Sep 27, 2024  
2022/2023 University Catalog 
2022/2023 University Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Course Descriptions

General Education Courses  

Courses offered at the SDSU Imperial Valley campus.  

Detailed information about course offerings can be found on the Class Schedule website.


Administration, Rehabilitation and Postsecondary Education

  • ARP 798 - Special Study

    Units: 1-6

    Grading Method: Cr/NC/RP

    Prerequisite(s): Consent of instructor; to be arranged with department chair and instructor.

    May involve fieldwork. Individual study. Maximum Credits: six units applicable to a master’s degree.

  • ARP 801 - Seminar in Community College History and Development

    Units: 3

    Prerequisite(s): Admission to educational leadership doctoral program.

    Mission, functions, organization, student characteristics, and problems with community college operations. Future trends in community college operations and need for new leadership and research opportunities.

  • ARP 810 - Seminar in Community College Law and Finance

    Units: 3

    Prerequisite(s): ARP 801 .

    Legal framework for operating community colleges in California. Community college finance system including state and local contributions to funding.

  • ARP 812 - Seminar in Budget and Resource Management in Community Colleges

    Units: 3

    Prerequisite(s): ARP 801 .

    Equitably and ethically managing, sustaining, and acquiring human, fiscal, and information resources, as well as assets to fulfill mission of the community college and postsecondary education institutions. Financial strategies and human resource systems and conflict resolution.

  • ARP 813 - Strategic Planning in Community Colleges

    Units: 3

    Prerequisite(s): ARP 801 .

    Knowledge-based strategic planning to maximize student success in community colleges and postsecondary educational institutions. Board-administrator relationship development and use of data-driven evidence for decision-making.

  • ARP 827 - Seminar in Emerging Issues in Postsecondary Education

    Units: 3

    Prerequisite(s): Admission to educational leadership doctoral program.

    Identification and analysis of complex emerging local, national, and international issues that face high level postsecondary educational leaders.

  • ARP 845 - Seminar in Postsecondary Student Success

    Units: 3

    Only offered at: SDSU San Diego

    Prerequisite(s): Admission to educational leadership doctoral program.

    Functions, leadership, and roles of student affairs in postsecondary institutions. Social justice, socio-cultural, and socio-historical theories and practices. Formerly numbered ARP 815.

  • ARP 896 - Selected Topics in Administration, Rehabilitation and Postsecondary Education

    Units: 1-3

    Prerequisite(s): Admission to educational leadership doctoral program.

    Intensive study in specific areas of Administration, Rehabilitation and Postsecondary Education. In-depth investigation of specific challenges in the field as well as introduction to current and emerging issues. May be repeated with new content. Maximum Credits: six units.

    Note: See Class Schedule for specific content. Credit for 896 applicable to a doctoral degree with approval of the graduate adviser.

Aerospace Engineering

  • A E 123 - The Aerospace Engineer

    Units: 1

    Introduction to professional aerospace engineering. Emphasis on aeronautics and astronautics.

  • A E 200 - Statics

    Units: 3

    Same As: M E 200  
    Prerequisite(s): MATH 150  and PHYS 195  with a grade of C (2.0) or better in each course. Proof of completion of prerequisite(s) required: Copy of transcript.

    Force systems, equilibrium, structures, distributed forces, friction, virtual work, moments of inertia, vector algebra.

  • A E 220 - Dynamics

    Units: 3

    Same As: M E 220 
    Prerequisite(s): A E 200  [or M E 200 ] and MATH 151  with a grade of C (2.0) or better in each course. Proof of completion of prerequisite(s) required: Copy of transcript.

    Kinetics of a particle; central force motion; systems of particles; work and energy; impulse and momentum; moments and products of inertia; Euler’s equations of motion; vibration and time response; engineering applications.

  • A E 260 - Programming and Numerical Methods in Aerospace

    Units: 3

    Prerequisite(s): MATH 151  with a grade of C (2.0) or better.

    Basic programming concepts and numerical methods for aerospace applications. Hands-on MATLAB programming. Branching, data structure, debugging, functions, iteration, plotting, recursion. Common numerical methods in aerospace engineering to include interpolation, numerical differentiation and integration, regression. Simulink is introduced with aerospace applications.

