Major Code Key:
U = Undergraduate
G = Graduate
+ = Emphasis within another bachelor’s degree
¢ = Concentration within another master’s or Ph.D. degree
# = Specialization within another bachelor’s degree
^ = Specialization within another master’s degree
Accountancy |
05021 |
G |
+ |
Accounting |
05021 |
U |
Africana Studies |
22111 |
U |
American Indian Studies |
22121 |
Anthropology |
22021 |
U,G |
Applied Mathematics |
17031 |
G |
Art |
10021 |
U,G |
+ ¢ |
Art History |
10031 |
U,G |
+ |
Graphic Design |
10091 |
U |
+ |
Interior Architecture |
02031 |
U |
+ |
Multimedia |
06991 |
U |
Art - MFA |
10022 |
G |
Asian Studies |
03011 |
U,G |
+ |
Chinese Studies and Language |
03011 |
U |
Astronomy |
19111 |
U,G |
Athletic Training |
08375 |
U,G |
Audiology |
12202 |
G |
Big Data Analytics |
05071 |
G |
Bioinformatics and Medical Informatics |
07994 |
G |
Biology |
04011 |
U,G |
+ |
Business Administration |
05011 |
U,G |
Business Administration and Juris Doctor (concurrent program) |
05011 |
G |
Business Administration and Latin American Studies (concurrent program) |
49061 |
G |
+ |
Chemical Physics |
19081 |
U |
Chemistry |
19051 |
U,G |
+ |
Biochemistry |
19051 |
U |
Chicana and Chicano Studies |
22131 |
U,G |
Child Development |
08231 |
U,G |
City Planning |
02061 |
G |
Classics |
15041 |
U |
Clinical Psychology |
20031 |
G |
Communication |
15061 |
U |
^ |
Communication Studies |
06011 |
G |
Comparative International Studies |
22997 |
U |
Comparative Literature |
15031 |
U |
Computational Science |
07992 |
G |
Computer Science |
07011 |
U,G |
Counseling |
08261 |
G |
Creative Writing |
15071 |
G |
Criminal Justice |
21051 |
U |
¢ |
Criminal Justice Administration |
21051 |
G |
Criminal Justice and Criminology |
22091 |
G |
Cybersecurity Management |
07031 |
G |
Dance |
10081 |
U |
Dance - BFA |
10082 |
U |
Doctor of Physical Therapy |
12122 |
G |
¢ |
Ecology |
04201 |
G |
Economics |
22041 |
U,G |
Education (Ed.D.) |
08291 |
G |
School Psychology (M.S., Ed.S.) |
20013 |
G |
Education (MAT) |
08292 |
G |
Education |
08011 |
G |
¢ |
Counseling |
08261 |
G |
Dual Language and English Learner Education |
08994 |
G |
Educational Leadership |
08271 |
G |
¢ |
EDL: PreK-12 School Leadership |
08272 |
G |
¢ |
EDL: Community College/Post-secondary Leadership |
08273 |
G |
¢ |
Elementary Curriculum and Instruction |
08021 |
G |
¢ |
Mathematics Education K-8 |
17012 |
G |
¢ |
Reading Education |
08301 |
G |
¢ |
Secondary Curriculum and Instruction |
08301 |
G |
Special Education |
08081 |
G |
Engineering |
09134 |
G |
Aerospace Engineering |
09021 |
U,G |
Bioengineering |
09051 |
U,G |
Civil Engineering |
09081 |
U,G |
Computer Engineering |
09094 |
U,G |
Construction Engineering |
09254 |
U |
Electrical and Computer Engineering |
09095 |
G |
Electrical Engineering |
09091 |
U,G |
Environmental Engineering |
09221 |
U,G |
Mechanical and Aerospace/Engineering |
19020 |
G |
Mechanical Engineering |
09101 |
U,G |
Structural Engineering |
09084 |
G |
English |
15011 |
U,G |
¢ |
Entrepreneurship |
05997 |
G |
Environmental Sciences |
49011 |
U |
Epidemiology |
04154 |
G |
European Studies |
03101 |
U |
Evolutionary Biology |
04016 |
G |
Exercise Physiology |
08355 |
G |
Exercise Physiology and Nutritional Science (concurrent program) |
08356 |
G |
Film and Television Production - MFA |
10102 |
G |
+ |
Finance |
05041 |
U,G |
+ |
Financial Services |
05043 |
U |
+ ¢ |
Financial and Tax Planning |
05043 |
G |
Foods and Nutrition |
13061 |
U |
French |
11021 |
U,G |
Geography |
22061 |
U,G |
Geological Sciences |
19141 |
U,G |
Geophysics |
19160 |
G |
German |
11031 |
U |
Gerontology |
12043 |
U,G |
Global Business Development |
