
    Philosophical traditions which have shaped the intellectual life and culture of China. Emphasis on foundational texts surviving from pre-Han China.

    Note: This course satisfies the general education cultural diversity requirement.

  • ASIAN 353 - Language and Social Interaction in China

    Units: 3 GE

    Same As: CHIN 353  
    Stereotypes and empirical findings of the relationship between language use and social behavior in China. Confucianism and Cultural Revolution; personal relationships and hierarchical structure; characteristics of Chinese language and interaction; politeness in everyday social encounters in China; cultural miscommunication.

    Note: Taught in English.

  • ASIAN 380 - Japanese Culture

    Units: 3 GE

    Same As: HUM 380  and JAPAN 380 .
    Significant works of literary, performing, and visual arts to include array of artistic trends, cultural phenomena, historical developments, and socio-political discourses throughout the nation’s long and tumultuous history.

    Note: Taught in English.


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