  • A E 280 - Methods of Analysis

    Units: 3

    Prerequisite(s): MATH 151  with minimum grade of C. Recommended: MATH 252 .

    Selected topics from ordinary differential equations, the Laplace transform, Fourier series, and linear algebra, with engineering applications.

  • A E 296 - Experimental Topics

    Units: 1-4

    Selected topics. May be repeated with new content.

    Note: See Class Schedule for specific content. Limit of nine units of any combination of 296, 496, 596 courses applicable to a bachelor’s degree.

  • A E 301 - Low Speed Aerodynamics

    Units: 3

    Prerequisite(s): A E 340 .

    Subsonic flow, airfoil and wing theory, experimental characteristics of wing sections, high lift devices.

  • A E 302 - High Speed Aerodynamics

    Units: 3

    Prerequisite(s): Credit or concurrent registration in A E 301   and A E 340 .

    Normal shocks, one-dimensional governing flow equations, shock-expansion theory, small perturbation theory for subsonic and supersonic flow, supersonic flows in nozzles and diffusers, thermodynamics of high-speed flow.

  • A E 303 - Experimental Aerodynamics

    Units: 2

    One lecture and three hours of laboratory.

    Prerequisite(s): A E 341  and credit or concurrent registration in A E 301 .

    Operating characteristics of subsonic and supersonic wind tunnels. Aerodynamic characteristics of wings and bodies. Flow visualization techniques. Force, moment and pressure distribution measurement. Use of hot-wire anemometer and schlieren equipment.

  • A E 310 - Aerospace Structural Mechanics and Materials

    Units: 4 No

    Grading Method: Letter (No Cr/NC)

    Only offered at: SDSU San Diego

    Prerequisite(s):  A E 260  (or M E 202 ); CHEM 200  (or CHEM 202  ); and CIV E 301  (or M E 304 ).

    Equations of linear elasticity; energy methods; analysis of thin-walled structures; buckling; engineering materials and their processing: atomic and molecular structure of materials, structure-property relationships in materials; material failure by yield, fracture and fatigue. Design of simple aircraft and spacecraft structures.

  • A E 320 - Astrodynamics

    Units: 3

    Prerequisite(s): A E 220  [or M E 220 ] and A E 280 .

    Two-body orbital mechanics on Keplerian orbits and orbital transfers.

  • A E 331 - Feedback Flight Control

    Units: 3

    Prerequisite(s): A E 280  and E E 204 .

    Bode plots, lead/lag compensator design using root locus and PID controller design and PID tuning, modeling mechanical and electro-mechanical systems, open loop response, principles of feedback, root locus construction, Routh’s criterion. stability (gain and phase) margins and analysis, state variable approach, stability analysis, pole placement; time domain specifications.

  • A E 340 - Fluid Mechanics

    Units: 3

    Prerequisite(s): Credit or concurrent registration in A E 280  and for aerospace or mechanical engineering majors, A E 220  [or M E 220 ] or for construction management, and civil, construction, or environmental engineering majors, CIV E 225 .

    Dimensional analysis and modeling, drag forces on moving or immersed objects, fluid dynamic equations and the first law of thermodynamics, fluid statics. Laminar and turbulent flow of liquids and gases in channels, nozzles, and pipes. Reversible and irreversible processes. Not open to students with credit in Mechanical Engineering 360.

  • A E 341 - Fluid Mechanics Laboratory

    Units: 1

    Three hours of laboratory.

    Prerequisite(s): Credit or concurrent registration in A E 340  or M E 360  for mechanical engineering majors.

    Flow measuring devices. Experimental applications of continuity, Bernoulli and momentum equations. Model studies. Pipe and channel flows. Flow visualization techniques. Operating characteristics of wind tunnel and water table.

  • A E 403 - Aerospace Engineering Senior Project

    Units: 3

    One lecture and six hours of laboratory.

    Prerequisite(s): A E 302 , A E 303 , A E 340 .

    Design and build an aerospace project, conduct experimental measurements, perform analyses of measured data.

  • A E 410 - Aerospace Structural Dynamics

    Units: 3

    Prerequisite(s): A E 310 .

    Methods of structural dynamic analysis of problems encountered in aerospace vehicles.

  • A E 430 - Aircraft Propulsion Systems

    Units: 3

    Prerequisite(s): A E 302 .