05131 |
G |
Health Communication |
06013 |
U |
Homeland Security |
22102 |
G |
History |
22051 |
U,G |
Hospitality and Tourism Management |
05081 |
U,G |
Humanities |
15991 |
U |
¢ |
Human Resource Management |
05151 |
G |
+ |
Information Systems |
07021 |
U,G |
Interdisciplinary Studies |
49993 |
U,G |
Interdisciplinary Research on Substance Use |
49075 |
G |
¢ |
International Business |
05131 |
U,G |
International Security and Conflict Resolution |
22103 |
U |
Islamic and Arabic Studies |
15103 |
U |
Japanese |
11081 |
U |
Journalism |
06021 |
U |
+ |
Advertising |
06041 |
U |
Mass Communication |
06010 |
G |
+ |
Media Studies |
06010 |
U |
+ |
Public Relations |
05992 |
U |
Juris Doctor and Social Work (concurrent program) |
21041 |
G |
Kinesiology |
08351 |
U,G |
Language and Communicative Disorders |
12201 |
G |
Language, Culture, and Society |
22024 |
U |
Latin American Studies |
03081 |
U,G |
Latin American Studies and Business Administration (concurrent program) |
49061 |
G |
Latin American Studies and Public Administration (concurrent program) |
21020 |
G |
Latin American Studies and Public Health (concurrent program) |
49062 |
G |
Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer, and Plus (LGBTQ+) Studies |
22990 |
U |
Learning Design and Technology |
08992 |
G |
Liberal Arts and Sciences |
49017 |
G |
Liberal Studies |
49012 |
U |
Linguistics |
15051 |
U,G |
+ ¢ |
Management |
05061 |
U,G |
+ ¢ |
Marketing |
05091 |
U,G |
Mathematics-B.A. degree |
17011 |
U,G |
Mathematics-B.S. degree |
17031 |
U |
Mathematics and Science Education |
08997 |
G |
Medical Physics |
12251 |
G |
Meeting and Event Management |
05086 |
G |
Microbiology |
04111 |
U,G |
Modern Jewish Studies |
15102 |
U |
¢ |
Molecular Biology |
04161 |
G |
Music |
10041 |
U,G |
Music |
10051 |
U,G |
Nursing |
12031 |
U |
Nursing |
12032 |
U,G |
Nutritional Sciences |
13061 |
G |
Nutritional Science and Exercise Physiology (concurrent program) |
08356 |
G |
¢ |
Operations Management |
05064 |
G |
Philosophy |
15091 |
U,G |
Physical Science |
19011 |
U |
Physics |
19021 |
U,G |
¢ |
Physiology |
04101 |
G |
Political Science |
22071 |
U,G |
Post Secondary Educational Leadership |
08271 |
G |
Psychology |
20011 |
U,G |
Public Administration |
21021 |
U,G |
Public Administration and Latin American Studies (concurrent program) |
21020 |
G |
Public Health |
12141 |
U,G |
¢ |
Health Behavior |
12143 |
G |
Public Health and Latin American Studies (concurrent program) |
49062 |
G |
Public Health and Social Work (concurrent program) |
12991 |
G |
+ ¢ |
Real Estate |
05111 |
U,G |
Recreation Administration |
21031 |
U |
Regulatory Affairs |
49045 |
G |
Rehabilitation Counseling |
12221 |
G |
Religious Studies |
15101 |
U |
Rhetoric and Writing Studies |
15013 |
U,G |
Russian |
11061 |
U |
Russian and Central European Studies |
03071 |
U |
Screen Writing |
06034 |
G |
Social Science |
22011 |
U |
Social Work |
21041 |
U,G |
Social Work and Juris Doctor (concurrent program) |
21041 |
G |
Social Work and Public Health (concurrent program) |
12991 |
G |
Sociology |
22081 |
U,G |
Spanish |
11051 |
U,G |
Speech, Language, and Hearing Sciences |
12203 |
U,G |
Statistics |
17021 |
U,G |
Sustainability |
49101 |
U |
¢ |
Systematics and Evolutionary Biology (Zoology) |
04071 |
G |
¢ |
Taxation |
05022 |
G |
Teacher Leadership |
08295 |
G |
Television, Film and New Media |
06031 |
U |
Theatre Arts |
10071 |
U,G |
Theatre Arts - MFA |
10072 |
G |
Undeclared |
00000 |
U |
Urban Studies |
22141 |
U |
Vocational Education |
08395 |
U |
Women’s Studies |
49991 |
U,G |
* See following page for Numerical Listing of Major Codes and Credential Codes.