    Theory and performance of aircraft propulsion systems. Modeling of ramjet, turbofan, and turbojet engine components. Design of turbomachinery to include axial and centrifugal compressors and turbines.

  • A E 440 - Aircraft Stability and Control I

    Units: 3

    Grading Method: Letter (Cr/NC OK)

    Only offered at: SDSU San Diego

    Prerequisite(s): A E 303  and A E 331.  

    Static stability and control, general equations of unsteady motion, stability derivatives, stability of uncontrolled motion, response of aircraft to actuation of controls.

  • A E 460A - Aerospace Engineering Applications

    Units: 3

    One lecture and five hours of design activity.

    Prerequisite(s): A E 302 , A E 303 , A E 310 .

    Student projects in aerospace design.

  • A E 460B - Aerospace Engineering Applications

    Units: 2

    Six hours of laboratory.

    Prerequisite(s): A E 460A .

    Student projects in aerospace design.

  • A E 496 - Advanced Aerospace Engineering Topics

    Units: 1-3

    Prerequisite(s): Consent of instructor.

    Modern developments in engineering. Maximum Credits: six units for any combination of Aerospace Engineering 496, A E 499 , and A E 596 .

    Note: See Class Schedule for specific content.

  • A E 499 - Special Study

    Units: 1-3

    Prerequisite(s): Consent of instructor.

    Individual study. Maximum Credits: six units for any combination of A E 496 , 499, and A E 596 .

  • A E 510 - Finite Element Methods in Aerospace Structures

    Units: 3

    Prerequisite(s): A E 410 .

    Static and dynamic analysis of aerospace structures utilizing finite element methods.

  • A E 515 - Methods of Analysis

    Units: 3

    Prerequisite(s): A E 280  with minimum grade of C.

    Selected topics from vector calculus, partial differential equations, and complex analysis, with engineering applications.

  • A E 520 - Spacecraft Attitude Dynamics and Control

    Units: 3

    Prerequisite(s): A E 320  or graduate standing.

    Spacecraft rigid-body attitude dynamics and feedback control.

  • A E 530 - Rocket and Space Propulsion

    Units: 3

    Prerequisite(s): A E 430 .

    Equilibrium combustion thermodynamics. Performance of rocket propelled vehicles. Rocket propulsion fundamentals. Topics in chemical (solid and liquid) and electrical propulsion systems.

  • A E 535 - Mechanics of Composite Structures

    Units: 3

    Same As: M E 535  
    Prerequisite(s): A E 280  and A E 310  or M E 314 .

    Micro- and macro-mechanics of composite materials, classical lamination theory, initial failure prediction and progressive failure analysis of laminates, analysis of beam and plate structures, stiffness and strength based design of composites.

  • A E 540 - Aircraft Stability and Control II

    Units: 3

    Prerequisite(s): A E 440 .

    Dynamic stability and control of rigid aircraft; general equations of unsteady motion, stability derivatives, perturbed state thrust forces and moment, special problems in dynamic stability and response.

  • A E 546 - Aerospace Guidance and Navigation

    Units: 3

    Prerequisite(s): A E 320  with a grade of C (2.0) or better or graduate standing.

    Principles and theories of navigation for aerospace vehicles. Aerospace guidance for entry vehicles, launch vehicles, missiles, and spacecraft. Classical and advanced guidance designs.

  • A E 550 - Viscous Flow

    Units: 3

    Prerequisite(s): A E 340  and credit or concurrent registration in A E 515 .

    Kinematics of fluid motion. Conservation of mass, momentum, and energy. Navier-Stokes equations; exact solutions. Boundary layer approximations, turbulent flow.

  • A E 596 - Advanced Aerospace Engineering Topics

    Units: 3

    Prerequisite(s): Consent of instructor.

    Modern developments in aerospace engineering. May be repeated with new content. Maximum Credits: six units for any combination of A E 496 , A E 499 , and 596 applicable to a bachelor’s degree.

    Note: See Class Schedule for specific content. Credit for 596 and 696 applicable to a master’s degree with approval of the graduate adviser.

  • A E 600 - Seminar

    Units: 1-3

    Prerequisite(s): Consent of the graduate adviser and instructor.

    Intensive study of one of the following topics: Nonlinear vibrations, random vibrations, continuum mechanics, anisotropic elasticity, energy methods, plasticity, and other areas of engineering mechanics. Formerly numbered Engineering Mechanics 600. May be repeated with new content. Maximum Credits: six units applicable to a master’s degree.

    Note: See Class Schedule for specific content.

  • A E 601 - Computational Fluid Mechanics

    Units: 3

    Prerequisite(s): Credit or concurrent registration in A E 302  and A E 515 .

    Finite difference method of solving general fluid mechanics problems. Study of stability, convergence, compatibility, dissipation, and dispersion. A project is required.

  • A E 611 - Vibration of Elastic Solids

    Units: 3

    Prerequisite(s): A E 410  or M E 520 , and A E 515 .

    Vibrational characteristics of elastic media. Vibration of plates. Longitudinal and transverse wave motion in infinite, semi-infinite and finite thickness media. Formerly numbered Engineering Mechanics 611.

  • A E 612 - Compressible Fluid Flow

    Units: 3

    Prerequisite(s): A E 302  and credit or concurrent registration in A E 515 .

    Theory of flow at supersonic speeds. Linearized theory, three-dimensional wings in steady flight, slender-body theory, methods of characteristics.

  • A E 613 - Hypersonic Aerodynamics

    Units: 3

    Prerequisite(s): A E 302  and M E 350 , or instructor consent.

    Theory and computation of hypersonic aerodynamics, including atmospheric re-entry. Advanced topics in compressible flows of non-perfect gases with varying specific heat and composition.

  • A E 620 - Incompressible Aerodynamics

    Units: 3

    Prerequisite(s): A E 301  and A E 515 .

    Theory of incompressible aerodynamics; airfoil and wing theory; computational methods.

  • A E 621 - Theory of Elasticity

    Units: 3

    Prerequisite(s): CIV E 301  (or M E 304 ) and credit or concurrent registration in A E 515 .

    Analysis of stress and strain: stress-strain relations; the equations of elasticity; uniqueness theorem; compatibility conditions; flexure and torsion. Formerly numbered Engineering Mechanics 621.

  • A E 631 - Analysis of Elastic Plates

    Units: 3

    Prerequisite(s): A E 310  and A E 515 .

    Elasticity, energy principles, variational methods, classical theory, bending, and vibration of rectangular plates with various boundary conditions, shear deformation plate theories.

  • A E 641 - Structural Optimization

    Units: 3

    Prerequisite(s): A E 310  and A E 510 .

    Analytical and numerical methods for structural optimization. Optimization problem formulation; optimization using calculus of variations; linear programming; nonlinear optimization; global optimization; generalized optimality criteria and dual methods; sensitivity analysis; multilevel and decomposition techniques; shape and topology optimization. Formerly numbered Engineering Mechanics 641.

  • A E 644 - Turbulent Flow

    Units: 3

    Prerequisite(s): A E 515  and A E 550 .

    Nature of turbulence based on simple flow observations and a theoretical basis for interpreting and predicting the behaviors of specialized turbulent flow problems.

  • A E 651 - Theory of Elastic Stability

    Units: 3

    Prerequisite(s): A E 310  and graduate standing in aerospace engineering.

    Stability of elastic systems. Differential equations of stability by summation of forces and moments, and by the variational method. Applications. Formerly numbered Aerospace Engineering 727 and Engineering Mechanics 727.

  • A E 670 - Optimal Control

    Units: 3

    Prerequisite(s): A E 320 , E E 420 , or M E 330 .

    Applications in aerospace engineering to include Hamilton-Jacobi-Bellman equation, maximum principle, optimal control of dynamic systems, and parameter optimization. Fuel-optimal, linear quadratic optimal control, and time-optimal problems.

  • A E 678 - State-Space Flight Control

    Units: 3

    Prerequisite(s): A E 440  with a grade of C (2.0) or better, or instructor consent for students with non-SDSU undergraduate degrees.


    State space methods of analysis and design of continuous and discrete-time linear systems. Coordinate transformations, controllability, observability of continuous and discrete systems. Lyapunov stability analysis. Detectability, pole placement, stabilizability. Minimal order observers. Aircraft and spacecraft flight control system analysis and design.