Numerical Listing of Major Codes
00000 |
U |
Undeclared |
02031 |
U |
+ |
Interior Architecture |
02061 |
G |
¢ |
City Planning |
03011 |
U,G |
Asian Studies |
03011 |
U |
+ |
Chinese Studies and Language |
03071 |
U |
Russian and East European Studies |
03081 |
U,G |
Latin American Studies |
03101 |
U |
European Studies |
04011 |
U,G |
Biology |
04016 |
G |
Evolutionary Biology |
04071 |
G |
¢ |
Systematics Evolutionary Biology (Zoology) |
04101 |
G |
¢ |
Physiology |
04111 |
U,G |
Microbiology |
04154 |
G |
Epidemiology |
04161 |
G |
¢ |
Molecular Biology |
04201 |
G |
¢ |
Ecology |
05011 |
U,G |
Business Administration |
05011 |
G |
Business Administration and Juris Doctor (concurrent program) |
05016 |
G |
¢ |
Life Sciences |
05021 |
G |
Accountancy |
05021 |
U |
+ |
Accounting |
05022 |
G |
¢ |
Taxation |
05041 |
U,G |
+ |
Finance |
05043 |
U |
Financial Services |
05043 |
G |
¢ |
Financial and Tax Planning |
05061 |
U,G |
+ ¢ |
Management |
05064 |
G |
¢ |
Operations Management |
05071 |
G |
Big Data Analytics |
05081 |
U,G |
Hospitality and Tourism Management |
05086 |
G |
Meeting and Event Management |
05091 |
U,G |
¢ |
Marketing |
05111 |
U,G |
+ ¢ |
Real Estate |
05131 |
G |
Global Business Development |
05131 |
U,G |
+ ¢ |
International Business |
05151 |
G |
¢ |
Human Resource Management |
05992 |
U |
+ |
Public Relations |
05997 |
G |
¢ |
Entrepreneurship |
06010 |
G |
Mass Communication |
06011 |
G |
^ |
Communication Studies |
06013 |
U |
Health Communication |
06021 |
U |
Journalism |
06021 |
U |
+ |
Media Studies |
06031 |
U |
Television, Film and New Media |
06034 |
G |
Screen Writing |
06041 |
U |
+ |
Advertising |
06991 |
U |
+ |
Multimedia |
07011 |
U,G |
Computer Science |
07021 |
U,G |
+ |
Information Systems |
07031 |
G |
Cybersecurity Management |
07992 |
G |
Computational Science |
07994 |
G |
Bioinformatics and Medical Informatics |
08011 |
G |
Education |
08021 |
G |
¢ |
Elementary Curriculum, Instruction |
08031 |
G |
¢ |
Secondary Curriculum, Instruction |
08081 |
G |
Special Education |
08231 |
U,G |
Child Development |
08261 |
G |
Counseling |
08271 |
G |
Educational Leadership |
08271 |
G |
Postsecondary Educational Leadership |
08272 |
G |
¢ |
EDL: PreK-12 School Leadership |
08273 |
G |
¢ |
EDL: Community College/Postsecondary Leadership |
08291 |
G |
Education (Ed.D.) |
08292 |
G |
Education (MAT) |
08295 |
G |
Teacher Leadership |
08301 |
G |
¢ |
Reading Education |
08351 |
U,G |
Kinesiology |
08355 |
G |
Exercise Physiology |
08356 |
G |
Nutritional Science and Exercise Physiology (concurrent program) |
08375 |
U,G |
Athletic Training |
08395 |
U |
Vocational Education |
08992 |
G |
Learning Design and Technology |
08994 |
G |
Dual Language and English Learner Education |
08997 |
G |
Mathematics and Science Education |
09021 |
U,G |
Aerospace Engineering |
09051 |
U,G |
Bioengineering |
09081 |
U,G |
Civil Engineering |
09084 |
G |
Structural Engineering |
09091 |
U,G |
Electrical Engineering |
09094 |
U,G |
Computer Engineering |
09095 |
G |
Electrical and Computer Engineering |
09101 |
U,G |
Mechanical Engineering |
09134 |
G |
Engineering |
09221 |
U,G |
Environmental Engineering |
09254 |
U |
Construction Engineering |
10021 |
U,G |
Art |
10022 |
G |
Art - MFA |
10031 |
U,G |
+ ¢ |
Art History |
10041 |
U,G |
Music |
10051 |
U,G |
Music |
10071 |
U,G |
Theatre Arts |
10072 |
G |
Theatre Arts - MFA |
10081 |
U |
Dance |
10082 |
U |
Dance - BFA |
10091 |
U |
+ |
Graphic Design |
10102 |
G |
Film and Television Production - MFA |
11021 |
U,G |
French |
11031 |
U |
German |
11051 |
U,G |
Spanish |
11061 |
U |
Russian |
11081 |
U |
Japanese |
12031 |
U,G |
Nursing |
12032 |
U |
Nursing |
12043 |
U,G |
Gerontology |
12122 |
G |
Doctor of Physical Therapy |
12141 |