  • A E 696 - Advanced Topics in Aerospace Engineering

    Units: 1-3

    Advanced topics in aerospace structural mechanics and design to include non-linear elasticity, plasticity, analysis of plates and shells, fracture mechanics, thermal stress analysis, fatigue analysis, non-linear aeroelasticity, advanced topics in finite element methods, structural optimization and reliability analysis. May be repeated with new content.

    Note: See Class Schedule for specific content. Credit for 596 and 696 applicable to a master’s degree with approval of the graduate adviser.

  • A E 731 - Aeroelasticity

    Units: 3

    Prerequisite(s): A E 611  and A E 620 .

    Fluid-structure interaction and its static and dynamic effects on airplanes. Unsteady aerodynamics, static aeroelastic instability (divergence), aileron reversal, sweep effects, doublet lattice method, dynamic aeroelastic instability (flutter), computational dynamic aeroelasticity using NASTRAN. Formerly numbered Engineering Mechanics 731.

  • A E 797 - Research

    Units: 1-3

    Grading Method: Cr/NC/RP

    Prerequisite(s): Consent of graduate adviser.

    Research in engineering. Maximum Credits: six units applicable to a master’s degree.

  • A E 798 - Special Study

    Units: 1-3

    Grading Method: Cr/NC/RP

    Prerequisite(s): Consent of staff; to be arranged with department chair and instructor.

    Individual study. Maximum Credits: three units applicable to a master’s degree.

  • A E 799A - Thesis or Project

    Units: 3

    Grading Method: Cr/NC/RP

    Prerequisite(s): An officially appointed thesis committee and advancement to candidacy.

    Preparation of a project or thesis for the master’s degree.

  • A E 799B - Thesis or Project Extension

    Units: 0

    Grading Method: Cr/NC

    Prerequisite(s): Prior registration in Thesis or Project 799A with an assigned grade symbol of RP.

    Registration required in any semester or term following assignment of RP in Course 799A in which the student expects to use the facilities and resources of the university; also student must be registered in the course when the completed thesis is granted final approval.

  • A E 799C - Comprehensive Examination Extension

    Units: 0

    Grading Method: Cr/NC

    Prerequisite(s): Completion or concurrent enrollment in degree program courses.

    Registration required of students whose only requirement is completion of the comprehensive examination for the master’s degree. Registration in 799C limited to two semesters.

Aerospace Studies

  • A E 661 - Introduction to Static and Dynamic Aeroelasticity

    Units: 3

    Fluid-structure interaction and its static and dynamic effects on airplanes. Aileron reversal, doublet lattice method, dynamic aeroelastic instability (flutter), static aeroelastic instability (divergence), sweep effects, unsteady aerodynamics; computational dynamic aeroelasticity using NASTRAN. Formerly numbered Aerospace Engineering 731

  • A S 100A - Heritage and Values of the United States Air Force

    Units: 2

    One lecture and four hours of activity.

    Prerequisite(s): Reserve Officer Training Corps membership, or those eligible to pursue a commission with instructor consent.

    Overview of Air Force basic characteristics, missions, and organizations. Laboratory to include applied principles of motivation, organizational behavior, participative group management in solving problems, and time management.

  • A S 100B - Heritage and Values of the United States Air Force

    Units: 2

    One lecture and four hours of activity.

    Prerequisite(s): Reserve Officer Training Corps membership, or those eligible to pursue a commission with instructor consent.

    Overview of Air Force basic characteristics, missions, and organizations. Laboratory to include applied solving problems, and time management.

  • A S 101A - Heritage and Values of the United States Air Force

    Units: 1

    Overview of the United States Air Force to include basic characteristics, missions, and organization.

    Note: Open to non-minors who wish to explore the Air Force.

  • A S 101B - Heritage and Values of the United States Air Force

    Units: 1

    Overview of the United States Air Force to include basic characteristics, missions, and organization.

    Note: Open to non-minors who wish to explore the Air Force.

  • A S 200A - Team and Leadership Fundamentals

    Units: 2

    One lecture and four hours of activity.

    Prerequisite(s): Reserve Officer Training Corps membership, or those eligible to pursue a commission with instructor consent. A S 100A  and A S 100B , or concurrent registration in A S 101A  and A S 101B .

    Lecture includes development and foundations of cadet leadership for the individual and team. Laboratory to include applied principles of motivation, organizational behavior, participative group management in solving problems, and time management.

  • A S 200B - Team and Leadership Fundamentals

    Units: 2

    One lecture and four hours of activity.

    Prerequisite(s): Reserve Officer Training Corps membership, or those eligible to pursue a commission with instructor consent. A S 100A  and A S 100B , or concurrent registration in A S 101A  and A S 101B .

    Lecture includes development and foundations of cadet leadership for the individual and team. Laboratory to include applied principles of motivation, organizational behavior, participative group management in solving problems, and time management.

  • A S 201A - Team and Leadership Fundamentals

    Units: 1

    Prerequisite(s): For AFROTC cadets: Completion of A S 100A  and A S 100B , or concurrent registration in A S 101A  and A S 101B .

    Overview of the United States Air Force to include basic characteristics, missions, and organization.

    Note: Open to non-minors who wish to explore the Air Force.

  • A S 201B - Team and Leadership Fundamentals

    Units: 1

    Prerequisite(s): For AFROTC cadets: Completion of A S 100A  and A S 100B , or concurrent registration in A S 101A  and A S 101B .

    Overview of the United States Air Force to include basic characteristics, missions, and organization.

    Note: Open to non-minors who wish to explore the Air Force.

  • A S 233 - Field Training Unit

    Units: 2-3

    Grading Method: Cr/NC

    Required for advanced cadets, military orientation, and flight familiarization.

    Note: Credit granted for field training camp on basis of individual student application with approval of Aerospace Studies department chair.

  • A S 300A - Leading People and Effective Communication

    Units: 4

    Three lectures and four hours of activity.

    Prerequisite(s): Reserve Officer Training Corps membership, or those eligible to pursue a commission with instructor consent. Completion of A S 100A  and A S 100B , or A S 101A  and A S 101B  and A S 200A  and A S 200B , or A S 201A  and A S 201B . Coursework may be waived for prior enlisted service cadets.

    Lecture includes advanced experiences and skills in communication, leadership and management in supervised environments. Laboratory to include coordinating and organizing activities, exercise group planning, leadership development, management and problem-solving skills.

  • A S 300B - Leading People and Effective Communication

    Units: 4

    Three lectures and four hours of activity.

    Prerequisite(s): Reserve Officer Training Corps membership, or those eligible to pursue a commission with instructor consent. Completion of A S 100A  and A S 100B , or A S 101A  and A S 101B  and A S 200A  and A S 200B , or A S 201A  and A S 201B . Coursework may be waived for prior enlisted service cadets.

    Lecture includes advanced experiences and skills in communication, leadership, and management in supervised environments. Laboratory to include coordinating and organizing activities, exercise group planning, leadership development, management and problem-solving skills.

  • A S 400A - National Security Affairs/Preparation for Active Duty

    Units: 4

    Three lectures and four hours of activity.

    Prerequisite(s): Reserve Officer Training Corps membership, or those eligible to pursue a commission with instructor consent. Completion of A S 100A  and A S 100B , or A S 101A  and A S 101B  and A S 200A  and A S 200B , or A S 201A  and A S 201B  and A S 300A  and A S 300B . Coursework may be waived for prior enlisted service cadets.

    Lecture includes roles of military officers in American society and complex political and social issues facing military professions. Laboratory to include coordinating and organizing activities, exercise group planning, leadership development, management and problem-solving skills.

  • A S 400B - National Security Affairs/Preparation for Active Duty

    Units: 3

    Three lectures and four hours of activity.

    Prerequisite(s): Reserve Officer Training Corps membership, or those eligible to pursue a commission with instructor consent. Completion of A S 100A  and A S 100B , or A S 101A  and A S 101B  and A S 200A  and A S 200B , or A S 201A  and A S 201B  and A S 300A  and A S 300B . A S 400A . Coursework may be waived for prior enlisted service cadets.

    Lecture includes roles of military officers in American society and complex political and social issues facing military professions. Laboratory to include coordinating and organizing activities, exercise group planning, leadership development, management and problem-solving skills.

  • A S 499 - Special Study

    Units: 1-3

    Grading Method: Cr/NC (No Letter)

    Prerequisite(s): Consent of Aerospace Studies department chair.

    Individual study. Maximum Credits: six units.