U,G |
Public Health |
12143 |
G |
¢ |
Health Behavior |
12202 |
G |
Audiology |
12203 |
G |
Language and Communicative Disorders |
12203 |
U,G |
Speech, Language, and Hearing Sciences |
12221 |
G |
Rehabilitation Counseling |
12251 |
G |
Medical Physics |
12991 |
G |
Social Work and Public Health (concurrent program) |
13061 |
U |
Foods and Nutrition |
13061 |
G |
Nutritional Sciences |
15011 |
U,G |
English |
15013 |
U,G |
Rhetoric and Writing Studies |
15031 |
U |
Comparative Literature |
15041 |
U |
Classics |
15051 |
U,G |
Linguistics |
15061 |
U |
Communication |
15071 |
G |
Creative Writing |
15091 |
U,G |
Philosophy |
15101 |
U |
Religious Studies |
15102 |
U |
Modern Jewish Studies |
15103 |
U |
Islamic and Arabic Studies |
15991 |
U |
Humanities |
17011 |
U,G |
Mathematics-B.A. degree |
17012 |
G |
¢ |
Mathematics Education K-8 |
17021 |
U,G |
Statistics |
17031 |
G |
Applied Mathematics |
17031 |
U |
Mathematics-B.S. degree |
19011 |
U |
Physical Science |
19020 |
G |
Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering |
19021 |
U,G |
Physics |
19051 |
U,G |
Chemistry |
19051 |
U |
Biochemistry |
19081 |
U |
Chemical Physics |
19111 |
U,G |
Astronomy |
19141 |
U,G |
Geological Sciences |
19160 |
G |
Geophysics |
20011 |
U,G |
Psychology |
20013 |
G |
School Psychology (M.S., Ed.S.) |
20031 |
G |
Clinical Psychology |
21020 |
G |
Public Administration and Latin American Studies (concurrent program) |
21021 |
U,G |
Public Administration |
21031 |
U |
Recreation Administration |
21041 |
U,G |
Social Work |
21041 |
G |
Social Work and Juris Doctor (concurrent program) |
21051 |
U |
Criminal Justice |
21051 |
G |
¢ |
Criminal Justice Administration |
22011 |
U |
Social Science |
22021 |
U,G |
Anthropology |
22024 |
U |
Language, Culture, and Society |
22041 |
U,G |
Economics |
22051 |
U,G |
History |
22061 |
U,G |
Geography |
22071 |
U,G |
Political Science |
22081 |
U,G |
Sociology |
22091 |
G |
Criminal Justice and Criminology |
22102 |
G |
Homeland Security |
22103 |
U |
International Security and Conflict Resolution |
22111 |
U |
Africana Studies |
22121 |
U |
American Indian Studies |
22131 |
U,G |
Chicana and Chicano Studies |
22141 |
U |
Urban Studies |
22990 |
U |
Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer, and Plus (LGBTQ+) Studies |
22997 |
U |
Comparative International Studies |
49011 |
U |
Environmental Sciences |
49012 |
U |
Liberal Studies |
49017 |
G |
Liberal Arts and Sciences |
49045 |
G |
Regulatory Affairs |
49061 |
G |
Business Administration and Latin American Studies (concurrent program) |
49062 |
G |
Latin American Studies and Public Health (concurrent program) |
49075 |
G |
Interdisciplinary Research on Substance Use |
49101 |
U |
Sustainability |
49991 |
U,G |
Women’s Studies |
49993 |
U,G |
Interdisciplinary Studies |
Codes for Credentials
Single Subject Instruction: 00100
Multiple Subject Instruction: 00200
Bilingual Authorization
- Single Subject: 00100
- Multiple Subject: 00200
Reading and Literacy Leadership Specialist: 00410
Reading and Literacy Added Authorization: 00415
Special Education: Early Childhood Added Authorization: 00419
Special Education: Early Childhood Special Education: 00436
Special Education: Mild to Moderate Support Needs: 00486
Special Education: Extensive Support Needs: 00487
Administrative Services (Preliminary): 00501
Administrative Services (Professional Clear): 00502
Pupil Personnel Services
School Counseling: 00802
Child Welfare and Attendance: 00801
School Social Work: 00803
School Psychology: 00804
Speech Language Pathology: 00900
Language, Speech, Hearing, and Audiology: 00902
Language, Speech, and Hearing including Special Class Authorization: 00910
Language, Speech, and Hearing adding Special Class Authorization: 00911