Africana Studies

  • AFRAS 101 - Introduction to Africana Studies: Social and Behavioral Sciences

    Units: 3 GE

    Interdisciplinary introduction of African American thought and behavior. Subject areas include social systems, economic empowerment, self development, family dynamics, use of power, cognitive styles, interethnic communication and international relations. Review of relevant literature in social and behavioral sciences. Formerly numbered Africana Studies 101A.

    Note: This course satisfies the ethnic studies [ES] requirement.

  • AFRAS 102 - An Afrocentric Response to Generational Trauma

    Units: 3 GE

    Generational trauma to African Americans resulting from Black Lives Matter movement, Jim Crow, Maafa, and Reconstruction. Physiological, psychological, and social impacts of generational trauma. Wholeness and healing.

    Note: This course satisfies the ethnic studies [ES] requirement.

  • AFRAS 120 - Composition

    Units: 3 GE

    Prerequisite(s): Satisfaction of the SDSU Written Communication Assessment requirement. (See “Graduation Requirements ” section of catalog.) Proof of completion of prerequisite(s) required.

    Designed to develop and enhance composition and reading skills. Focus on writing skills that contribute to academic growth and development.

    Note: Not open to students with credit in a higher-numbered composition course or AMIND 120  or CCS 111B  or LING 100B  or RWS 100  [or ENGL 100 ] or RWS 105B .

  • AFRAS 140 - Oral Communication

    Units: 3 GE

    Practice in speaking, critical listening, reasoning and organizing. Theory and techniques of communications used to evaluate the effect they have on the lives of Blacks and others.

    Note: Not open to students with credit in CCS 111A  or COMM 103 .

  • AFRAS 170A - Afro-American History

    Units: 3 GE-AI

    American history from a Black perspective.

    Note: Satisfies the American Institutions requirement in American history and United States Constitution. This course satisfies the ethnic studies [ES] requirement.

  • AFRAS 170B - Afro-American History

    Units: 3 GE-AI

    American history from a Black perspective.

    Note: Satisfies the American Institutions requirement in American history and California government. This course satisfies the ethnic studies [ES] requirement.

  • AFRAS 200 - Intermediate Expository Writing and Research Fundamentals

    Units: 3 GE

    Prerequisite(s): Satisfaction of the SDSU Written Communication Assessment requirement and AFRAS 120  or AMIND 120  or CCS 111B  or LING 100B  or RWS 100  [or ENGL 100 ] or RWS 105B . Proof of completion of prerequisite(s) required: Test scores or verification of exemption; copy of transcript.

    Development of intermediate expository writing skills and application of practical research principles.

    Note: Not open to students with credit in AMIND 225 , CCS 200 , LING 200 , or RWS 200  [or ENGL 200 ].

  • AFRAS 240 - Africana Intellectual Thought

    Units: 3 GE

    Major theories and theory-makers and production of a global black intellectual tradition. Thoughts and writings of major black leaders as they relate to liberation, struggle, resistance, and cultural production.

    Note: This course satisfies the ethnic studies [ES] requirement.

  • AFRAS 260 - Africana Literary Study

    Units: 3 GE

    Oral and written literature produced by people of African descent. How Africana people use language to communicate their history and culture. Basic literary vocabulary, techniques, and theories for the non-specialist.

    Note: This course satisfies the ethnic studies [ES] requirement.

  • AFRAS 296 - Experimental Topics

    Units: 1-4

    Selected topics. May be repeated with new content.

    Note: See Class Schedule for specific content. Limit of nine units of any combination of 296, 496, 596 courses applicable to a bachelor’s degree.

  • AFRAS 300 - Afro-Brazilian Community, Culture, and Identity

    Units: 3 GE

    Culture, history, and the social institutions of Brazilians of African descent. Economic and political standing in Brazil’s contemporary urban and traditional rural societies.

  • AFRAS 305W - Writing in Various Settings

    Units: 3

    Prerequisite(s): Satisfies Graduation Writing Assessment Requirement for students who have completed 60 units; completed Writing Placement Assessment with a score of 8 or higher (or earned a grade of C (2.0) or better in RWS 280 , RWS 281  [or LING 281 ] if score on WPA was 6 or lower); and completed General Education requirements in Communication and Critical Thinking. Proof of completion of prerequisite(s) required: Test scores or verification of exemption; copy of transcript.

    Compose effective texts for a wide range of situations in and out of the university. Adjust textual elements for specific audiences, purposes, and settings. Enhance critical reading and writing skills by exploring how content contributes to meaning and effectiveness.

  • AFRAS 315 - Martial Arts and Wellness Culture of Asia, Africa, and African Diaspora

    Units: 3

    Prerequisite(s): AFRAS 101  or ASIAN 101 

    Global practice of martial arts and sports examined through an African lens. African Diaspora. Asian cultures. Intersectionality of martial arts and sports as tools for self-defense, traditional healing, and well-being.

  • AFRAS 320 - Political Economy of African Diaspora

    Units: 3 GE

    Political economy of urban growth, development, and redevelopment in African diaspora, examined in historical and contemporary contexts. Race and class inequality and conflict; effectiveness of public and private sector decisions and programs.

    Note: This course satisfies the general education cultural diversity requirement.

  • AFRAS 321 - Black Political Participation in America

    Units: 3 GE

    Afro-American political life and development in the United States. Interaction between Afro-Americans and various actors, institution processes, and policies of the American system of politics and governance.

    Note: This course satisfies the general education cultural diversity requirement.

  • AFRAS 322 - African American Political Thought

    Units: 3 GE

    Political and social thought underlying principles, goals, strategies developed by African Americans in struggle for social development and human rights. Focus on twentieth century thought.

    Note: This course satisfies the general education cultural diversity requirement.

  • AFRAS 327 - Critical Theories in Africana Studies

    Units: 3

    Major historical and contemporary theories and thinkers that have defined and continue to define discipline of Africana studies. Comparative analyses of diverse voices and perspectives.

    Note: This course satisfies the ethnic studies [ES] requirement.

  • AFRAS 331 - The Black Family

    Units: 3 GE

    Structure and functions of the Black family in contemporary American society.

    Note: This course satisfies the ethnic studies [ES] requirement.

  • AFRAS 332 - Black Women: Myth and Reality

    Units: 3 GE

    Images of Black women in America and how those images have been distorted.

    Note: This course satisfies the ethnic studies [ES] requirement.

  • AFRAS 333 - Black Women’s History

    Units: 3 GE

    Prerequisite(s): Completion of the General Education requirement in Communication and Critical Thinking, I.2. Written Communication.

    Black women’s experiences during enslavement and Jim Crow. Struggles of liberation and the shaping of American society.

  • AFRAS 341 - Cultural Patterns and African American Identity

    Units: 3 GE

    Prerequisite(s): Prerequisite(s) recommended: AFRAS 101 .

    Impact of social institutions on African American identity and cultural patterns.

  • AFRAS 351 - Black Religions and Spirituality

    Units: 3 GE

    Same As: REL S 351  
    Major Black religious and spiritual responses and expressions in Africa and Black diaspora, including creation of institutions to support and advance religious and spiritual matters.

    Note: This course satisfies the ethnic studies [ES] requirement.

  • AFRAS 363 - Sociocultural Analysis of Black Languages

    Units: 3

    Same As: LING 363  
    Social and cultural functions of Black languages, verbal and nonverbal, in Afro-American life, and their profound impact on larger society. Also, a probe into issues concerning validity of Black English.

    Note: This course satisfies the ethnic studies [ES] requirement.

  • AFRAS 365A - African American Literature to 1900

    Units: 3 GE

    Same As: ENGL 365A  
    Eighteenth and nineteenth century writing by African American authors. Issues of literary form, canon formation, and sociopolitical impact of the literature upon African American culture.

    Note: This course satisfies the general education cultural diversity requirement.

  • AFRAS 365B - African American Literature After 1900

    Units: 3 GE

    Same As: ENGL 365B  
    Writing by African American authors after 1900. Issues of literary form, canon formation and sociopolitical impact of the literature upon African American and American culture of the twentieth and twenty-first centuries.

    Note: This course satisfies the general education cultural diversity requirement.

  • AFRAS 380 - Blacks in the American Justice System

    Units: 3 GE

    Interpretation and application of constitutional principles and judicial decisions to political and social problems faced by Afro-Americans.

    Note: This course satisfies the general education cultural diversity requirement.


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